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I remember somebody made a shoop of OP pic where the charitable Jew is preparing soup for the hungry, kek
>the door is going to get slammed so hard, user
You mean it's inevitable?
as a stupid person I say yes purely out of envy
not all seratonin produces gratification user. most seratonin is produced in the gut
seratonin is related to the reinforcement of a variety of habits. seratoning produced in relation to frontal lobe activity is not going to produce happiness. it is rone to producing empty feelings, much like serotonin recycled by ssris
It's already happening.
Look at the absolutely declining in real numbers Japanese population. The population of native born Japanese people, who have a fairly high collective IQ average and a clear ability to both systemise extensively and empathise extensively, within their neurotype varieties. For what it's worth, Japan has a fairly high rate of ASD, around 1 in 55 circa 2017.
Let me be blunt. I believe that a huge proportion of the engineering/inventive/technologian of the past would these days be diagnosed autistic. I believe also that the overwhelming majority of ASD diagnoses are simply the pathologification of neurotypes/competencies/personalities which had little comparative trouble finding a comfortable, stable pattern or patterns of love, living, and community, to the various degrees that they chose to seek each of these out.
Most people who score high on systemizing and its various manifestations and qualify today as "ASD" of some flavour are really the inversion of that quote we've all seen floating around:
>It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society
It is no indication of sickness or pathology to be maladaptive in a profoundly sick society. Sure, on some Darwinian, fatalist or nihilistic plain, it's easy to say "well duh its just a system bruh if you're not fit in the environment then thats just EVILution bruh". No. More than any other species on the planet we have a power to change, choose and transform completely the environments we are in.
Either we're an environment where high IQ but also mild-ASD, extreme-specificity, useful and essential neurotypes are pressured out by a totality or criticality of high-empathising/low systemizing neurotypes mixed with zero-degree-empathy psychopaths and narcissists.
That is not good.
Exactly. The real mechanism behind the brain's reward system is dopaminergic (at least the straightforward signaling). Also explains why many gene variants affecting broad human behaviour (much more important than intellect if it comes to societal dynamics) are somehow invovled in the dopamine system.
Ayy, my favourite namefag showed up.
>kikes must go first
you could be right about that
on the other hand, these kinds of movements tend to need to build to critical mass. starting at them is probably a losing move
in europe hte momentum is going to come from muslims. first priority should be making europe PURE european at any cost. nothing can replace the gene pool