Rice Cooker

Give me literally one reason that frying the ugly island gooks to end WW2 wasn't justified that isn't some weak appeal to emotion.

Pro Tip: you can't

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Could have dropped one Nuke.

woe to the conquered.

Wouldn't surrender with just one

I am pretty sure that wiping out one city with a single bomb would have been enough.

Could have dropped the second one after in a less populated area to make the point that they can be bombed back into the stoneage.

The Japanese were practicing Imperialism like the Americans did during the Spanish American war and wanted to join the club with Europeans, they emulated European forces, went from a feudal peasant society when Admiral Perry visited in 1856 to a global power that beat the Russians. They were still considered Asians, and they west did not allow them to join the colonizers club. Their biggest mistake was attacking America and trying to take the Pacific as their empire.

They still had an enormous will to fight in 1945, they were never going to give up. When Japanese civilians were seen jumping off the cliffs in Okinawa, the US commanders knew that invading Japan was not going to be a cake walk.

The Japanese in reality survived as a nation because of the air strikes and nukes. They were about as pure of a warrior nation as you can get in modern times,

You think like a rational German, not a Japanese who would dive his Kamikaze plane into a ship. It might have taken #3, the demon bomb, bit it wasn't ready. General Lemat's fire bombing killed more of them.

They surrendered because of the soviet union

>also wasting two nukes on japan instead of tel aviv

>Give me literally one reason
Always the same reason OP.

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Come on OP.
You running away scared now?
I have a huge arsenal about nanking ready.
Its been a while since I last posted.

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The US Strategic Bombing Survey published just one year after the war explicitly says that the nukes were not necessary. According to the US's own official position, our bombers had run out of ANY military targets by that point in the war. It lacked ANY means of defending itself if a ground invasion were called, and a ground invasion was not necessary as Japan was about a month away from unconditional surrender even if the US did absolutely nothing.
The sticking point was the term "unconditional". At that point, Japan was asking for just one condition. That they be allowed to retain their figurehead emperor. The US was unwilling and unable to understand this request. And yet, we could have simply stood by and waited for them to accept unconditionality.
There is no excuse for targeting civilians, let alone two cities full of civilians with no means of defending themselves.
Again, this is the US's own official position.
It doesn't get talked about a lot, does it.

Where the fuck is OP?

Start dropping, Nippon.
You have my attention

nuking an entire city is just fucked
we have to draw the line somewhere and that line should be drawn well before an entire city gets nuked

Japan and Germany were fighting on the side of nationalism and self-direction of races and cultures while the USA was fighting on the side of international banking, Zionism, race-mixing, Bolshevism, and goy serfdom
you would have been better off in the long run if you had dropped the bombs on yourselves

Based and nihonpilled

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I was ready to hit the bed user.
Didnt think anybody would tempt me.
But how can my autism refuse.

Here we go. Buckle up, I have alot.

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One day the world will no the truth I hope.

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Who gives a fuck about Japan. We were trying to freak out the Russians.

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Hentai and 2d girls.

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How original.
War is always disgusting.
Biggest crime is the high IQ races were made to fight each other by the juden. Now see what happened. The low IQ masses started flooding in because the good men died.

What I dont like is lies about big events. Stuff that people keep crying about for $$$ years later. Like coreans or chinese or juden do.

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This is bait, but:

>If we invaded conventionally (Operation Downfall):
The Russians were anxious to join in the Pacific campaign and would have likely invaded and taken Hokkaido (would this have created a N/S Japan like the E/W Germany of the Cold War?).
-Projected casualties for US troops were about 5-6million. Purple hearts minted for the invasion of mainland Japan were still being issued in Afghan/Iraq.
-Projected civilian casualties were 10million. Given the Japanese at Okinawa taking up arms against US troops or committing mass suicide, this is an incredibly conservative estimate.

-Overall, about 350k died in the atomic blasts IIRC. That's just around double that who died at Okinawa alone (~195k).

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No, the soviet union was "why" we were in such a pants-shitting hurry to make them surrender.
The first bomb had them like "well...fuck, we'll think about it...maybe they only had one?"

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Japanese soldiers were also starving to death in the pacific theater and had to catch fish to eat because there were literally no supplies being delivered.
if the soldiers are starving, what do you think is going to happen to the enemy POWs?
Are you familiar with Andersonville?

Plus, Jap civvies from schoolkids to adults would be happy to consecrate their lives to the Emperor in suicide or fighting US troops. IMO a nonconventional weapon showed the people and Emperor the uselessness of resisting.

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This guy, he falls for the nuke meme.

>Jap civvies from schoolkids to adults would be happy to consecrate their lives to the Emperor in suicide or fighting US troops
literally propaganda

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No they literally refused to surrender after the first one.

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This. Anime has literally done more damage then good and is one of the main reasons behind traps and the transgender craze, seems like cringey degenerate bullshit to me personally

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Super blue pilled response. The USA was flexing for the russians, nothing more. At the cost of 350,000 civilian lives mind you.

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Accounts I've read suggested the average Japanese was willing to die for the Emperor, either to defend him as a symbol of Japan or due to other Japanese war propaganda.
IMO many of those who weren't as loyal would probably also believe the alternative was death at the hands of US troops due to propaganda.

One of the accounts of Hiroshima was a doctor and his father trapped in their collapsed and burning home, they survived and were interviewed years later. They said that they simply accepted death and "gave bonsai" to their Emperor, saying they felt fortunate to be Japanese and have the honor of doing so.

If I'm wrong, mind enlightening me with more than a two word response?

