He had a chance to slap Pelosi in the face with his dick and he caved by delaying the SOTU. I love Trump, but starting to lose faith. Thoughts?
He fucking blinked!
Other urls found in this thread:
It's lose lose whatever he does;
>Go ahead with it anyway
>Agree to delay
No one except concern trolls care. Go back to discord, it's time for your hourly dilation.
All I know is, if he cucks he's finished.
His base will abandon him & the left will be reinvigorated & up the tempo.
Trump is like a stock price. He has his ups and downs. Dont turn on him while hes down..
no he didn't
Just wanna see him crash and burn now tbqh
3 years and......
Shutdown means no security
That makes me feel a little better, but I wanna see more "ups"...and soon
My thoughts? I think the point of this thread is to demoralize. Fuck off.
He could make a rally and say wtf he intends to say.
No, it's more like bringing this up for discussion, which it deserves.
Tranny discord holocaust when??? You faggots are super obvious, hopefully aero kills himself and takes a few of you queers with him.
This is a slide thread from the tranny discord, if you are unfamiliar with the tranny discord slide threads then welcome, you're in one.
I'm going to make up my mind after he decides on the bills being voted on today. If he takes the Demonrat plan, it's over.
whats the server?
>This is a slide thread from the tranny discord, if you are unfamiliar with the tranny discord slide threads then welcome, you're in one.
Drumpf should have done his SOTU on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
Boys have a penis girls have a vagina
>It's lose lose whatever he does;
What the fuck? Where's my fucking winning??
filed under
>i support trump but
reddit threads
>at least two retards are trying to piss into ocean of piss
>therefore we are infested with paid discord shills
Are you retarded?
Babby's first realpolitik
It's just a delay until the problems get solved. Democrats are already losing, Delaying to fix this shutdown is fine but they need to start working on this or they're screwed. Trump isn't ever going to back down on the border fence/wall. If they don't work it out soon the Democrats are finished. Trump is giving them everything and willing to make a deal but they refuse if there's any kind of wall involved.
He works for Israel.
Literally the info graphic gets posted everyday on Jow Forums they've been attempting to manipulate us for months and their tactics are really obvious.
Ancap says he wants GOETUS to fail
Wow, so surprised
Imagine being this far (year early) into Titor's reign and still being this fucking retarded
If it’s lose/lose either way then why not have the speech? Could it be that Trump is as big of a coward as you are?
*Yet early*
Fucking spelling. Fuck
>No one except concern trolls care
This. Ignore the kike shills.
>I don't know about you, fellow Drumpft supporters but we can't let him get those nuclear codes, really regretting my choices, it's over any day now.
>"Tee hee, I'm so smart I don't even know what I'm doing."
Got a discord to plot kike nigger
He makes deals. DACA and all that shit is peanuts in the scheme of things. So what if you have to keep a few Mexicans and shit in order to shut it the fuck down for good. The SOTU is the same thing. He talked big, played reasonable, and now everybody with sense knows that this shutdown carnage lays entirely in the Dem's hands. They're why employees aren't getting paid, they're the ones using them. I just find it hilarious that a load of warmongering commies give a fig about the price of the wall. They'd set that pile of money on fire in an instant to continue the blood orgy.
Dumpy is piece of pig shit. He’s a sleazy mafia “don” wannabe and a wannabe dictator trapped inside a traitor’s fat bloated orange body. He’s the fucking worst POTUS in the history of the country. If you still support this stupid fuck at this point then you need to be dragged into the street and hanged as a traitor yourself. The dumbest motherfuckers alive voted for this asshole.
It’s the only one that will have enough votes in both Houses to pass and when he refuses to sign it his poll numbers will dive even more. A poll this morning has him at 34%...lowest of his presidency. Down —8 points since Dec...hm...what could have possibly began in Dec and lasted all of Jan??? Hm???? He’s one stupid fuck but at least he knows he’s a fraud...his supporters are the real dumb fucks .
