Can someone on Jow Forums please fucking explain to me how these people came to be? There are so many of them.
Rise of the communist trannies
The real question is why they all use Anime which shares none of their gay fucking values
Anime shares ALL of their values. It's feminine, weak, fake and gay.
aint it great when your enemies make themselves look ridiculous!
Literally largest shows are all male dominated shonen
All of the major animu revolve around weak characters becoming stronger
Invokes more reality of the world than any other media
Fuck you
they just want other people to pay for their drugs and surgeries and think that communism will do it for them
They're autistic and never leave the house
They use discord to coordinate raids and spam Jow Forums. Most are on disability/neetbux so they have all the time in the world to spam their garbage.
Complete and total lack of self-awareness and responsibility.
>I was ugly and weird as a man, but women have life on easy mode so I'll be a cute girl instead!
>ignores basic facts of anatomy
>I'm a lazy stupid piece of shit who can't hold down a job, but I heard this communism thing takes money from people who earned it and gives it to me!
>ignores that they'd be sent to the gulag instantly for being useless if real communism ever happened
Because they're entirely ignorant of history
I don't care, they'll all be dead soon anyways
In my opinion it's just confirmation, most of this weak abnominas come from broke and confused households.
They banned dressing up as "nazis" for their gay orgies so they go for anime as a proxy
The aesthetic is feminine and appeals to feminine people.
>Fuck you
lmao, you should just go on HRT
they are subhuman lifeless faggots who have one goal in life, to fuck over and ruin lives of people who have better lives and achieved more than they ever will.
they have a pathological hatred of anyone opposing them, they are ignorant faggots who are obsessed with spreading their degeneracy and cancerous thoughts onto other people, hoping those people will become on of them too.
they see themselves as misguided and perfect beings who feel oppressed, but want to feel treated as special snowflakes and hoping no one will see them for what they really are and trying to stop spreading their faggotry.
these are not just regular commie trannies, but a special kind of subhuman scum who are almost impossible to stop, unless they reveal themselves. these abominations are a form of demons crawling on Earth, trying to live on and trying to bring death upon everyone who is not like them.
they are the useful idiots Bezmenov talked about.
All by using the bullshit magical words: "fair share" like this means anything
>advocate a system they'd likely be killed under
Turning the 40% into 100%. I like it.
far as I know. Commies don't share their value too. I mean why a hammer and a sickle??? what's the idea? they do not work land, do not build, do not share things, do not work for each other and aren't in any way increasing the means of production.
jews = communism = transsexuals
>I mean why a hammer and a sickle??? what's the idea? they do not work land, do not build, do not share things, do not work for each other and aren't in any way increasing the means of production.
jews always try to co-opt groups to promote their own selfish ends.
in the US it's niggers, in 20th century europe it was workers.
I still don't see why are big gays using the same symbols.
>in the US it's niggers, in 20th century europe it was workers.
jews stabs when your guard is down. If the entrepreneurs and corporations of that time would knew how to pay their workers and make economy work how based Adam Smith told them ,wouldn't have this problem. But low salary, corruptions and many ours of work without the possibility of evolution resulted in communism
They are mentally ill
They became Commies because they're mentally ill and it's fashionable among mentally ill people
They became trannies because they're mentally ill and it's fashionable among mentally ill people
Lenin legalized lgbt people. It was stalin who made it illegal again and his kind of communism had a strong authoritarian/fascist tint.
>Smoke Heroin
They're not long for this world.
where else can they go? trans people don't get allowed a platform anywhere so the Left picked them up.
Didn't Blue want to stick his dick in little boys though?
They dream of commie gibs because they'll need expensive medical care for the rest of their lives.
It's a fad and will burn out, those who have ruined their bodies on that altar will eventually kys when pushed in irrelevancy.
>the anime that is seen fit to be (((promoted))) to mainstream Western exposure shares ALL of their values. It's feminine, weak, fake and gay.
There have always been people who are hell bent on annoying others.
why is romania based today, usually they are the worst shit posters
Really? I rarely see Romanian shitposters
Nah real communism is peaceful and everyone gets fair treatment.
>mentally insane.
>incompetent at everything, including living as their biological gender.
