>abortion bad

>we must control other people's lives so that i can feel virtuous about saving their babies and pay for their welfare
>if only we didnt have abortions, we could be saving so many ghetto nigger babies
>think of the poor nigger babies! the world needs more niggers!

Why are christians such massive cucks? It's almost as if christianity is designed to cuck its followers.

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Opinion, thread, and existence disregarded. Kindly kill yourself.

>content-less post contributing nothing to thread
Thanks for the bump friend.

im not christian, neither from the right but i think if feminists wants a thing theres reasons i should not like that, still if abortion was about cleaning the country im good with it...

I'm vegan so I can't support abortion.
Fuck off OP.

I'm not even saying abortion should be supported. It can be illegal for all I care.
The point here is that most pro-life arguments are retarded.

>most pro life arguments are retarded
that doesn't mean abortions are ok so idgaf

Planned Parenthood is getting shutdown. They lost the case in Texas where the State Government used the hidden camera footage of Planned Parenthood executives saying they illegally sell human organs from aborted babies to buy Lamborghinis. Planned Parenthood was unable to prove in a court of law that the footage had been edited in any meaningful way.

Its over Shlomo, everything you ever built is collapsing right before your eyes.

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It doesn't mean they are ok, but it also doesn't mean they are not ok. You need actual arguments in either direction.

Not when they're race-based, faggot. White women should be banned from abortion, sans special circumstances like a mixed race baby, or retard.

Just cut the welfare then.

Couldn't care less about planned parenthood. This topic is about abortion.

Yeah like that's ever going to happen. It's only going to be used to save nigger babies.

>whaaaat? fucking around as a women while being fertile will result in a pregnancy?
oh wow, how unforeseen

>lets ban the symptoms of fucking around rather than the fucking around itself

Yep, pro-life "arguments" are retarded

thats your brain of leftism
you are unable to think more than 1 step ahead
>ban abortions
>cunt doesnt want to be a mother
>result will be that she will have to keeps her legs closed then
see this?! thats is the point of banning them

>result will be that she will have to keeps her legs closed then


Imagine being this naive.

>>we must control other people's lives
>when I stop someone from killing I'm controlling his life!
>why is Christianity so massively obsessed with making people orderly and virtuous?
dunno man, fuck this civilization 'n shit

Hey kraut, I don't know much about this topic, so enlighten me if I'm wrong, but if legal abortion was banned there would be illegal abortions, the only way I think ban on abortion would work is with restauration of patriarchy and/or ceasing the right to vote of woman, maybe even prohibiting them to work without the consent of her father/husband?

>aborting a fetus is the same as murdering a grown man

Showing once again that pro-life "arguments" are retarded.

They should be forced to work to pay child support too.

my argument is that it's wrong to kill animals unnecessarily

You can use the arguments for abortion to kill kids, sometimes up 18 years old, and other weakilng retards.

>It's not a fully developed human
>It cant take care of self
>it can be a strain on it's mother.

Shit is really simple, OP. Abortion is murder

After all, grown men come out of nothing amirite? It's not like it was a fetus at the start

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But you didn't even lay out arguements, just a shit strawman. It's called human life being inherently valuable, the unborn are the most innocent and defenseless of us. Destroying life like the unborn, especially for selfish reasons, is inherently evil being pushed by evil itself. Knowing how most blacks are actually niggers, it's hard to reconcile the two.

>saying fetus instead of Baby to disguise the fact it's still a human being

Nice try Shlomo.

If your argument against abortion is that it will lower female promiscuity then it won't be enough. You will also need to go after everything that enables a woman to decouple sex from reproduction as well as avoid suffering the negative consequences of it; which includes dismantling the welfare state in its entirety. Fat fucking chance as long as women have suffrage. So it's a necessary evil at the moment.

Sure! But how does this demonstrate the necessity for prohibiting abortion?

I dont see christfags chimping out over unnecessary animal killing the way they chimp out over abortion.

>You can use the arguments for abortion to kill kids, sometimes up 18 years old, and other weakilng retards.

No you can't. There's a very simple distinction. "Have they been born?"
Why is this so confusing to some people?

Yup. Women's health angle, too. Some bitches have breakdowns and are driven insane by their kids, so they should definitely be able to choose their own 35+ years on earth, and their mental health, over that of their child. Er, fetus, since a fetus is a parasite and so are born fetuses!!

You know what, you're right. Why make a distinction between unborn babies and grown men? Or between a brazilian and a monkey? It's all totally the same!

Fine, an unborn baby. Makes no difference what you call it.

I'm not making a pro-abortion argument. Read my posts.

>I dont see christfags chimping out over unnecessary animal killing the way they chimp out over abortion.