Hi jap user. Redpill me on the rape of nanking

You are assuming that frying them was necessary to ending WWII.
This is wrong, frying them was necessary to end WWII with their unconditional surrender. And yeah no a 'nice to have' end to WWII is not a good excuse for frying civilians, go take your pro tips back to facebook nigger

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IIRC the Japs were planning on last ditch demoralisation attacks on civvies theirself, either with a dirty radiological bomb on the California coast or a suicide attack on a W. Coast city with planes painted as American

Japanese deserve to die in agony because they started the war out of greed and anti-white racism,

Ailed forces are brave heroes who stopped the war.

You REALLY think a single Japanese solder died a hero and should be mourned? Pathetic.

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Will try dumping all I have brazil user.
Makes you wonder how much of older history is fake.

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All I can say is that we were entirely justified. They were intended to either invade Japan or bomb it. The invasion would have taken a great number of American lives. So in order to prevent that, they bombed.
And they warned them first. And even after the first, they did not surrender. They almost did not after the second.

Why does everyone on this site suck Japans dick 24/7? fuck the japanese and fuck anime, it made a generation of men turn into weak faggots and traps

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It sets a dangerous prescient of demonstrating weapons on civilian targets.
The power of the bombs could have been demonstrated on low population density areas or military targets and have had the same effect with much less genocide.
Now, if Japan or another nation invents nuke 2.0 or some other super weapon, an American city will be seen as a fitting target.

>>Ailed forces are brave heroes who stopped the war.
Because of them the war has just begun and never ended.
Look at the state of germany now.

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>The power of the bombs could have been demonstrated on low population density areas or military targets and have had the same effect with much less genocide.
Meaningless point. Again, they did not surrender after the first city and nearly not the second. I think if I remember the people had to practically rebel to end the war.
And they did so, because we were nuking their cities. And the emperor did not give a fuck.

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arent you supposed to be watching anime, killing whales,or commiting suicide or something?

Lol the Japs were treated way better as POWs than we were under you. Especially with how we treated German POWs in some areas

Wtf is up with the anti-nippon threads now? Is something going on there?

Too late for that user. Time to go to bed soon.

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>American/ESL education
Japan = Japs/Nips
Korea/SEA = Gooks
China = Chinks
Asians in general = slants
Why does the average Amerilard/spic immigrant (whichever one OP is) struggle so hard with geography? You retards can't even get regional slurs right.

Because nips were fighting commies. Nanjing is their holohoax.
Germany and Japan tried to save us

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The nukes weren't even that bad, what America did to Japan after the nukes was way worse.
Japanese culture always consisted of the sword and the chrysanthemum. The Americans took away the sword from Japan.
Meaning their fighting spirit, their strive for something big through force and power.
Look at Japan now. Their people are weaklings and it reflects in their culture.
This is America's fault.
The same can be sad about Germany, but in that case America took away both, the sword and the chrysanthemum.

>Lol the Japs were treated way better as POWs than we were under you.
Yeah, real great.
See? I can post sad POW pictures too!

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Can we get a source on these photos/text? Is it from an article/blog? Thanks.

>This is America's fault.
> their strive for something big through force and power.
Good. Because they set sights on us. And bombed us. They are so very lucky there's an island at all left.

About Unit 731

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>Japan suicide bombs pacific navy due to Americans placing a blockade on their supply lines
We wuz justified and shiiiiet, dey started it.
>your greatest ally bombs and destroys the USS Liberty for literally no reason, killing 144 sailors
It was a mistake, they apologized. Let's die for Israel!
Fucking boomer scum, you need to be genocided along with leftists and other degenerates.

>trying to rationalize
do you know who the enemy even is?

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Yeah and it had Stalin shitting his pants and kept him from invading the West.
>Acts proud and macho of his people and homeland by decrying chinese and jewish claims of war crimes
>Says civilians wanting to die to defend their government is propaganda

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And my final redpill. lol

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>>Japan suicide bombs pacific navy due to Americans placing a blockade on their supply lines
>We wuz justified and shiiiiet, dey started it.
Yea. That's right. They did. It's war pussy.
>your greatest ally bombs and destroys the USS Liberty for literally no reason, killing 144 sailors
>It was a mistake, they apologized. Let's die for Israel!
Who the fuck are you talking to? Who said anything about supporting Israel?
> Fucking boomer scum, you need to be genocided along with leftists and other degenerates.
Well what a little bitch you are. A little funky whiner. Mommy's tit is ready bitchlet.

Fuck off kike, America is a globalist commie shithole that deserves to be erased by real countries like Japan.

Hey faggot the real redpill is that the firebombing of Tokyo were way worse than the fucking nukes. Nukes had that shock and awe factor that showed that Americans have bigger penisis.

Good night you goys.
Hoped I could provide some info on nanking.
WW2 is full of lies.
Not saying bad stuff didnt happen. But the jews tricked us all and hid alot of truth.

Sure thing user.
Here you go: howitzer.jp/nanking/index.html

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Again, pic related..you cannot rationalize Jewish motives. they are psychopath's
also they dropped those nukes on a heavily Christian population. coincidence?

Thank you bro.
Btw, there's a hope Japan will be a nation of chads again? Or the japanese men will remain to be NEET lolicons?

>Fuck off kike, America is a globalist commie shithole that deserves to be erased by real countries like Japan.
Real? They draw octupuses raping little girls. Real? You're a faggot.

at last truth. thank you

>See look a few photos of some sad japs makes up for all the prison camps, death marches, and malaria.
Like go research some of the camps and riots that happened in the land down under where there were Jap pows being held. I mean I'm not siding with the chinks and the communists and Japan should feel pride and whatnot but don't get carried away lmao

Japs had pride and honour
US was degenerant nation governed by Jews

>on a heavily Christian population
oh I forgot about that.
That is true!
Nagasaki was full of christians.
Thats why they cucked out and prayed for peace. Hiroshima people were more angry.

>Japs had pride and honour
Until their betters handled them.

You’re a satanic jew.