>There's no future in truck driv-
Why does Jow Forums lie so much?
There's no future in truck driv-
Wait until we have driverless cars
>90 000$ for 80h/w
That's like working a regular 40 000$ job at 40h/w except you just work 40 hours and pay less tax.
there is a catch always a catch.
except this is well below the average 105-110k a year a truck driver in the us can make
>$90,000 per year
>working for walmart
Because Jow Forums doesnt acyaully know what they are talking about and just talks out their ass constantly
That's not average unless you're talking about coastal cities. Avg is between 38/58k. Your figure is very high end.
ex trucker here. its been a while since i drove. but back then walmart required a lot of experience with another company first. everyone wants to drive for wall mart because its dedicated routes mean you have more consistent home time.
Enjoy falling asleep at the wheel because they demand certain time arrival
90k a year to work 16 hours a day 7 days a week
is it legal in USA to drive a truck that long?
Here you need to take exponentially longer brakes the longer you drive
It's like 1 hour break after 4 hours driving, then 2 hours after next 4 hours. After some time you are forbidden to drive for a whole day or 2.
when i was a cab driver we couldn't keep taking fares after 12 hours of driving and the car had to be parked after 14 hours. they would terminate your contact if the car was still moving after 14 hours.
yeah, something similar here
no you legally must stop after a certain time and rest for 8 (or was it 12?) hours. many companies monitor their drivers precisely with gps and they will get into trouble for allowing people to go over the limit. it's pretty serious business here.
t. truck driving uncles
Y r u a commie though?
also an ex trucker, i made 90k my first year, 120k the next and i was still learning the ropes. the real question is how much home time you get? company trucks or do you have to have your own?
90k for a company driver, that are usually paid by the mile, seems high
Ninety thousand a year gross is union scale. After taxes, it's more like fifty thousand take home.
i never drove for walmart so i don't know much about how they pay. walmart does have their own company trucks though i know that much for sure. don't fall for the owner operator meme it's a waste of money. big trucks are expensive to maintain. best to let the multimillion dollar companies pay for all that shit.
Why did you quit if the money is that good?
Too much driving from home?
/o/ here. The driverless meme is brought on by basedboy city dwellers who think Tesla are good for the environment.
Diesel is king.
Pro driver organizations are PUMPED about robot semis
>so the law and insurance still requires licensed pro truckers AND there are no more required rest periods?!?! WOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOO!!!
when i was driving, 8 years ago, the rules were you may be on the clock for 14 hours a day, but only drive for 11 hours, after you would have to rest for at least 10 hours to reset.
also no more than 70 hours in an 8 day period.
because capitalism is an enemy of the white race.
$90k isn’t enough to do one of the most unhealthy jobs possible
our lives are too short for that, so just get that trucker's license and go get a job
>legally up to 70 hours in 8 days
>mandatory 34 hour break after the limit is reached
Polneets will do anything to rationalize being broke
People that see """huge""" amount of money and think that a job is worth doing because of that are really the worst
I'll gladly take a job that pays me less than half of that money and lets me have time for my family and friends
truckeranon I have one of these
any ideas how to make money?
It’s only unhealthy if you don’t know how to take care of yourself. Take 45 minutes and do calisthenics and do intermittent fasting and you’ll stay in shape.
>One of the most unhealthy
I dont think you realize how many unhealthy jobs are out there and how unhealthy jobs can get.
the money sounds nice, but i didn't really have any free time, and when i did i was usually hundreds of miles away from home. i started to get lonely and was missing out on all the good times with family and friends.
and that 100k+ had to go to other things too: taxes, fuel ($600+ fillups), truck maintenance, and i had a lease truck aswell ($845 a week)
Walmart will be the first to put out large scale driverless trucks, so this is obviously an experiment to gather data from highly experienced truckers to encode their driverless algorithms.
walmart has there own trucks but they also contract out to other companies too, i remember Prime Inc. has a big contract with them and dedi runs
what the fuck I'm making 80.000 Euros a year before taxes and I'm in a management position
Drug trafficker, they will never expect it.
I use to travel alot for my old job. Mainly driving from alabama to lackland or ft.bliss. id be down to be a trucker if i could take my doges
Spend less time frogposting.
>Walmart only hires truckers with 5 years experience and will not train new ones
Boomer tier
Wut lmao
After 1 year over the road experience my dad got hired on with a regional shipping company and he’s home every weekend and makes 108k. In Iowa.
Im snorting 2 grams of coke every day and i don't even work.
Dad was a truck driver and iirc it was 10 hours of continuous driving, and you could only work 13 hours a day without a 10 hour cool down period. Also like only 4 like 4 full work days are allowed before you needed a 32 hour cool down period. I might be mistaken though since this is from memory.
you'll be waiting a long time
Truck Drivers make more than that.
One day the truck will be driving you.
so you're a criminal?
Only drop and hook is unhealthy. If you want exorcise do flat bed. You'll work your ass off.
if you were in the US i'd say haul scrap metal for recycling, most people will give you there scrap appliances and metals for free as long as you come and get it. then sell it to a recycling facility.
>Truck Drivers make more than that
Are you a truck driver?
No, im an optimist
Well it's only 2 percent less. Some people want to waste their life to get nice things they can't even enjoy until they retire if they can even manage to.
Just got my CDL and worked into a job for a car company hauling cars locally for 60k a year and I'm home almost every night of the week
>when i was a cab driver
Use the toilet Pajeet!
Not everyone is your dad, buddy. Some people just have no motivation to better themselves or they're content making what they do. The average is indeed 40k a year.
