In todays news, good news: No one gives a fuck about Holocaust

In todays news, good news: No one gives a fuck about Holocaust.

>In 2014, in a massive survey of over 50,000 people in 100 different countries, the Anti-Defamation League found that only 33% of the world knew what the Holocaust was and believed it had been “accurately described by history.” (Yes, tons of people have never heard of the Holocaust in the first place, which is problematic, to put it mildly).

>Those who said it had not been “accurately described” told the Anti-Defamation League’s researchers that they thought it was either a myth or that it had been exaggerated.

>With the rise of social media, Holocaust denial has become more visible than ever. Meanwhile, Holocaust survivors are dying off. Soon, they’ll all be gone, and we’ll have no living testament to the horrors that Nazi Germany and its allies perpetrated.


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Can't read the writing in that. What is the date of that magazine?

Its 1488.

how can you deny something if you don't know what it is?

>Meanwhile, Holocaust survivors are dying off. Soon, they’ll all be gone
No they won't, the kikes will just make up more """survivors""" and the good goyim will eat it up.

Yeah they’ll be celebrating a 120 year old woman that was somehow miraculously born in a Extermination Camp in 2065

>making a fortnite video for your post
i'm with you but thats pretty fucking lame pal

I first learned about the holocaust on a road trip in the US, at the holocaust museum in Kansas City. Very strange experience!

I can sort of see why you might have holohoax museums in germany and poland, but why america?

I think the Holocaust thing is mainly an American school staple.
We barely skimmed throught it, and most people don't care about jews.

Attached: pq6wMfhedX-2.png (300x250, 33K)

>In the Middle East and North Africa, Holocaust denial and distortion were found to be much higher. 60% of those surveyed in the Middle East and North Africa who were aware of the Holocaust told surveyors they thought it had either been hyperbolized or completely made up.
Based nigs

The Jews aren't as smart as they think they are. They are trying to destroy the only people who actually haven't tried to genocide them.

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oh no that sucks!!

Possibly May 4, 1941.

Reminder that the concept of "The Holocaust" did not exist until the 1970's.

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>Anti-Defamation League
Always these kikes

It is after the date of the original publication of the picture which had the man standing in the barracks. The NYT magazine editors thought he was too shocking for a Sunday magazine aimed at women and families, so they edited him out.

Holocaust deniers for some reason think that there is a big issue here. Even if the photo with the man was a montage (it isn’t) what would that signify? The man was an inmate in the camp, he was that emaciated, he did live ina barracks like that - it is hardly deceptive to show him as he was in that arrack.

But deniers have no arguments or evidence in their favour, so all they can do is try to make mountains of molehills and lies.


Really? Muslims are holocaust deniers? How extraordinary.

(Pro tip for Americans - this is sarcasm)

The use of the term to refer to the event was not common until then, but the historical facts about it were established in the 1940s and fifties.

>Even 70 fucking years ago, (((New York Times))) was doctoring photos and making up stories

>Even if the photo with the man was a montage (it isn’t) what would that signify?

It would signify that one of the most famous pictures from The Holocaust™ is a fake. Combine that with the fact that there are Jews such as yourself who would still say, "Well it doesn't even matter if it's a fake because ...", and it's a very powerful basis for questioning the entire Holocaust narrative, including the dogma of homocidal gas chambers. Which never existed.