ITT we write Trump's 2020 election speech. I'll start:
>I, Donald Trump, hereby concede victory to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
ITT we write Trump's 2020 election speech. I'll start:
>I, Donald Trump, hereby concede victory to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Sage. Deny this faggot your memetic energy, /pol. No more (You)s.
He'll have had a heart attack before he makes it to 2020.
AOC won't be old enough to run for President, not even in 2020 or 2024.
>dumb CIA-funded discord trannies in charge of knowing basic facts about their own anti-white candidates
it's easy enough to suck in a gut like that, plus he's like 70
you cant suck in a donkey mouth and that dry hair and pussy at age 25 or whatever
ITT OP fellates his gay imagination
Womp womp
...after witnessing her humiliate and defeat me in the debates, I now know she will succeed where I so embarrassingly failed: making America great again.
>My condolences go out to Angela Merkel, who was found raped to death by a tanned white German man.