Is this the end Jow Forums?

Would it be a good day if the Iranians finally destroyed Israel?

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Threadly reminder that a discord exists solely for the purpose of shitposting on Jow Forums, with specific targeting towards /ptg/ and /sg/. There exists a group of people who's life choices have led them to a point where shitposting on Jow Forums has become the highlight of their day, indeed their very reason for not just suckstarting the first shotgun they can find.

They are responsible for ALL AOC, Kamala Harris and Tulsi Gabbard threads. They create porn threads. They are responsible for the BLACKED spam. They are the ones creating the "Honest thoughts on X" threads, the "how do we solve the X problem" threads, the "What did X mean by this" thread. The "are X white" threads. The blackpill threads, the consensus-breaking threads. The fake tweet threads. The Gillette spam threads. The Jow Forums threads. The "redpill me on X" threads. The off-topic horseshit. The disgustingly bad shitposts. The Smug White MAGA teen threads. The 'alt right e-celeb' faggotry. The transfaggotry threads. When confronted, they'll deny a discord exists despite the screencaps that exist of it.

This is your reminder that each (You) you give them gives them a tiny bit of hope that their shitposting will change your mind, will affect your thinking. They see you as easy marks because you've proven in the past you simply cannot help but shitpost when someone else shitposts.

user.. their existence is suffering. Pure, unfiltered, endless suffering. Haven't they suffered enough? Don't be selfish and give them (You)s to prolong their suffering for your enjoyment.

Withhold the (You)s. Don't reply to AOC, Kamala Harris or Tulsi Gabbard threads. Don't reply to shitposters. Let them finally realize the only way out is death. Let them find peace. Even their pet Mod. Yes, they have one.

Show some restraint, faggots. They literally organized on a Discord, tried to go full OPSEC and FAILED+-


it's a domestic dispute, they're both related by ancestry:
>Only 2 out of 467 Ashkenazi Jews showed typical Levantine ancestry.
>Remarkably, AJs exhibit a dominant Iranian (88%˜) and residual Levantine (3%˜) ancestries, as opposed to Bedouins (14%˜ and 68%˜, respectively) and Palestinians (18%˜ and 58%˜, respectively). Only two AJs exhibit Levantine ancestries typical to Levantine populations.
The point of the conflict was to drag the US and Russia into a proxy war to fight for either side and start WW3

Haven’t ever wondered why Iran’s threats are so dramatic? It’s like they’re the Disneyland bad guy


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>Iran threatens to eliminate Israel from the Earth

God willing. I hope they nuked them 6 million times.

Out of the two, we are the ones with nukes, my fellow 56% golem

I hope they drown your whole entire population in a Mediterranean Sea 6 million times while live streaming.

They do this every 6 months.

Yes of course they wouldn't publicly deny have glow bombs, what kind of abhorrent nation would possess nukes without admitting it!

>...from the earth

Pic related tbqh

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May Pissrael and all its disgusting kikes around the world suffer for all eternity.

If Iran cant make a sentence that includes "Hypersonic" and "Megatonnes" when threatening Israel elimination doesnt look likley.

/me yawns promises promises

Fuck that. I have israel state bonds that don't mature until 2029

>Would it be a good day if the Iranians finally destroyed Israel?

It will make all of us in the whole world better off. Except the Zionists, of course.

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They can have a nuke in 8-10 months and they haven't been inspected in 10 months...

Plus they wouldnt need a nuke to wreck Israel their military is stronger.

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well, given how Iran treats christians better than Israel, i don't mind

Don't they make this exact statement pretty much every 6 months?

israel will bomb syria whenever the fucking please and there's jack shit assad, putin or the motherfucking ayatollah can do about it. Muslim apologists can suck my cock.

one thing I hate about iran and I think iranians hate this too..threats are cringy and weak..don't threaten just fuckin do it

I hope they're nice to look at because the minute you ever think of using them for anything other than decorations the whole world will wipe you from the earth

Israel is the greatest enemy to the US, far more dangerous and damaging than Islam China or Russia.

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>some religious cleric who is probably a crypto kike threatens to “wipe israel off the map”
No official has ever said this

I am Christian May Jesus comes back and pushes all the Jews and traitorous inbreds like you into a fiery pit. Where there will be kvetching gnashing of teeth. You fucking piece of shit.

based IRAN


>if you are against israel and jews you a muslim!!
Islam is a jewish born religion and the entire mid east can get fucked, but you can get fucked the worst, your mentality and reasoning is philosemitic, only a kike or someone whose mind kiked would equate criticism of israel with being muslim, pop urself.