>wants to rule over everyone in a one-party, totalitarian government so they can steal others' wealth.
What else is new?
This is clearly Equestria Girls Fluttershy copy. Goddamn Japs.
i know, kikes hate me and they tried to ruin my reputation for being so based and mentioning Communism and jews.
do Japanese like ponies?
Because they don't want to work. So they larp as the workers because they have no money and want the state to bail them out with neetbux
they use their neetbux to fund their raids against Jow Forums.
Yes they do, there is quite a number of jap artists doing horse art.
Anime website
doesn't change that fact that anime is currently being hijacked by insane trannies.
did not expect that. how is Pony anime?
holy shit
tump getting elected was a psyop to unify the left and it worked, hillary clinton should have won and things would be totally different
>didn't iron the flags
>that fucking Christmas lights placement
Communism destroys the human soul completely. So does lying at the deepest level and mutilating your body into a twisted lie. Its perfectly natural that trannies would feel drawn to communism. All people who have extinguished the truth within themselves are perfect for it.
It's not, but you know Japs. They love cute stuff.
And they will never succeed.
and Ponies are cute enough for them to exploit.
Some of them came from Weird Twitter which (surprise) counted as members our gals Zoe and Anita. They appear to have been recruited to team up with trannies and SJWs in various agencies both inside and outside the US to help psyop people Obama and Hillary and Soros didn’t like.
Look it up, Weird Twitter.
Dumbfuck Jow Forumstard.
Post your microdick.
Go back to your tranny discord you fucking freak.
Post your microdick.
Based Roman bro
Once your mind is weakened by mental illness you are more susceptible to others
Post your dilated gash first. I want a good close up of the scabby pus-filled interior.
who gives a fuck its great optics for us despite how hard they push it most people are still repulsed by those "people"
thanks based Spartan, wish we Dacians met more Spartans on Jow Forums.
i simply said the truth, and this is why i am hated by some faggots. discord faggots that is...
Communism benefits them greatly and will probably put them in control
>spend life watching girl's cartoons
>"i'm a girl too, just like Sailor Moon!!"
>cut off your dick
>people on Jow Forums and other anime websites make fun of you
>look for a new group to become attached to
>"Wow these reddit/twitter commies are just as worthless as I am! They don't believe in self-discipline, bettering yourself or working hard. I'm a communist now!"
>and will probably put them in control
That's what a lot of commies think when they're feeling zealous. Unfortunately for them there's anyways someone more cunning than they are. They'll always be nothing more than useful idiots.
Can somebody fix the spelling of ideology on this pic plz
Yes, Stalin would have liquidated all these degenerates.
This is what happens when you believe literally everything you read on the internet.
They do it to annoy Jow Forumsboys because they like us...
wasn't always that way though.
Hokuto no ken was fucking based but now its only really a meme.
i wish more shows like that would be made
lol "raids"
all they do is make aoc threads and tranny and trap and bbc threads...thats less of a raid and more like we got cockroaches, a disgusting pest sure, but it doesn't stop the methlab from rolling does it...on top of being pathetic too weak to live faggots in dresses, they are alos powerfless and irrelevant....what have they accomplished with the spam besides creating numerous now largely hidden backup chat/ircs/discords/teamspeak etc where people carry on w/o jannies or trannies to worry about while keeping an eye here so they can jump ina tranny thread call them faggots and remind everyone to sage. Oh my god so, powerful, so progressive...nazis used to work to demonize their opponents to the public, today, our opponents do that themselves all we gotta do is screen capture lol
these faggots are raiding Jow Forums, and their AOC, trap, tranny, and bbc threads are proof of it.
discord faggots are channeling their energy against Jow Forums. they think their raids will not be seen by everyone, they are powerless and actually think they have power over anyone.
>our opponents do that themselves all we gotta do is screen capture lol
and i have enough screencaps to last for a whole life. and i actually found a discord faggot who tried to call everyone else a "discord raiding kike", out of pure schizophrenia, while accidentally exposing himself as a discord faggot. pic related is a very great example of a discord faggot trying too hard.
They are mentally ill. We can’t expect their behavior to make sense.
>There are so many of them.
