Le Reddit Masterfully Explains Drumpf's BTFO by Queen Nancy

Jow Forums will say this is wrong, KEK

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no one cares.

> BTFOed Drumpftard detected

>Reddit does something.
Interesting thread, user.

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blumpfkkins btfo

It's my dream to be the overseer of a concentration camp full of redditors

alright man I'm just gonna have to lay this one into you

the reason you're like this is because you're an absolute waste of space - your parents failed you, your family failed you, your siblings failed you, everyone pretty much fucking failed you because they knew you were this fucking stupid from the beginning

so rejoice, and go fucking kill yourself, because there is not a thing left in you but a broken temporal pussy with a miserable, tortured soul trapped by the machinations of it's own conscious ego

no I mean it, hurry up and do it, crush a bottle of oxys and get the fuck out of my planet

Dare I say it is of the over hour
Oh no, let's pack it in and stuff

Leftists are desperate for any kind of win considering 2019 has been nothing but embarrassments for them so far

who cares about the sotu or any of the other pomp shit. Just make them bleed.