Looks like Venezuela is happening. Next Proxy war?

Its still early, but looks like they're heading for Civil War.
1. Maduro still has a big group of supporters, a lot of them in the military
2. Taking over of the power was done in an illegal way- "Fuck you, we rule now"
3. Current regime is Russia backed. That also China, Iran, North Korea voice their support
4. The new regime is USA backed (and probably controlled) There's also Jews (of course), majority of the western sphere is follwing. Also Brasil, Argentina and other Southern American countries.
5. Oil. Fucktillions of dollars worth

If this shit escalates, and it probably will, both Americans and Russians want to lay their hand on the goodies, Itt looks like we're in for another proxy war boys, and this is bound to be interesting. You've seen the map? Massive cities on the coast and south is dense jungle. 18 million hectares of motherfucking Amazon you cannot possibly control, can't drive in even. Nothing outside infantry and helis. Yankees, strap in and dust off your old Fortunate Son records. Becouse it Looks like you're headed for another Vietnam. Good old fashioned jungle guerilla war, but with an over encumbered, over relying on technology army that was fighting islamists in desert and mountains for the last 20 years. And isn't used to trees obstructing their UAV thermal view. Its gonna be good.

Attached: hujej.jpg (420x240, 27K)

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So how are Russians going to supply line to Venezuela? Genuinely curious btw

Point number 5 is the one that has all the major players hard as a rock and flexing their dicks. Securing those oil reserves would be vital if any major global conflict flared up. They all want to control the region. Cuban Missile 2.0.

Cold War proxy wars are back on the menu boys!

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>Proxy war
America dont reallly have a good record winning these, i doubt anything will happen

There you have it. KeK wills it.

Attached: vietnam pepe.jpg (320x320, 28K)

Next war in BIH

Attached: 118-1181848_5-pepe-excited.png (840x494, 189K)

I've got a bone spur. I will not be participating in Vietnam 2.0 Electic Boogaloo.

can't wait to orange justice on dead americans and commies


If they have so much oil, why are they dumb poor commies?

gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang
flexing on them venezuela bitches
doing also those default dances on maduros
football pitches

isn't it weird how we only get involved in countries that have tons of oil?
pure coincidence

It won't be anything like Vietnam. This will be a fucking cake walk.

Why should we get involved if we have no interest?

It isn't just oil this time though. This is the Monroe Doctrine. We cannot allow Russia to interfere in our hemisphere. This is worth firing nukes over.

Nothing will happen outside a simple civil war, calm the fuck down you retard.

No one ever thinks anything will happen until it does. Why do faggots like you think nothing will ever happen when things usually do?

Look at history. It's mostly shit happening.

>The embassy sits atop a lush green hill in the privileged east of the city in the Valle Arriba neighborhood. It’s visible from many parts of Caracas, as is the enormous U.S. flag that flies in the wind in front. Beyond fences and security, the complex has multiple floors underground and could act as a bunker if needed

Getcha popcorn boys. Six marines versus half a million Venezuelans.

nah. it will just create more illegal immigrants, and then we'll have to take refugees.
plus, no one really cares anymore about "spreading democracy", you can't teach people that don't want to learn.
>our hemisphere
this isn't a game of Civilization, take your warmongering back to Hillary

You equality fags are always something else. All crude is not created equal. The last time Venezuela made money on their shit crude was when the world was positively desperate.

Those days are over. In fact, most refining capacity is being geared toward the light sweet Texas and Brent crude--you know, what you get from fracking. The sludge coming out of Venezuela is the oil of last resort.

Syrian immigration crisis, Pan American version is starting. You Texans better start keeping your dogs inside.

Literally this, it's about as difficult to refine as Albertan tar sands, the difference is one already has a pipeline network and trains to refineries from Michigan to Texas and a friendly govt while the other doesn't have either

That's fine. Venezuelans are Whiter than the American average and they probably hate niggers and Jews.

>Some American diplomat dies
>B2 bomber flies over Venezuela

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Commies aren't people. It is everyone's duty to help eradicate every communist on planet earth

The Monroe Doctrine is vital to American security and has been in place for 200 years. It is worth total war to enforce it.

I hope USA likes millions of refugees... That's all I'll say.

Venezuelans wouldn't be so bad. About half of them are White and the other half are Mestizo. If they hate niggers even half as bad as Mexicans do then I'd be happy to have them here.

Absolutely stupid. Half of the Latin Americans on Jow Forums wants regime change simply because they want the Venezuelan refugees they took in fucking out and back in Venezuela. There's already a refugee crisis in Venezuela and Brazil and every other Latin American country absorbed theirs.

It's way more difficult for South Americans to cross illegally through Central America due to a huge inhospitable jungle in Panama/Costa Rica/Nicaragua blocking their way than is for Central Americans and Mexicans to cross the Sonora Desert or North Africans to sail across the Mediterranean. The illegal South Americans we have here came on tourist and student visas.

Venezuela is producing exponentially less oil each year. With a $47 Barrel there is little interest from Russia and China to intervene. They know Venezuela has nothing to offer. 100% of Venezuelan oil is refined in the USA anyway. All we need to do is embargo refining Venezuelan product and Venezuela becomes as useless as Cuba to China and RU.

Not happening. How's RT though?

We have a lot of jungle niggers in our army. You can throw them by parachute in the jungle unarmed, without food and without shoes and they would feel at home, gain weight and hunt people with blowguns.

Attached: JungleNigger.jpg (683x683, 84K)

As an American an I am interested buying some Venezuela property considering there money is worthless I feel it's the time to buy .

I don't see a problem with supplying the new government fighters with weapons. Lots of weapons. Weapons like stingers and javelins. Great videos of russians and chinese advisors getting BTFO. No US troops should invade.

>Can't control
Tell that to Mourão

the same way they supppplayed Libiya...

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>US gets to arm Brazil
>Brazil invades venezuela


two words


I lived in the jungle in Ecuador, took me a long time to survive, agree also the fuckers who live there are just pure savages.

>the same way they supppplayed Libiya...
Please volunteer to serve under Maduro. Call yourself a freedom fighter. The lulz of you getting atomized from an IED will make a great gif.

well russians didnt help Gadafi...that was my point
And Cuba is pretending like nothing is going on..