Who would win?

Who would win?

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So this is where we're at, huh. great.

The one without the nigger nose

The jews.

both are jews being idolized by each side of the political spectrum. Kikes playing you dumb burgers like a fiddle

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How can you turn that maga guy into femoid?


Central NATIVE Europeans are welcome in other Central European and Northern European nations. We are all brothers and sisters after all.

Unlike cancerous albanian dogs that spread all over Austria, southern Germany, Britain and Australia like disease.

INB4 we wuz uncucked nigga removal dagos and sheeeit

Politically Austria, Britain, Slovenia, Germany and Sweden are both multitudes more European in population than albanoniggers who had no problem getting turked for 500+ years and now that some mongrelized quarter-slavic half-greek albanimal loses his mind after neetbuxing too much, you wanna cuck it for shitbania?
off yourself you joke
and if you ACTUALLY thought there is a single non-meme non-controlled opposition party in fucking ALBANISTAN all places, one of the designated hotbeds of corruption, then I'm gonna laugh in your ugly mongrel face, you absolute cuckboy

There won’t be Albania in 40 years

the autistic one

the autistic one always wins

David Hogg had the balls to ride his bike to school during an ongoing mass shooting.

The Jew on the right pissed his pants with fear at the sight of a 65 year old native American man playing a drum.

>tranny hogg gets fucked by based megapede
Hmm.. So this is the porn of 2019 Jow Forums...

Tranny faggot

both faggots pluck thier eyebrows

the fact that david hogg enter in harvard for nothing is a disgrace.

one thing that I dont understand about america: why there's SO FEW school shoot-outs?

Wtf I swear to god the kid they interviewed looks nothing like the kid in the original video, anyone else notice this?

Some people just arent inbred so they have normal eyebrows

define “pissed his pants”

Probably the guy with the gun

Without the MAGA hat he just looks like another white pussy boy.

whos the top whops the bottom?

how bullied by white kids were you jamal?

Not at all what I mean. In the video at the Lincoln memorial he looks 16 or 17 in the interview he looks way younger. Maybe it's just the makeup they use for television.

>implying niggers are on Jow Forums

It's time for you to leave.

i know and sorry, but it must be done for evolution

dont post these, it is confusing me

turn him into the Wendy's girl

Wait, I thought he smirked? Is pissed the pants the narrative now?