Fuck them
Yesssss diiiie buzzzfeeeeeeeed
nigga did you just use your company name to post on Jow Forums?
>doesn't find it funny because actuall people are losing their jobs.
>mfw I remember that those bastards throw fake news left and right.
Lmao. I did that with my own name once. Fucking auto complete on phones these days.
Did they get that Joe Bernstein guy that helped get MDE cancelled?
200? how many people work there? what percentage is that?
15% in article.
Not nearly enough.
Are you trying to tell me that clickbaiting your way to the top doesn't help actually retain readers?
Buzzfeed will never die. Propaganda arms don’t have to turn a profit to be useful.
I will take some over none user. The glass is half full.
Wot you playing at cunt I have seen your name on a few threads tonight
Suck a fuck to buzzfeed kikes
"When fake news has REAL problems. Next on Sick Sad World!"
is soros not supporting buttfeed anymore?
Awesome, but is this recent? Your cap doesn't have a date.
It takes over 1300 people to post prejudicial blogs? jfc
They were laying off people a while back.