Why do most people here hate women?

Why do most people here hate women?

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Why don’t you kys?


Well for starters that one's a nigger

wrong board you schmuck

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Take the memeflag off, we know it’s you, Estonian bro.

I only hate white women. Other women are based. Especially blacks. I mean look at the curves

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I too prefer black women

I think the biggest reason is their behavior.


I don’t hate women, I love women. I just acknowledge their natural tendencies and particular patterns of behavior in a way that allows me to improve my experiences with them both as friends and as girlfriends. I was a bluepilled faggot as a younger man, which resulted in the decline of some relationships that meant a lot to me at the time. I decided I need an alternative strategy, I’ve adopted it, and it’s worked extremely well. I think you may be looking for Jow Forums. Also, I’m a brainlet for even responding to this nigger bullshit, don’t be like me anons