Mfw its day 35 of the shutdown

Mfw its day 35 of the shutdown

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Is it really? Wow that was fast

I'm just looking forward to day 624. Long after everyone's forgotten what these fuckers even did.

when is the RIF coming?

how will it end?

>And no one notices
Who gives a rats ass, its all fake anyway

we fire them all and use the money for a wall on the grounds that a brick is usually more useful than a congressman anyway

do you know how the government works


does our government work?

shits just now starting to go south, but no one cares on this board.

just wait til people realize they are not getting their tax return when the government shuts down, THEN Pelosi will finally feel the heat

yeah, it's shut down here

Where are the firings Q fags talk about?

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As always the commie is far, far behind.

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if it wasn't for Jow Forums I wouldn't even know there was still a shutdown

>election rolls around
>government still shut down
>nobody can vote

>literally doesnt affect me at all
Feels good not being a poorfag or federal slave

Here’s to 35 more

Trump will cuck out

count on it. it's the only thing you can depend on him for

Hopefully with the death of this jew infested cosmopolitan Union.

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The wall better be 200 feet made out of steel with lots of spiked edges

I didn't notice it was closed. Hope it stays shut down.

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Ron fuckin swanson

Good, good let the butthurt flow through you. Ceaușescu used to cut our water, gas, electricity for weeks several times per year without warning. Sometimes you couldn't even buy fuel, let alone food.

Wait till those fed employees get evicted and cars repo'd, then the fun really starts

>Wait till those fed employees get evicted and cars repo'd, then the fun really starts

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