RBG is still in play, we don't know the timetable on the new justice yet
he probably sensed some kind of sabotage and decided to avoid it
also it was a classy move to accept the speaker's power, to not give her any excuse for the horrible job she's doing on our border security
smells like the tranny discord
LOL! What a fuckTARD. If that were so, the turtle wouldn’t be bringing the Dem bill to the floor you fucking moron. There are already Republican Senators who’ve said they will vote for the Dem bill. What’s eventually going to happen is a veto proof vote will be delivered that essentially tells Trump to go fuck himself...that’s what’s going to happen if this continues. Trump owns this shutdown...he PROUDLY declared he would take all the responsibility for it before HE did it. We can fucking wait forever. He’ll fold very soon.
North Korea is in February.
Trump likely thinks SOTU and North Korea would be too much of a time constraint.
>concern troll
Sell that bullshit over at T_D. There’s no such fucking thing nor has there ever been. The only thing even close is FUD and that ain’t new dickshit.
Nobody cares about some gay speech, Schlomo. He either gets the wall or gets fucked.
wont have sotu until he gets what he wants and touts a victory in speech. fuck off.
Are you going to tell me how Hillary 2020 is my only choice now, Shareblue?
No one cares that a president has been banned from his own SOTU for the first time in history? Thats really your argument?
>I love Trump, but starting to lose faith. Thoughts?
Don't make it so obvious next time schlomo. You Jews are getting lazy.
Sorry...polls show that almost 80% of Americans believe this shutdown belongs to Dumpy...77% to be exact. The fool said he was proud to own it before he did it. He can’t walk that back.
He’s fucked then.
They were spot on during the midterms...spot fucking on! LOL!
Drumpfffffffffffff is finished! LOOOOOOL!
Get better at trolling discord tranny. It's getting embarrassing.
Implying anyone in Trump's base wants the government to be open. You're fucking retarded.
Wait until the red pills flow in a month that the real purpose of foodstamps is effectively a ransom payment to keep various democrat demographics from burning the country to the ground.
He likes to lose and claim victory. It's one of his special moves
Blinked? That's not blinking, if the Speaker doesn't want you there, you don't get to go. Elections have consequences. Shutdowns have consequences. Trailer park bullying has consequences.
Get the fuck back to 8th grade civics you tranny tickling cheese faced penish fish. There’s no fucking constitutional requirement that potus give the sotu in a speech in the house chamber.
Nobody suggested otherwise, angry guy.
>Former Trump supporter here
Nice back-pedaling spunk-junkie.
>It's lose lose whatever he does;
>>Go ahead with it anyway
The only loser is he who capitulates to the other side. Who gives a fuck what lefties say. We, his base, are what matters. The left is never going to support what he does, and we need to stop worrying about what they say. Stop cucking.
Yeah, you're fucking right he owns this shutdown, and we love him for him that. It's called standing up for a promise. We were literally saying he would be finished if he didn't let the government shut down. Your normie politic shilling won't work.
? Are you replying to the right post?
Wtf I'm with her now
Before there was talk about him declaring emergency state (or something like that) and being able to get the military to build the wall, what happened to that?
Fuck you kike. There are no such thing as concern trolls you redditor. This is huge. Trump is losing now. Pelosi just fucking won and proved she has more power than the president.
Smells like unwashed tranny cock in here.
It just means he was assured the government would be re-opened by Tuesday. People are looking way too deep into this.
I really don't understand why he cucked on this one. Unless it's 5D chess.
This is the same slimey kike tactic of giving a vague premise that can be twisted into whichever shape they want. "Most people say Trump owns the shutdown!" Yes, because most people agree with it. "Most people don't like the direction the country is going!" Yes because white children can be accosted by two different sets of grown adults hurling racial insults at them and if the children smile they're attacked by the kikes. That's what people mean when they say they don't like the direction the country is headed.