Fucking this

>Would it be a good day if the Iranians finally destroyed Israel?
Yes, yes it would.

Thank you! Only redpilled answer here, none others need apply.

They don't have nukes.
Not because they said so, but because of Intel and satellite info

They’re controlled opposition

some of the stuff is poor translation. I know it sounds funny but 'death to America' really isn't as extreme of a statement in farsi / arabic as it is in english. it means more like 'down with America'

never threaten

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France and Britain also have nukes and they'll be muslim within a couple of decades thanks to you kikes.
But I'm sure that won't come back to bike you in the ass :^)

>people are posting contrasting opinions to the mainstream interpretation of things! They are [insert parroted scapegoat]
>trump is savior of the white race
Trumps kids besides barron are with Jews and trump and fred trump are absolute philosemites. A billionaire (((brooklynite))) whose entire progeny will be jewish
stop playing in the kiddie pool the jews filled for you

>Would it be a good day if the Iranians finally destroyed Israel?
i'd liquidate my life savings just to find out.

/ptg/ is shit and has always been shit. fuck off.

if iran is controlled opposition then i struggle to see what could possibly not be under israeli control

Only if we didn't get their refugees. Could you imagine how fast our decline would be afterwards if we got a few million boat kikes pouring in.

Just do it, faggots.

yeshua will be returning soon

>Israel attacks first
The fuck

irans goverment is autistic they wont hold power for long, cap it

About the only point they can make in selling war with Iran to the American public involves making sensational interpretations that seem like something a cartoon villain would say.

now you’re getting it. Jews are embedded into the top of every pyramid of society and civilization. Just like how Jews are only a little over 2% of the US pop yet their names are behind almost every single mass media social justice directive and political story. Huge amount hold political positions. Just like saudi arabia is cryptojewish, Iran has cryptos and closet-jews in important positions. Just like how mossad runs ISIS. Jews are embedded into the too 10-5% percent of every nation and everything, the other 90% do not realize it and carry on

I wonder (((why)))

>israel is attacked by iran
>initiates samson option
>all nations targeted by israel's nuclear devices respond with nuclear ordinance in kind
>N.A.T.O. anti-missile weapons knock out majority of nuclear devices launched toward's U.S. and U.K.
>Missiles that get through strike L.A. and San Francisco
>Middle east severely impacted by several nuclear strikes in israel, iran, saudi arabia, cuts off land connection to africa with a sea of radiation
>Remnants of NATO countries led by U.K., Canada, and primarily the U.S., form alliance with weakened Russia as Nations within the E.U. collapse from political instability.

>b-b-but muh pet arabs!!!! muh pet muslims!!!!!!
I don't give a fuck. The only good muslim is a dead muslim and this is all a fantastic fucking show to watch. More bombs to israel, fuck i'd buy a pay-per-view subscription to watch live feeds of israel WPing muslims if I knew my money was going to producing those bombs. That'd be a nice show on that channel too, How It's Made-Willy Pete and at the end it shows subhuman mudslimes getting roasted. When did the narrative of Jow Forums change to be bleeding heart liberal bitches crying over worthless fucking muslim subhumans? eat my shit.

I hope you get turned into glass.

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>I dont give a fuck Israel did 9/11, the only reason the US has for hating muslims
>I dont give a fuck a shitty desert country kills thousands of americans with impunity then sends its army to die in the thousands so a few rich neocons and jews can get richer.

Stfu kike.

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You realize then the US would go to war with Iran and we would LEGIT be in WWIII. Does anyone even think after they get their antisemitic bullshit out of their head?.

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Oh look another dumb fucking infographic with no sources or truth and you retards eat it up like it's assad's cum.

Is this like a new way of shilling?
>don't support our enemies goy because they are jews too

>replies to post
>with the same exact stilted jewish reasoning
>you treatin muslims like a pet!
I said fuck the entire mideast. I get what youre saying, this threads topic concerns Iran getting fucked, but don’t act like anyone who points the finger at jews is a muslim sympathizer or a literal mudslime

>don’t act like anyone who points the finger at jews is a muslim sympathizer or a literal mudslime

True as it may be, this board has become FILLED with muslim apologists. Don't even deny it.

This shit again? Will anybody call out Israel for the true faggots they are?

>saying islam is an abrahamic religion means youre a jew
Just end it

Lmao they were on Israeli TV you retard or corroborated everything.

