Was he right?
Has the Industrial Revolution ruined our species?
Was he right?
Not really
We were already shit
That would be firearms and nukes
Just another over-analytical, soulless Jew. The industrial revolution like most things has had some negative effects but it's also had some absolutely amazing positives.
not sure if it alone ruined us, but it surely played a part
Spoken like a true beta male industrialized cuck
Technically, ut was farming.
But the industrial revolution put it in died mode.
Like shidposting :--D
And Sonik
he was very close, though, but his extreme individualism prevented him from realizing a) that scientific advancement isn't a "surrogate activity" (at least, not for everyone) in the sense that it's devoid of meaning, but that it's more like religious worship of the material world and b) the reason that life is so meaningless is because we abandoned god and worshipped the self and the material
please do not lie
>Birth of Hollywood
Absolutely. Post your rare teds and next time link the manifesto in the OP
The sad truth mister american is that there will be no humans in the future you desire and there will be no person smart enough to adapt to the future we live in today in a few generations.
Idt anarcho primitivists even have to lift their finger for technology to recede, since humans will degrade beyond the means to comprehend how to even use let alone manufacture these machines.
And if you add in the fermi paradox the future is sealed, we will never be a multiplanetary species because the univerese has denied the 40 billion attempts before us in the milky way galaxy alone let alone the entire universe.
What, you mean like the exponential growth of Africa, India, China, and the complete effeminization of western men?
Oh and don't forget the jewish propaganda machine!
film was a great invention
nothing stops a white man from making movies
Ya bruh thanks to the invention of film, I can watch BLACKED anytime I want!
Film was a terrible invention.
No longer will stories be told and retold over bonfires but pictures and films will be shared digitally and in the moment, the second you bring it up to tell someone about it, they've already seen it or they will immediately ask for footage of the event.
Another one of several crucial social interactions destroyed forever with the invention of the 'smart' dumb phone.
In the near future people will lose the ability to talk.
>the reason that life is so meaningless is because we abandoned god and worshipped the self and the material
And (((who))) has as their holy doctrine that all that matters is material success?
I'd be dead without modern medicine.
Any of you ever have appendicitis?
Maybe, maybe not, but he had a point.
>duuuh i couldn't cut out a part of me without modern medicine
you see, modernity has made us into pussies
capitalists, of course
some of whom may or may not be jewish but it doesn't really matter - they're all our enemy no matter what ethnicity or race or religion they are
unsure as of yet. what is sure is that over-socialization is causing massive changes to human nature. we were not meant to live in megacities and it is changing biology. humans are not meant to never experience hardship or the fight or flight response. we no longer have to kill or work to feed ourselves. are we still human?
Accurate but lets not turn this into a christcuck thread.
I wouldn't be able to walk without modern medicine. It doesn't make Ted any less right.
to say that we have to stop technology at an age where we're simply at a type 0 civilization is absurd
We still have to grow to a tech level of energy harnessing from the earths rotation, and than to conquer other plants near us, and than the solar system and a Dyson sphere around the sun before we move on to an inter galactic civ
To say that the industrial civilization ruined us is absurd since it's literally the first baby step into our potential as humans
Yeah sure, some things are bad, but things have been way worse
Where can I get his manifesto?
Or what about the fact we can talk instantly thousands of miles away from each other, like we're doing now?
Africa should not have developed industrially but did so artificially fro Western support.
Here's why the Unabomber made absolutely no logical sense. He says industrialization is bad because it hurts people, lowers quality of life, etc. Then he turns around and blows 100 people up! He's a fucking misanthrope hypocrite. His definition of "bad" is things he's done himself.
What's the most hilarious thing of all is that Ted Kaczynski was the most perfect example of a victim of industriaization. And he then used industry and civilization to hurt people. Like all authoritarians, he couldn't simply allow people to choose themselves whether they wanted to live in the wild or not. He felt he had to force them.
Exactly. The fact we can shitpost and enrage people from countries across the world is worth the price of civilization alone.
I kinda agree that society post-industrial revolution is shitty and has been going downhill since the fact, but I also don't like toiling in a field for 12 hours a day for a feudal lord.
Maybe human society is fundamentally flawed?
Pales incomparison to the problems it has wrought. Read the manifesto.
Africa is only able to survive through us, and thus tech.
Get a load of this faggot, he thinks killing people is wrong!
The aggricultural revolution has been a disaster for the human race.
Learn how to hunt you dumb faggot
The issue that many people encounter when analyzing his philosophy, is that they assume he wants us to go back to the '50s.
In fact, the '50s was just the beginning of a new step in (((their))) materialistic plan. Technology as a whole is harmful and unstoppable.
