I finally understand Hitler

I finally understand Hitler

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I grew up in the 50s and this story has never made sense to me. 6 million people just meekly walked into cattle cars and gas chambers? No fucking way.

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He literally predicted what's happening to France rn

i mean, why does he think people are anti-semitic and racist in the first place?

To USA too.

Posted April 1st.

>Tries to BTFO anti-semites
>Creates 100's more by red-pilling normies

The pc form is unwanted semitism

And if you think about it, what kind of Jew would promote this story? That Jews are such wimps they can be just herded into gas chambers? I don’t personally know any real Jews as I am not in the top 1% but why would they promote propaganda that paints them as nothing but the Universe’s biggest Losers (and I DO mean with a capital “L”).

They do not like masculine men, and are effeminates themselves.

Kikes always tell you exactly what they are doing as a 'joke', it's a weird form of arrogance I haven't seen anywhere else.

>Israel will still be jewish
>Your countries will NOT
So our countries won't be jew controlled anymore? You're damn right they wont.

>nothing you can do about it

short of exterminating you all, but that's ok we are planning to do that anyway

you all exclaimed there was a genocide in the past, in reality you sold most your own creed down river

well, you could argue you guys called your own holocaust 70+ years in advance, because it's coming now and cannot be stopped

>And the always do it on april 1st
autismo detected

>in addition to millennial boomers and gen z boomers we also have boomer boomers
hell we probably have silent generation boomers and a few GI boomers
>tfw realize the guy who always says “fuck off nip” was at Iwo Jima

My dad is a silenter from 1937 and sometimes I read threads out to him and he dictates replies.

> 1 april

In Germany it's common for them to hide behind satire. They make their claims and when it backfires too much its always satire. The mainstream media protects them by telling how obvious it is


Europe what is becoming of you youtube.com/watch?v=Fl3WtUrfEyo

The Jewish book says they need an actual holocaust type event right?

could you read my post out to him and see what he says? I would enjoy being insulted by an extremely old Australian man

awefully confident aren't they

Central NATIVE Europeans are welcome in other Central European and Northern European nations. We are all brothers and sisters after all.

Unlike cancerous albanian dogs that spread all over Austria, southern Germany, Britain and Australia like disease.

INB4 we wuz uncucked nigga removal dagos and sheeeit

Politically Austria, Britain, Slovenia, Germany and Sweden are both multitudes more European in population than albanoniggers who had no problem getting turked for 500+ years and now that some mongrelized quarter-slavic half-greek albanimal loses his mind after neetbuxing too much, you wanna cuck it for shitbania?
off yourself you joke
and if you ACTUALLY thought there is a single non-meme non-controlled opposition party in fucking ALBANISTAN all places, one of the designated hotbeds of corruption, then I'm gonna laugh in your ugly mongrel face, you absolute cuckboy

There won’t be Albania in 40 years

It's why the rats are fleeing france now, they know whatnthey started

he's right. its all over for you. its just a matter of time. such a shame.

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>22% Ashkenazi

>Hey you RACISTS
>Your filthy race will be wiped from the planet in 50 years while my glorious Jewish heritage will live on for thousands of years
>now stop being RACIST and DIE OUT
Firebomb when

Plausible deniability.

israel gets more immigration then you think and the sjw culture has hit them as well. whoever the jews in power are they dont care about jews any more then you do.

That's not even the worst one I've seen. It's like they want to be shoa'ed.

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I mean, at least I'll still be alive in a week you. Can you say the same Moshe? Can Israel? Burn in Hell demon.

What kind of monster would put their white kids in a class with those. They wont learn proper English. The teacher will need to help the other kids more because everything is more difficult for them, thus covering less material and of lower level. The kid will be bullied. But atleast it's a diverse class, and you can brag about it when you meet your other lily white friends how not racist you are.

>consider this
>implying this isn't why I'm an anti-semite raycis white soopreemist

Thats right. Israel GDP per capita is now higher than france,uk,japan and in 2 years will be higher than germany.
what we achieved in 70 years with a country full of shitskin jews you will never achieve in 500 years. back to toilets cheap sub human pole.

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do the jews really think that shitskins don't identify them as white? jews will not be spared when the global chimp-out happens. just keep letting them think they will.

That guy is more redpilled than a lot of Jow Forums users.

>fuck goyim lmao hope they die
>wow fuck antisemites
peak kike

>tfw you realize he's right

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to be honest, niggers and spics hate jews the most. those liberal jews are shooting themselves in the foot.

“Entrenched anti-Semitic views” very rare among whites and Asian Americans, common among blacks and Latinos

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Shit tier bait. Take a look at the demographics in Israel. They're getting bred out too.

Jews, like almost every other subhuman. Has no consideration for consequences beyond the immediate. They believe in the future that threats such as the "Samson Option" will be viable to the brown world. However the browns will simply believe they'll do somethung absurd such as dodging the missile, and swarm Israel to finally color in the last pale spot.


That was the future, its getting changed.

it's pretty evident that their time preference is superior to whites

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Yes, but just like everything else, they lied and schemed their way to a false prophecy.


My great grandchildren won't have a heritage to hate. What they will have is a deeply ingrained hatred of white people and a bunch of (((white))) people telling them what to do. American jews will die right after we do.

>In 50 to 100 years, Israel will still be Jewish.

>Your countries will NOT, however.

Sweet. So there won't be any jews left in Europe? Did they all get pogrommed or something? What happened to them?

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He wasn't anti-Semitic. He was simply (((anti-communism))).

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