I only see one, YOU
>gypsy calling anybody subhuman
top fucking jej m8
>. It was stalin who made it illegal again and his kind of communism had a strong authoritarian/fascist tint
Why don't we all just be nazbols at this point?
Every tranny is an overly vocal fag
t. tranny
cringe and bluepilled
learn to figure out cause and effect before making stupid posts
true, they tried so hard in December.
he is mad because all of Jow Forums, including Jow Forums, will always have Anime no matter what.
every single discord tranny that raids Jow Forums has an anime avatar, all fucking 200 of them across the 4 discords
they probably use Anime so as to ruin Anime's reputation, in order to associate Anime on Jow Forums with discord faggots. just my guess.
there is a crossover between pathological narcicism and attention whore feel good identities/political beleifs
it all cries out "please recognize me as the superior self hating yet benevolent white" and "look at me I'm different, and retarded, therefor brave!"
this shouldn't suprise you
>He says as he posts a picture of LE QT SMUG ANIMU GIRL
Literally all trannies watch anime and dress up as anime girls. It's a fact. Almost every tranny has anime posters plastered on walls of their room. Even gook anime cons in Japan are full of jap men cosplaying as maid catgirls. Anime turns men gay. Anime gives people degenerate fetishes. Anime promotes pedophilia. Your 3 popular shonen animes are goddamn EXCEPTIONS to the rule, statistically 90% of anime these days is moe shit and that's what most people (including you) watch. How in the fuck a grown fucking man can shamelessly watch an animated show about sexualized schoolgirls is beyond me. Or any piece of shit generic fantasy moe diarrhea with QT WAIFUS designed by some greasy gook who probably rubs his one inch microdick as he animates giant redpilled "TIDDIES" bouncing. Yeah anthropomorphic battleship lolis, TRUE fucking redpill. Typical male heroes might be doing super epic kungfu shit but they are almost always designed to look like emasculated pussy teenage boys. You fucking Mongol rape baby weeb.
I don't care what retarded commies think
heil kaiser reinhardt
just don't watch new stuff
but wow you really raped his tigers
I like old stuff like Hokuto no Ken or Golgo 13 for example, I just can't fucking stand this whole fucking degenerate moe circlejerk and weeb faggots denying that modern anime is anything but degenerate fetishized pile of shit and calling any criticism of anime in any form "reddit" and pretending that big tits schoolgirl bikini slice of life anime no. 9999 is redpilled. Hell even Goblin Slayer wasn't redpilled, it was another generic fantasy manga with the same old generic cliche tropes that had been done 1000 times before, western fantasy included but I geuss illiterate weebs wouldn't know that. Muh "based " rape scene, so fresh and original. Weebs here are delusional and hypocritical, trying to dissociate themselves from weeb trannies in one post and posting their favorite "trap" catboy with feminine penis they had jerked off a 100 times in another. Fuck this website, I want a genuine political discussion not opinionated SMUG ANIME GIRL posters who deny evidence and contribute nothing to the quality of the board. How does hating moe shit makes me reddit? Reddit anime subs get more traffic than /a/ ffs. Fuck you.
The people already susceptible to this would have done this anyway. Perfectly healthy guys with a wife and kids can watch anime without wishing to be the girl. They were already mentally ill and brain damaged
I found what is not true.
just like you find degenerate trannies and weirdos dressIng up as a video game or movie character, so that means all video games and movies are bad?
another reminder
u mad?
No. They wouldn't even have come out of the closet without the encouragement of like-minded degenerates they could find, guess where, in anime discussion groups online. I don't know the exact workings of a tranny mind but I'm sure anime itself makes it worse because it's an inspiration to them. And also anime is sexualized as fuck and a lot of people find it extremely attractive and it facilitates the development of fetishes. Trannies exploit this and want to be like an anime girl because anime is an extremely popular wank material (as evidenced by top porn categories in many western countries, where "hentai" easily makes it into top 10).
only anime I liked in the past few years were erased (even if it was obvious) and 91 days, so I dunno
you don't need to write that much friend
I guess you truly value your waifu more than the future of your country? How does it feel knowing that as we speak Jamal is planting his seed in prime Scandinavian pussy while you jerk your microdick to "superior" 2D, you pathetic weeb nordcuck?