I mean seriously, look at you - you have bad posture, hunched over a bundle of glass and microchips. You VALUE this interaction we're having.
How much autonomy do you have over your life? How much agency do you have to say "NO" to a Marxist ideals taking root in your country?
Truth is, you are not proximate with your extended family/people/tribe, because (((economic))) forces prefer you atomized.
You are painfully alone.
Ted was Right.
that quote is fake
Doesn't make it less relevant.
he was spot on. as much as I'm a degenerate and compliant consumer of all that's digital, I want to see it all eliminated. a massive solar flare could solve all of our problems
So let's exterminate the nigger race. Everyone would be much better off for it.
He was right it was just another case proving why the eternal anglo has been the most destructive force to world along with he jews. The time will come when the jews and the anglo saxon will be eliminated from this world so we there can finally be relative peace
>Get a load of this faggot, he thinks killing people is wrong!
What I'm saying is that Kaczynski is logically inconsistent. He says industrialization is bad because it hurts people, lowers quality of life, etc. And then he turns around and kills innocent people!
His morals and logic are completely inconsistent. He has some decent criticisms of civilization but overall he's wrong and is not the logical, rational being he and you guys think he is.
Unchecked growth without concern for the welfare of the host is the behavior of the cancer cell.
Zio-capitalism is humanity's version of cancer. And as cancer it's not going to choose to stop itself.
There's a flaw in your logic. Leftists aren't people.
Who cares? You're just a soulless machine made of flesh and bone, right? And if you're not, well. Lol. You have far more to worry about than the industrial revolution, for free will necessitates something outside the math of the universe, and that something has a ruler.
If free will is real, you should be infinitely more afraid of what you choose to do, who you choose to be, 100% right here in the now, than about past events like this. If it isn't, inviolate cosmic mathematics brought you into being, shaped you, robbed you of any true accountability and this thread was destined to happen. "In the math", as it were. In which case, you should surrender to the cold truth of your zombie-like nature and realize nothing you do, think, or say matters. The math will carry you on, and if that depresses you makes you suicidal, that was destined to happen also.
the gayest thing I've read today and it's only 9:50
I would say our species is superior to how we once were and our standard of living greater, but our lives more pointless
No, niggers did.
>And he then used industry and civilization to hurt people
You need to use industrial weapons to defeat industrial society you retard
Lol you guys are falling for the same hippy-dippy nonsense lefties fell for in the 60s.
My dream is to personally move into the country and start a farm, becoming completely self sufficient. Does that mean I hate civilization? No.
There's a lot of negatives and a lot of positives to civilization.
For instance, you don't have the freedom to kill or steal. But on the flipside, you are protected by the state from those things.
The world before industrialization was beautiful and so very awful. Imagine seeing your wife and children raped on front of you, and then being killed or sold into slavery.
That was so fucking common. Imagine how awful that's be. We don't gotta deal with that in civilization.
He killed office drones. You don't need a bonb for that. If industry was so bad why didn't he use a stick? Oh yeah because he relies on industry like the rest of us. Because industry makes everything faster and easier.
That shit is still common in a big chunk of the world
The West is truly bizarre
Not really like it used to be, and when I say industry or civilization I'm implicitly talking about the West, you treehugger.
>can't kill or steal
>forced to pay protection money to people who can kill or steal
that's not a positive. It would be if it was voluntarily
>he relies on industry like the rest of us
Man living in the industrial age relies on industry! Woah! I guess everything he said is wrong because he engaged with society despite accurately criticizing it.
So can a communist in a capitalist society not open a business to survive? What if a capitalist in a communist country receives a government house and free healthcare because he can't buy private property or get private healthcare? Engaging in your environment or using the tools of a system to defeat it is different than supporting that system.
Yeah, the states doing a great job protecting people from killing each other!
>working on himself
>still wearing a mask
Just because it can make shit faster doesn't mean its a net positive you brainlet.
You mean "Is* he right". He's still alive and kicking, he even wrote a new book recently
huh i forgot about that pic. Wanted to use it to tell some guy that he doesn't need medicine to survive, but then i realized it wouldn't work because that doc still had medical equipment around. just forget about it, wasn't mean to be posted
It was still a good point user.
Also if you don't even know how to trip, you shouldn't be posting, newfaggot
>a) that scientific advancement isn't a "surrogate activity" (at least, not for everyone)
yeah, the distinction between what he described as non/surrogate activities also struck me as incredibly arbitrary based on its own idiosyncrasies
The industrial revolution led to the greatest era of white dominion over the earth. To say it wasnt great would mean youre a cuck.
Then you missunderstood what he meant by surrogate activities and need to re-read the manifesto.