Driverless car is one thing, driverless truck is another. The difference is peace of mind.
yeah no more muslims driving trucks would give me a little peace of mind
Who the fuck implied there's no future in trucking? Especially in this day and age when people purchase garbage online on the daily, hourly even?
please. you seriously think a terrorist attack is going to happen you special old you??? fuck off. stop buying into fear mongering. youre not going to personally be victim of a truck attack.
and if you are we'd all laugh here anyway
"user it seems we have you consistently 3 minutes late on a lot of your deliveries this past quarter. We're afraid we're going to have to let you go, and blackball you from all the other trucking companies in the area."
the moment you let them in, you created a permanent rival gene pool in your territories while at the same time taking a shit in your own gene pool that will not be washed away
best case scenario for the future is that some other, racially intact nation will get to deal with the issue your created, and remember the dutch are fundamentally defective and beyond grace
Threadly reminder that a discord exists solely for the purpose of shitposting on Jow Forums, with specific targeting towards /ptg/ and /sg/. There exists a group of people who's life choices have led them to a point where shitposting on Jow Forums has become the highlight of their day, indeed their very reason for not just suckstarting the first shotgun they can find.
They are responsible for ALL AOC, Kamala Harris and Tulsi Gabbard threads. They create porn threads. They are responsible for the BLACKED spam. They are the ones creating the "Honest thoughts on X" threads, the "how do we solve the X problem" threads, the "What did X mean by this" thread. The "are X white" threads. The blackpill threads, the consensus-breaking threads. The fake tweet threads. The Gillette spam threads. The Jow Forums threads. The "redpill me on X" threads. The off-topic horseshit. The disgustingly bad shitposts. The Smug White MAGA teen threads. The 'alt right e-celeb' faggotry. The transfaggotry threads. When confronted, they'll deny a discord exists despite the screencaps that exist of it.
This is your reminder that each (You) you give them gives them a tiny bit of hope that their shitposting will change your mind, will affect your thinking. They see you as easy marks because you've proven in the past you simply cannot help but shitpost when someone else shitposts.
user.. their existence is suffering. Pure, unfiltered, endless suffering. Haven't they suffered enough? Don't be selfish and give them (You)s to prolong their suffering for your enjoyment.
Withhold the (You)s. Don't reply to AOC, Kamala Harris or Tulsi Gabbard threads. Don't reply to shitposters. Let them finally realize the only way out is death. Let them find peace. Even their pet Mod. Yes, they have one.
Show some restraint, faggots. They literally organized on a Discord, tried to go full OPSEC and FAILED+-
It’s a joke, Jow Forums is satire, newfag.
And they will fire them the moment some index goes down a couple of points. Reason they pay so well is because of that risk.
Why do tradebois never get it? It's always the same deal.
>good pay
>long hours
>sudden economic downturn
>no job for years
It's good pay but it doesn't last.
This. Fuck truck driving for peanuts.
they need truck drivers so bad , pajeets and niggers are now hot hires in that industry
Because Jow Forums is full of communists
That's why ramen noodles cost $3.50 in your "country"
Truck driving is a miserable job.
I'm a truck driver and I bring home about 150k leaf dollars a year. I work quite a bit though. 12 hour days, and I work 2/3 of the days in a year
It could be 200k and I still wouldn't do it. Try driving for 16 hours with only 2 breaks 5-6 days a week. Fuck even just 8 hours with one break. Fuck that. I'd blow my brains out af 3 weeks.
As someone who has worked for a logsitics company for the last 3 years fuck truck drivers. They are literally the dumbest and rudest people on the fucking planet. If they aren't white then they are even worse as not only are they stupid and rude but they also don't speak english and constantly break the law and fuck up shit more than it already is.
I make 1700 a week with 40-65 hours worked.
You can only be on duty 14 hours and drive for 11. Every 70 hours of driving, you must take a 34 hour break.
Read the whole post.
Callin on trucker radio, slammin lot lizzards when on break. Life on the open road, sounds good to me
Nobody wants to work for those faggots because they treat you like disposable shit. I mean for fucks sake, now they pay the delivery boys more than the managers? What's their next brilliant management decision
lot lizards usually have their pimp niggers around, better watch out
This basically.
>t. 14 year walmart associate
I'm a truck driver running out of hours at a cosignee right now. True story.
I could never learn how to back the truck up right and every trucker I met looked 50 but was 30 and had already dealt with cancer or had a stroke or heart attack so I quit
Read his post. You can't drive over 11 or work over 14 per day. Also i dont go anywhere near either.
The best thing is actually buying your own truck and becomming owner operator you can easily make 3-4k a week after all expenses.
are you a woman
so 10k a year
thats 830 dollars a month.....
No I just couldn't figure out how to back the truck up oddly enough I was good at parallel parking it
Then they divide that 90,000 among the 900 truck drivers.
junk removal. people pay to have you haul their shit away. it's not a bad gig. minimum starts at 120$ here and price climbs by the hour
Yeah but trucking in Russia aint like real trucking here.You just hauled sacks of potatoes and flour. Any fag can haul that stuff to old babushkas waiting in three mile long lines.
not gonna happen in our lifetime.
Thats a shithouse pay packet for a truckie
Nyet Ivan
Hey, Happy Rusev Day you filthy barbarian!!
Don;t forget all the lot lizards he banged too. All those diseases he brought home to your mom.
$100 a year for a driver? That's not very much.
Uh no, not on average there chief
Yes, Russia is famous for its road infastructure and highway logistics. Trucking is very easy there.
Not in this kind of setup. They want you to drive a fixed route but want dependable drivers that know the stores and personnel.
For an owner-operator, not an employee.