So what?
Abortion is still wrong.

Jesus will lift us into the sky and save all these babies!! We are light in the darkness !!

>It's called human life being inherently valuable
I doubt anybody can sincerely believe that with all the violence, exploitation and apathy in this world. Hell, there are a million innocent babies hungry and cold in this world and you've the luxuries you do. Either you believe your comfort is the ultimate good or you're a moral hypocrite.

>Abortion is still wrong.

>been born.
So you're OK with aborting up to 9 months? Why do you view being born as the magical line?

Stop. I'm a christian and I'm pro-abortion. Not every christian is a pro-life retard.

Ah yes, let's compare +207 million humans of a developing country to primitive animals, that totally will prove my point of killing future humans and priving them of their right to be born/to live, right?

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Kill all nigger babies!!!

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So you're not a true believer. We call your kind Churchians.

I agree. But, we should also sterilize the woman and the man.

>So you're OK with aborting up to 9 months?
I'm totally indifferent about it. I still havent seen any arguments about why it's wrong. Arguments that actually make some sense, not just "because it's wrong".

>Why do you view being born as the magical line?
You'd need some kind of line, no? What other more obvious line do you see other than "being born"?

I see it as a waste of a potential citizen, but if a woman wants to I don't give a shit.

What I do care about is them trying to reach in my wallet to pay for it.

The fuck? Yes I am, but i am really thinking about the life of the baby the mother wants to abort. If she wants the baby killed she doesn't love the baby, and the poor baby will have a shitty life because he/she was unwanted. Imagine not letting a drug addict to abort, the baby life will be a complete shit

>I see it as a waste of a potential citizen
How nice of you

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Unfortunately I'm not super human and can't fix the world's fucked up, horrific problems. Also, I have no control over my luxuries, I don't control the house, only keep it and the children up to snuff along with other things. I can't force the master of the house to donate anything he can, regardless that money doesn't make it to where it needs to go. We can't somehow stop barbarians from killing one another, feed starving people, build houses. Don't put the world's ills on me because I told OP what the argument for pro life is. If I can at least get others around me to listen for 2 minutes and dwell on my words, I can maybe change a few minds about abortion, and alfor right now, that is all I, MYSELF can do.

>obvious lines

Being baptised
Learn to walk
First words
First day at school
Getting a drivers licence
Providing for self

Artificial lines can be drawn. Why do you view being born as a obvious line to cross for the right to live?

>No abortions! We want all the babies!
>Break up immigrant families and steal their babies!
>Drop sanctions so we can adopt Russian babies!
Im sure religious conservashits aren't molesting all those kids again, go look for Hillary in the back of a CuckyCheez or something

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>We can't somehow stop barbarians from killing one another
But better ban abortion to make sure there'll be more of them!

>I still havent seen any arguments about why it's wrong

This is what we call selective obliviousness.
If i choose not to see something, it doesn't exist. Stellar way of thinking lad.

Being born is not an artificial line retard. The ones you made up are.

Again, why are pro-life arguments so idiotic?

Ok sure, I admit it saves nigger babies. I guess that's a valid argument. If you're a cuck.

You do know that all of the people born in developed nations with legal abortion aren't wanted, right? Abortion crosses women's minds, not I'm ever case, when they find out they accidentally got pregnant and didn't want it. But then you know what overrides that? Logic and the understanding that it's a human, her offspring and that it's not the fault of the baby. Now in some cases, the "mother" will not go to those thoughts, instead
>oh I can just get an abortion
treating it as if it's a fresh stain in their favorite shirt that they can get out with club soda.

If the lines are arbitrary then why do you care?
>soul pulled from the aether

Explain why you are indifferent about killing a 9 month old unborn, and not a 1 day old baby

Because it hasn't been born yet. If the bitch wanted it aborted she had 9 months to do it, not 1 day after.

What's so special about being born?

Before born: baby inside womb
After born: baby outside womb

I'm not sure how I can dumb down this already self-explanatory concept any further.
What's special about it? The fact that a baby was born. What more do you want? A rainbow in the sky?

I'm not blaming the world's ills on you nor do I believe you should have to shoulder the plight of everyone yourself. But it is hypocritical to sit comfy in front of a computer and say there's inherit value in human life and any infringement on that is evil when there are people out there starving. We could make sacrifices today and save lives, but we don't and your excuses are cheap rationalizations.


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Because it doesn't affect him whatsoever. Because his ego isn't based on abstract moral righteousness.

Why does a baby outside womb deserve protection, and a baby inside womb not? Can you explain without calling me a retard? I'm beginning to suspect you are low IQ

>muh clump of cells
No, shut the fuck up. It's a human life. I don't care about niggers but turning society into awhorehouse where crazy women have the ability to do whatever the fuck they want and get away with is one of the biggest examples of subversion that needs to be undone.