The colonial period was before the industrial revolution you utter fucking moron
>The colonial period was before the industrial revolution you utter fucking moron
this. Industrial revolution and the weapons created by it is what killed western empires.
Not really, Germany had some amazing growth under the second industrial revolution in the late 19th century all the way into the early 20th century
>Was this schizophrenic right?
No. Naturalists are usually fucking idiots. This man is smart, but suffering from delusions which might as well mean he's a moron.
Wow dude great argument
but then thanks to all that growth and technology the two most destructive wars in European history happened. So my point remains the same, industrial revolution is what gave the west the power to kill itself
All of your arguments in this thread have nothing to do with technology and everything to do with culture and politics.
If the third world was eliminated it would be a non-issue.
The living standard we have today is mainly because of the industrial revolution, don't take most things for granted.
The first war wasn't a result of the industrial revolution and wars before the industrial revolution were also horrible to day the least. To day we shouldn't have technological and progress in general because then maybe weapons wouldn't have been as bad is a quite stupid thing to say.
Take your nigger tier iq out of the thread.
You mean being soulless wageslaves and the comfort of having a couple bright screens to replace human interaction? Damn, you've shown me the error of my ways.
Also, check casuality rates of warfare before blackpowder.
yes the living standard is thanks to industrial revoultion, I agree.
>The first war wasn't a result of the industrial revolution
how brutal it was was a direct cause of the industrial revolution though
>and wars before the industrial revolution were also horrible to day the least
yes but not as horrible and not on as large a scale. Prior to industrial revoultions nation didn't have the capacity to keep a slaughter like the western front going for more than a few weeks at best, industry gave us the power to keep things like that going and going and going until entire societies were traumatized and collapsed.
>To day we shouldn't have technological and progress in general because then maybe weapons wouldn't have been as bad is a quite stupid thing to say.
didn't say we shouldn't have it. Just said industrial revolution gave the west the means to destroy itself. Stop putting words I didn't say into my mouth. Do you really think I'd be like 'lul fuck all technology and progess' while sitting in front of a machine connected to the internet?
>over population bad
>death rates from war are bad
And you say I have low IQ.
Yeah, but it goes further than that. Agriculture is what truly ruined our species with every plight we currently face and will continue to face.
We live in such a boring fucking galaxy man, shit is so depressing.
>Life before the industrial revolution was better
The user I was replying to said that warfare was just as bad before the invention of gunpowder. This is verifiably false. You have no arguments.
I'm inclined to agree with this but I don't think its feasible to ever regress humanity that far back. I really don't even think we can get rid of technology.
My argument is that technology did nothing and is inevitable anyway.
Sure it was, how much of an idiot or lowlife with nothing going for yourself do you need to be to believe that times before the industrial revolution were better.
He was definitely a terrorist and a misanthrope, but he was right. It's not like these were his own revolutionary ideas, he got it from various respected academics and intellectuals. After he got MK Ultra'd it's not especially surprising he broke down.
>sitting in my asphalt box in my asphalt city with toxic air, noise and foreigners everywhere
>sit on my farm with my family and live a hard but simple life surrounded by nature and my countrymen (and a few small cities, nothing on modern level) without having to worry about too many things
some people don't like just being cogs in a giant, unfeeling machine like today, i get where they're coming from. But yea, pre industrial revolution would also have its drawbacks, of course. All depends on what you personally want
>He's right because I say he is.
Haven't read a single argument in this thread. It's just a but of retarded cognitive dissonance.
Eliminate the third world and solve the problems of the earth. (Thanks to technology btw).
This man was literally afraid of the Apple II.
>Without having to worry about too many things
How about a reliable source of food and a house that doesn't fall apart, how about heating and running water. How about electricity.
Farm lives were horrible to say the least in the 17th and early 18th century.
There is a reason why so many people moved to the cities in the first place.
Maybe actually read something you brainlet. Hunter gatherers worked much less than modern man.
Agreed, the die is cast, no going back now, we have to either learn to deal with our problems somehow, or just retreat to the wilderness like Ted when you get sick of it all.
Food? Hunt and trap for it.
Running water? Never heard of rivers?
Reliable shelter? How about all the ancient structres still standing today.
Electricity? We need that to survive now huh? Well, you certainly do. You're weak.
Yeah hunter gatherers lived better lives than us. Do you actually believe what you're saying? I understand you're desire to get out of your current situation of either a dead end job or a life without purpose but starving to death most of the time and having no real warm or o running water shelter isn't the answer you're looking for.
The problems won't be dealt with. Society is a cancer and its terminal.
Convenience is worth something.
Enjoy having no toilet or warm water shower.
If you don't appreciate what electricity has done for us I doubt you have any common sense at all.