If Donald Trump could add one new Amendment to the Constitution, what would it be?

If Donald Trump could add one new Amendment to the Constitution, what would it be?

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Build wall crime fall

thou shalt not commit degeneracy

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>what would it be?
idk some faggotry about compulsory loving of kikes and/or niggers

>what should it be?
no more non-european immigration from now on


>If Donald Trump could add one new Amendment to the Constitution, what would it be?
Ban Lawyers from running for public office.

The 28th Amendment of the United States constitution:
A well constructed wall along the US-Mexico border, being necessary to the security of our sovereign nation and it's inhabitants, shall not be demolished.

>millions upon millions of "europeans" are now shitskinned boy raping cavemen
use your fucking brain, leaf

every american must give 10% of his paycheck to isreal.

Make it illegal to boycott Israe-oh wait. That's already a law in several states.