Wrong Change $$$$

Ok so last night a group of my friends went out to a restaurant/bar. Our waitress was a very rude nasty black lady. She was terrible at her job, couldn’t get our orders straight, etc.. When our check came back my bill was like 86 dollars for my wife and I. I gave an 100 dollar bill to pay and the dumb nigger gave me 86 dollars change back. I left without telling anyone. Now I am feeling guilty about shorting the restaurant. Should I care about shorting the ape? Let’s be real she would probably have stolen my money too right?

Pic unrelated by similar

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Kill her

Youre a fucking pussy.

$86 for two people? Kek that restaurant doesn't need it

Free money, fuck the store. Thats what you get when you hire negros.

I personally would go return the money, regardless of what race she was. You’re basically acting like a nigger, and karma will probably catch up to you.

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>Now I am feeling guilty about shorting the restaurant.
It's will come out of her pocket. She is tasked with handling the financial transactions. Can't just have $86 disappear, otherwise nig nog waitstaff would bleed the store dry.

fuck off with your shit skin religious teachings

Consider it reperations for having to interact with their smelly ape.

Are you a 19 year old woman?

My wife and i had a similar thing happen to us. Long story short i publicly shamed the negress and she chimped out (ofc). Manager came over and she got fired.

>I gave an 100 dollar bill to pay and the dumb nigger gave me 86 dollars change back
that's hilarious

Return it or you are the nigger.

Congrats on getting the only working she boon fired. Now she'll welfare instead of inspiring others to her greatness. Thanks bruh for acting Jewish with the shekels.

Karma is real. For instance, look at mad you are. This is your anger issues from not being able to get women. Whereas I get 10/10 women. It’s not that I’m “special”, it’s karma.

Karma is real. For instance, look at your angry sarcasm. This is your anger issues from not being able to get women. Whereas I get 10/10 women. It’s not that I’m “special”, it’s karma.

That's a nice community pool in front of her apartment. She's really living the high life.

you couldn't be a bigger faggot right now

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if you want to dine there again then call the management and get her fired and you will get some bonus too

It was clearly her mistake. In these times you act white to people who act white to you. She chose nigger mode and it was her choice. We need more flexibility or we dead.

You people are going to get us all finished. In a non-homogenic socjety you play by the rules to your own ingroup and to people of other groups who play by the rules (optional, if you are in position to spread your rules). There is ZERO virtue in getting fucked over and you're dragging us all down.

Nice blogpost, fatty.

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>Ok so last night a group of my friends went out to a restaurant/bar.
>Our waitress was a very rude nasty black lady. She was terrible at her job, couldn’t get our orders straight, etc..
>When our check came back my bill was like 86 dollars for my wife and I. I gave an 100 dollar bill to pay and the dumb nigger gave me 86 dollars change back.
>I left without telling anyone. Now I am feeling guilty about shorting the restaurant. Should I care about shorting the ape?
>Let’s be real she would probably have stolen my money too right?
Greentxted that for you m8.

So you're the dishonest party but she deserves it? That's negro-tier thinking.

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based poland setting cucks straight once again.

The 86 dollars in change was fake.

>Whereas I get 10/10 women
>jokes on you, i was pretending to be retarded