The truth about Jow Forums

The truth about Jow Forums
You guys think you are so edgy, and for this people think we are retarded and losers, the truth is, Jow Forums os the best place on the internet for Free speech, you can talk with anons all around the world, and our discussions makes you find out information you never think about It. That's why our community is so strong and the left can't win intellectually. You guys here in this site are awesome.

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nah this place is a fucking shithole bro. don't kid yourself. This is a degenerate shithole

>Jow Forums
get out newfag.

>A Federal Reserve bank is a privately owned corporation established pursuant to the Federal Reserve Act to serve the public interest

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Lmao the crazy

>Jow Forums os the best place on the internet for Free speech
[Thread has been deleted]

this place is a honeypot for double digit IQ morons.
betterchan is elsewhere.


cant believe what is common knowledge now its weird. you can talk about ufos and more people than not will tell you about them, even the holocaust being fake is just stranded fare.
what a strange time

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>even the holocaust being fake is just stranded fare.
What fucking timeline are you on?