Are you a jew or retarded?

>oy Iran, they threatin us so!
>*spraypaints swastika on synagogue*

So you bash muslims and yet cower to point out the root cause the kikes? Prove to me why you are not a fucking shill?

>Iran and Israel simultaneously nuke each other into oblivion

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>Are you a jew or retarded?
HE is both I hope all shill Evangelicals burn in hell they are the curse of Christianity

I'm not a shill, i said from the beginning im in it for the show. Muslims are the lowest tier of human existence and are the biggest barrier from any kind of progress of the human race. Name a jew that has truck of peace'd white europeans, blew up our buildings or shot up our countrymen. Go ahead, im waiting. Muslims are a much bigger threat to western civilization. Israelis didn't import these subhumans, white europeans in the EU did.

>Implying they can't hide nukes underground.

Ok this is epic

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It's impossible to create nukes without sufficient entiched plutonium, which they have insufficient amount amounts of based on the intel

>truck of peace
the jews brought the muds into europe
>blown up a building
how about 9/11 you simple fuck. No, no blame the 7 muslims not the 50+kikes in government and managerial positions who orchestrated it
>he doesn’t know about the king david hotel bombing
Kikes killed a bunch of british soldiers by blowing up a building in the 60’s and got caught
>shot people
Most of the famous mass shooters, the giffords killer, the aurora movie theater killer, the columbine kids, the Madden football shooter, all jews.
>muslims are a greater threat
yea immediate threat, theyre the attack dogs set loose by the kalergi directive. You simple minded faggot
>its not jews at all! Just whites and muslims.
gas yourself

KIKES AND THEIR WHOLE FUCKING TRIBE they created a culture of open borders and "acceptance" based on the Holocaust foundation myth put all politicians in their pockets and they did this for our demise and yet you faggot still defend them?. Go to Europe and Deny the Holocaust faggot I hope they put you in jail with Arabs so they can put all kinds of kebabs in your ignorant ass

he’s kiked m8, I have work in 6 hrs I’m going to sleep

Israel is the worst threat of humanity period. Most of the other threats are just symptoms.

Fuck this mutt too

Sounds Pretty Based

Israelis are a threat to humanity.

gas yourself posthaste

Fuck off kike.

I wish they hurry up so i can stop hearing all this fake jew stuff, bunch of niggers here crying about da wy man is oppressing me bullshit. Dont you fks think its weird you believe in more conspiracy thories than anyone else, wana know why? Fucking methheads the whole lot of ya

Before Jow Forums - yes
After Jow Forums - no

Fuck you jew nigger I wish they would kill every one of you.

Im on your side wtf

>doesnt respond to these posts
go spin your dreidel somewhere else rabbi

White europeans in the EU opened the borders. You spout more muslim propaganda than memritv
And you've been fucking taqiyya'd, stupid infidel.

Should edit death toll to 6,000 k

I'd cry tears of joy

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No youre not, fucking glow in the dark

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>implying they aren’t hiding the nukes in your dad’s butt
I pity you Jew


The jew cries in pain as he strikes you

9/11, kalergi directive, social justice, equality are not associated with jews, jews are not the problem, whites and muslims are!
>being critical of the jews in any capacity whatsoever means you’ve been taqiyaa’d!
youve been Daath’d. I’d cave your forehead in with a framing hammer if you were in front of me rn

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And how did your "intel" draw such a conclusion? Do they know everything that happens behind closed doors?

The whole point of secret weapons programmes are that they're supposed to go undetected. So if Iran is doing its job correctly, you wouldn't know it exists. We already know they tried to build nuclear reactors in Syria, what makes you so sure they don't exist in Iran?

For all you know they could have purchased nuclear weapons from any number of external sources. Pakistan, NK, Russia? The reality is you have no way to know for sure.

Even if you are correct, poison gas or a dirty bomb could cause a huge amount of damage to a small country such as Israel.

In any case, lets pray the Iranian chads glass you once again like our Roman ancestors did.

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Having a different regime in Iran, more westernized and aligned with western foreign policy, would greatly benefit stability in the region.

>threatens to
gtfo with this shit
its never going to happen
were not going to get another happening

all these 'leaders' talk big
but not a single one of them have the balls to launch the first strike and finally move humanity forward

just start the next fucking war already

None of those things you mentioned have any legitimate truth tied to them.

It was the jews who brought the Muslims here, you fucking retard. Gas yourself. For what its worth, you're probably jewish.

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Have a shekel

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they all do, even the part with the hammer

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