>Did six million really die? Nah definitely not, too much evidence against it. Were they mistreated in the labour camps? Some of them probably were, some of them were for sure murdered by firing squad or beaten with the stock of a gun, there was a lot of anger towards them as a group at the time, a lot of it understandable, but mass gassings and intended genocide, all the other morbid myths are just fantasies which gained prominence due the secrecy surrounding the camps because of the iron curtain. The Havaara agreement wouldn't have existed if they intended to genocide them, neither would their detailed plans of moving them to Madagasgar and the fact that they bought it for that reason.
Connor Hernandez
some people were indeed gassed though, this is evident when you read the personal diary of a camp doctor named kremer
Kevin Peterson
Also I forgot to mention that the secrecy of the camps in addition to the Jewish media and those behind it in the west capitalizing on the alleged persecution of the Jews enabled them to establish a strong victim narrative and moral lexicon surrounding them in only a short few decades, it's a guilt rackett.
Christian Nelson
No, 15 million died. Remember this
Gabriel Rivera
The alleged 'gas chambers' have rickety old wooden doors, the windows aren't properly sealed, you'd of ended up killing everyone in the compound.
Angel Thomas
but a camp doc wrote that in his diary, so who are you?
Blake Thomas
But honestly it is irrelevant even if 6 million were gassed and all the ridiculous fantasy about lampshades and shrunken heads were true there are plenty of atrocities that are much worse throughout history that yet have no constant reminders in the mass media, a fraction of if any memorials unlike the supposed Holocaust, where you couldn't go a week without reading something in a newspaper or seeing an article from another 'survivor', it's state enforced Western propaganda that starts from an early age in the school curriculum, the guilt narrative starts early when children are impressionable enough to perpetuate the lie. Reality is most of the dead Jews starved to death nearing the end of the war or died or some poorly treated disease, in a pinch you'll feed your own troops instead of some prisoner, that's just how war is, it has its own rules and it isn't always fair.