Now, you can either stop killing kids at their most defenceless or, and this is the offer, make all killing legal. People on Jow Forums and Jow Forums will unironically make Genghis Khan seem nice by comparison if given free reign to kill niggers, faggots, trannies, and kikes the way whores are given free reign to kill kids.

Get rid of abortion or legalize all murder and let things play out. If they're so fucking confident about their totalitarian state, their media, their cops, their professors, let it all play out on an even field and watch what happens.

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Inside womb: dependent on mother's oxygen, nutrients, applies pressure on her internal organs and causes metabolic and hormonal imbalances
Outside womb: can breathe on it's own, can be fed, no longer affects the mother's body in any way.


Not saying that abortion is 100% moral, it has it's problems but goddamn since the cradle of humanity societies were based on necessary evils, and currently we live doing other more morally questionable things than abortions. I don't get why you people are so obsessed with this one, but turn a blind eye on every other injustice our society is based on.

>more morally questionable things than abortions
Literally what the fuck is unquestionably more immoral than a mother and a doctor coming together to cut up a baby in the womb. Not even being a christfag but how the fuck are you better than a gook bugman or a nigger if you can't see the insanity in what you're saying? Remember I'm not even saying that there's nothing worse than abortion. But this is sanctioned, legal, and in many states provided for by taxpayer dollars, yet even putting all that aside how do you not see that, whatever moral code you might have for judging society and everything that happens in it, a mother and doctor teaming up to tear apart an unborn baby, be it a clump of cells or a 6-month old with limbs and internal organs that all need to be torn apart, is up there with the most evil shit there is?

Wait what saving babies lives could only possibly be perceived as cuck behaviour by only the most beta of betas, please kys in your show of solidarity with abortion.

Thousands of homeless people (including childern - the ones you claim to care about so much) suffer daily because of our modern economic system, but all you care about is women terminating pregnancies.
Abortions have been a things since the beggining of times, but turning a blind eye to people suffering of hunger and cold in the middle of the cities on your way to the grocey shop is a symptom only prevalent in our industrial age, and should be a number one concern for every non-hypocritical individual.

albanians have already been replaced by slavs, turks, armenians, levantines, and greeks on epirus. but they still import gypsies and turks kek



Because humans should attempt to preserve themselves, interacting with nature and resources in a sustainable way.

Abortion serves no purpose other than frugal short-term gratification.

Something that goes against human's self-preservation is wrong no matter what, unless you advocate for dismissing the idea of self-preservation, in which case I can recommend a few suicidal methods so you can lead by example.

>Imagine not letting a drug addict to abort, the baby life will be a complete shit

You don't know that. Statistics are nice but not a powerful moral compass.

That offspring protection circuit in our brain sure is a strong one. Makes people fucking crazy. They worship babies like holy artifacts. Guessing people who feel it strong either had kids or some event in their life that put them in a nurturing protector role and "activated" them. It's there for me, but it doesn't pull enough to disrupt my ability to be objective like it does many people.

Like, I get babies are supposed to be all important special symbols of purity and innocence, but I just see another screaming shit factory that in all statistical likelihood will grow up to be a person that annoys the shit out of me and/or leeches off the system. And that really makes it hard not to stay pro-choice.

>They worship babies like holy artifacts

Humans have realized that prosperity is achieved through one simple rule, don't do to others what you wouldn't want others to do to you. I will assume most people are thankful for the opportunity of developing a life, thus denying it to babies is evil.

Aborting breaks the very same rule that allowed us to become civilized.

You are not a Christian that follows the BIBLE, but worse, a luke warm heretic. Repent now.

>Aborting breaks the very same rule that allowed us to become civilized.
Except that abortions were common during most of our civilisation.

Throwing people to lions was also pretty common at some point. So was slavery.

Our morals evolve always along the line of the law of reciprocity, thus why it's safe to say that the law of reciprocity is the ultimate human moral compass.

Society was always founded on the breaking of the law of reciprocity. Either it be slavery, or conquering another nation or civilisation, or racial segregation and so on, there has been no evolution in the level of injustice, only a changing of the methods applied. Abortion is one of the least important breakings of the law of reciprocity, because it doesn't cause suffering to a sentient being.

You are dumb. Literally everything you listed about inside still applies outside, including the hormone imbalances. Babies can breath prior to being born, they just don’t need to. You’ve never heard of premature births or surgically delivered babies? It can’t just take care of itself on day 1

None of those things are inherently connected with christianity

Pro-life hypocrisy is not in itself a pro-life argument