Much like your fight against suicide, the wall fight isn't over. Also like your fight, Trump has a 40% chance to lose.
Not everyone is a troll you idiot, he released some brave letter saying he'll do it anyway then a few hours later says actually ok he won't. It's embarrassing.
There are maybe 400k max people actually negatively affected by the shutdown, the other 300M people in the country don't care
Even if trumps base thinks he owns the shutdown, how is it a problem if his followers want less govt anyway?
Hey shill, this just reinforces trumps outsider against the establishment image. You fucking morons have no idea how bad the optics are for you on this.
whenever I do lose a little faith the left doubles down on stupid so no
It's a boring unfalsifiable position: if he stands up it's good optics because he shows the dems to be posturing and weak, if he caves to her it's good optics because it shows him to be an outsider.
MAGApedes shit up Jow Forums with this lazy thinking, layers of 5D backgammon and art of the deal so every thing is a carefully constructed win no matter what. You'll take him losing re-election as a blindingly smart move that he can now influence politics from the outside.
never hold a loser
>talking about stocks but doesnt trade
Tranny found
Based Nancy can't help but keep winning!
He's doing a very good job of baiting his opponents into taking their most extreme position. If you can't see that you should stop talking about politics.
4d chess amirite?
Lmao trumptards need to take their meds
Yes yes polls show it's her turn... fuck off and die in a fire.
>but I'm actually winning it's 7D backgammon lol
the absolute state of beta trump cucks
You do realize that he can't just do a SOTU without it being approved first?
While letting the left destroy the country. I hope he is getting shit done behind the scenes, has a backup plan or something.
I love the guy too but he is losing his fight against the Deep State. Too many enemies inside, nothing can get done.
It was worth trying. Now we know what to do.
LOL! Stupid fagbot (spelling correct) detected...’round here all the MAGATARDS are on welfare.
Drumfffffffff is finished. No wall ever...Drumpfffffy can give his speech in a McDonalds somewhere. LOL!
It was just more BS shooting from the hip. Someone finally explained to him why that wouldn’t work.
You have no idea what you're saying
Only thing he's doing is pretending he has any say in the matter. Pelosi has full jurisdiction over whether he can give a speech in the house of Representatives.
Yes because white children can be accosted by two different sets of grown adults hurling racial insults at them and if the children smile they're attacked by the kikes. LOL!
Buh buh buh buh you wouldn’t hurl racial or ethnic insults would you? “kikes”
LOL! He’s already lost fagbot.
I agree, delaying the SOTU is a huge mistake.
An abnormal number of non-political people would actually watch the SOTU, people who don't normally watch most of the political media or follow Trumps tweets or anything that's going on.
The SOTU would have been the best way for Trump to reach the largest number of people. Pelosi knew this which is why she strategically denied him the right to give the SOTU from the House.
Trump capitulated here, plain and simple, probably his single greatest error since becoming POTUS.
and when he gives it in the white house to the nation instead, upending ceremony and tradition, they will cry about it...for 10 sec until it's pointed out they refused to host it, then they'll blame whitey
LOL!!!!!! 800,000 not getting paid...most have spouses now it’s 1.6 million...many have adult children who now hate the orange turd...2 million & counting...then there’s the businesses that are failing because their customers don’t have money to spend...then there’s the 60% that hate Trump’s guts and have since day one...your numbers are fucking whack.
The networks wouldn’t carry it. We all hate him. We want him gone.
Remember the 6 gorillion employees goy!
Not sure if there was any true "win" scenario for Trump here. Pelosi is determined to be a power mad, petty little cunt, and it's clear the Democrats are letting her run wild. She essentially deplatformed Trump from addressing the American people. If THAT doesn't show people how treasonous the Democrats are, not much else will. The dried up old bitch just made history.... by depriving Americans an opportunity to hear an update straight from the President's mouth. Between her and most of the mainstream media, he really only does have Twitter, and a few hosts on Fox News.