If you were in charge of your country and everyone of its citizens were just millions of clones of yourself...

If you were in charge of your country and everyone of its citizens were just millions of clones of yourself, would your country prosper or would the entire country collapse?

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Oh, we'd collapse for sure. You don't want one of me in charge of things.

World domination from scratch within ten years

Interesting thought experiment. I like to believe that I am a rational man, but if I had to convince myself of everything then I can't guarantee that every decision would be a good one.
A lot of the best ideas are formed in coalition with others. You need to have your own points of view tested against others to see if they're good enough or just worth dismissing altogether.

In short it probably wouldn't be a good idea.

>no women

I'd just have mass orgies with myself haha

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Collapse, you don’t want me working manual labour

clones would be entirely your gender. with no chance for reproduction, the clone behavior would be abnormal

I think my country would be fine. I grew up in a trades and farming home, worked retail, got educated, worked in many fields including labor, taxi, bank, high tech, and in a lab, now I'm an engineer and a semi survivalist.

With that level of diverse skillset i think my country will be fine.

Then just make more clones. Reproduction isnt an issue.

Collapse. If everyone was me nobody would be taking orders and everyone would be a stubborn prick who thinks only they are right.

Collapse in a few months.

Each one of my clones would want all the others to do the hard work and the dying, while enjoying the fruits of the labors themselves.

We'd all starve to death surrounded by ingredients.

if there was a gradual implementation of me so that everything wouldn't be stuck learning at once, then it would turn out as the greatest and gayest nation ever. If it was instant then it would probably collapse in a few months max.

we'd become incredibly isolationist. we'd also probably purge 75% of ourselves in order to be able to live off the land without depleting resources too fast.

or like the rest of us in this thread, it would collapse in a glorious shitshow

I guess that really depends on whether or not I can control the development of my clones, or if they are carbon copies of myself. It's doable either way, but I have to come at it in a different way, depending.
I'm a 6' tall, 240lb, 130 IQ, white veteran, so millions of me would for an army the likes of which the world has never seen. We'd be tough, smart and disciplined, and we'd be aware of our expendability as individuals in the face of objectives. I'm a big believer in hierarchy, so once the initial difficulty of assigning command positions (probably randomly, or in a rotational scheme), obedience and loyalty would be strong. The biggest foreseeable problem would be a lack of women to go around. Sexbots would go a long way, but importing a few thousand SEA monkeys from Thailand or the Philippines in exchange for a few mercenary units would be an easy trade.

The problem gets harder if the clones start as babies. I was a little shit growing up, but I think I could find the right balance of instruction and mental stimulation to keep myselves engaged and out of trouble. And as an added bonus I could specialize their development for different roles. Some would get leadership training while others would learn construction or simply be fed and exercised until they were swole-ass box carrying niggers.

This was a fun thought experiment.

womp womp

I would sell the country and buy an isolated island and we would all meditate and become based monks.

I would spread myself around the globe like a virus. 17 million of me undermining and coercing other nations to do as I please. Just like the ....

it would be like clockwork. any society that is both homogeneous and comprised of reasonably intelligent people would probably thrive. everyone would know what they aught to do and, be on the same page with one another, more or less.

this seems like a simple question but you have to address several factors.

1. Are we rebooting at a certain point of history where essentially I am the sole embodiment of my country, OR are we completely wiping away everyone else in my country (genocide, thanos snap, etc) so that everything up to that point was a joint effort but now it's up to me to continue the future on my own with my clones?

2. Are my clones mentally linked to me in a Naruto fashion (they understand I am the prime original and any experience gained and learned from any clone is immediately transmitted to everybody else within the hive mind) OR are the clones able to develop true individual sentience separate from me to the point of operating and conflicting on their own?

3) As a continuation of above, are these perfect blank slate clones that I can imprint and program their tasks and threshold (ie., peak human flesh machines with capacities limited only by my programming) OR are they physically exact replicas of my current state and only to do and reach the same maximum potential that is physically possible for me? (ex., I'm not retarded but at this point in my life I probably will never be able to do rocket science calculations solely in my head with the same efficiency as someone who has mentally operated at that state since child hood).

By just these few questions I believe it would become a catastrophic blood bath in a month.

we'd rotate tasks. regardless of any individual's "main job", they'd spend a certain amount of time out of every year doing a secondary task, i.e. unskilled/boring-but-necessary work. jobs requiring less skill (and thus, less training) would be rotated in such a way that you'd rarely have to do them again. jobs requiring slightly more training would go around between a smaller group or come up more frequently.

The country would collapse but wed reach the next stage of human evolution and society wouldnt be necessary anymore

this sort of task-sharing/assignment system would be necessary due to the lack of a hierarchical structure. with such a high degree of cooperation and efficiency, there wouldn't be nearly as much work to do, and we'd have much more free time. it would be ideal. the ultimate "leftist" fantasy, ironically made possible by a lack of diversity.

Would commit mass terrorism in every country that I didn't like.

I'd expel refugees and foreign criminals, and reallocate the money to building attack submarines, and artillery pieces that could hit Paris, Brussels and Stockholm.

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If all the clones have my memories, we'd do great. I'm fine with any type of work as long as i approve of the ruling party and with a country of me that would be no problem. We'd definitely stage invasions, however, so there's that. We don't approve of whoever is not us, usually.

>this sort of task-sharing/assignment system would be necessary due to the lack of a hierarchical structure.

it would also, in a sense, help to preserve this lateral arrangement, since you'd have people from different main jobs/specializations mingling and bonding during their secondary (and semi-random) labor assignments.

a lot of interesting things happen when you have a large group of cooperative, like-minded individuals.

there are two kinds of people
...three... three kinds of people.

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and this is the thing most people don't understand. the degree of social equity in a society is the product of homogenity and amiability. it can't work without both.

it's not something you can "vote" into place. it's not something you can force.

it's almost tautological: equality is equality

thanks for the interesting question, OP. best i've seen in a while.

Go fuck yourself!

We'd be having spaceship races through the asteroid belt and whoever survives the race gets to keep being cloned

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It'd collapse. What's the point if it's all just for me?

It would be a lot of motivated people who work very hard but with only moderate success. Overall, it would be a morally sound civilization but economically stagnant.


That's the sound of the joke going over your head, brainlet. And I doubt you want to see my hairy nipples.

>preserve this lateral arrangement

and that would be the main thing. we'd all agree that this is a good arrangement. i'm not the sort of person who'd take gratification in one-upping a clone of myself.

we'd need regular genetic surveys to monitor genetic integrity and deviation, and to correct and/or upgrade things when necessary, and in such a way that deviation is minimized.

you have no imagination.

im not an elite so no from me

you wouldn't have to be elite. it would work fine for anyone who isn't such asshole/retard that they'd fight with actual clones of themselves.