Be mexican

>Be mexican
>Go to 97% white college
>Everyone looks at me like i'm a disgusting, genetic mistake
>Only one white friend because he's not OPENLY racist
>Only black student on campus is "Suit and tie" tier.
>No niggers
>Worth it.

Attached: IHE1urM.jpg (500x500, 84K)

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you could attend a 97% Mexican college in know Mexico

What kind of college is 97% white these days?

97% White college...

I call bullshit


Things that never happened for 350 Alex.

You couldn't get in to a 97% white college. Besides there aren't any.

>What kind of college is 97% white these days?
In your majority-nigger shithole there are no such colleges, yes.

go back to mexico spic you are even beneath the negroid

Small time schools that niggers dont think to apply too.

Niggers are worse than Spics. Niggers aren't even in the same phyla as humans.

God cries every time he sees a Spic; there could have been an Aryan with a spiritual character of strength, intelligence and mastery.

Attached: Even Native Beaners.jpg (600x525, 43K)

faggot, you crazy. Beans are 2x better than groids