faith in white america: restored
faith in white america: restored
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Bump 4 u
That's a lotta ass
disgusting. they probably had itercourse to do that
They all look happy.
What a bunch of sadists.
Niggers were dumb for having children where they know they are not wanted and whites are now being dumb in the same way.
Only a sadist would have a white child now.
Maybe we need to start looking to date nurses
Baby crazy :P
Found the hebe.
USofA confirmed based
Praise Trump.
2 of them have downs
Pfft yeah you have to be a jew to know the score.
Show flag
Hey moshe, how was hanukah?
Based White wahmens making more Whites. Should have put the dads in the picture though
This is the worst part. All people of color know that smile, that there's the white devil smirk of privilege. They should be ashamed
Wow 8 more white people
They've really put a dent in the racial disparity
There is my fucking flag!
YET AGAIN you mindless repeating fucks ARE WRONG.
>nurses not filipinos or other assorted 3rd worlders
What kind of Bizarro world is this???
Friendly reminder to any NEETS who want to meet cuties and have some pretty exciting work that working in healthcare is a good paying field with lots of openings. Best case scenario you're hanging out with people taking care of them. Worst case scenario you kicking ass and saving lives. That and you get medical skills for when SHTF
Think about it. Accelerated CNA (Nurse's assistant) certification is 1 month with average pay of $20/h. Accelerated ADN (RN with associates degree) is 2 years with average pay of $45/h, but can go much MUCH higher depending where you work. Lots of white women as well
dual citizen
Again and again and again and again just fucking admit it.
You are such a freak!
Bryn Mawr? What the fuck is Pa.? Do you have Welsh speakers in America? Bryn Mawr means "big hill" in Welsh iirc
that's racist
Shame all those white kids are gonna end up in (((daycare))) while their mothers work instead of bonding with their children.
Congrats to the new doctor who sired them all.
DO you or do you not pay attention to realty?
You think the anti-white hate session is just going to fade away as our population deceases.
>all are white subhumans
LMAO. I pray that a based mulatto ends up selling them dope and they all overdose
Imagine. Colonial history, amazin
Are those the ones that do all the bitchwork? I was in Food Services and making about as much as those retarded fobs
That sounds like something a jew would say.
Prob is like 3 were the same doctor
Dude CNAs do the shit work that even nurses don't want to do. So the nurses can sit on their asses and dispense pills.
No fucking RN makes 45/hr except for in NYC, and only with a Bachelors or higher. In any other city pay starts around 25/hr. It's a job any monkey can do, too. The women are all roastie-tier.
of course
>women in jobs having babies instead of being stay at home mothers
>reducing productivity
>this is supposed to be a good thing
Feminism was a mistake and you whiteknights shouldn't be defending it
Trump baby boom is real. Go make some white babies you degenerate sinners.
7, 5, 2, 1,
3, 4, 6, and 8 can fuck off. disgusting. Get out. OUT!
Denzel, triqueesha is calling you
Most girls go baby crazy whenever their friends have kids
It’s more powerful with WHITE women
These are RNs
Yes,I agree us fellow whites have to stop procreating in these hard times!
The jew seethes
Stop saying our. The white population in blue states did favor Clinton and that’s where the biggest decline is. Besides Appalachia, which covers a few red states, as a region still favored Clinton. White exurbanites are fine, and white red stagers grow by almost 0.9% a year. Ruralites outside Of Appalachia are doing fine too. Just New England and Mid Atlantic white people disappearing.
>child neglecting career woman whores
So le based and redpilled
Jow Forums a serious problem we have here is that we can't seem to figure out who's white. If we're gonna get serious about saving this race, it's time we cope with the fact that 95% of Albanians are more Turk than European. This is a simple biological fact; just like how Greeks are superior and niggers are inferior
I think when the race war actually starts, most bosniaks and albanians would rather fight with their islamic-arabian brothers than other Europeans. Just warning you
What do you think, White man? Would you really want THIS in your ethnostate????
The actual U.S demographics don't really matter as long as you're bordering half a billion low-IQ spics and your education system is marxist. It may as well be 100% white, the only thing that matters is which one of you or your children and grand children will suffer.
MFW that’s my wife’s place of employment.
MFW my wife is in the pic
You’re an idiot
How does it feel to know she got DOC'd
This user is partially right, you don't want to fuck around with nurses, especially if you're a co-worker. They will put out extremely easy, but holy fuck are they some of the worst drama-demons to grace Earth with their presence. Also most healthcare jobs don't pay that much, CNA is quite literally wiping-ass tier, but it's easy and pretty unskilled work.
>Bryn mawr
Main line is an expensive af area, good luck to those families
I’m a doc so...
Congrats user
>Bongoloid education
You'll never guess where 'New York' comes from...
Thats a lot of maternity time off.
meme flag meme flag!
See I can mindlessly repeat just like you fucks.
WTF is this logic?
Why the fuck do you clowns ignore the over anti-white hate session being propagated around us?
Why do you flat out choose not to think?
>faith in white america: restored
why? we're still be outbred by spics. a picture doesn't change that.
You seem upset that everyone thinks your viewpoint is retarded
Post body, well solve this mystery of why no girls wants to have your children
I am upset because you are mindless fucking drones just like leftist.
Sigh.... demoralization.
Is that the point?
As if his individual situation means fuck all.
>Not Mutt
Ok Juan Gomez
>Why do you flat out choose not to roll over and die?
pic related
Theres a few differences between the two, one being that when i say gas the kikes i know noone will take such an outrageous thing seriously and im not upset
You and the otherhand are upset that were not taking your suggestion that women having children are literally deriving pleasure from their future suffering seriously
>everyone thinks your viewpoint is shit
>y-youre just drones
Instead of ad hominem why dont you try defending your viewpoint
that's a lot of paid leave at the same time
devastatingly happy
Ok fine have kids and then bitch and moan when they are treated like shit.
I dated a nurse.
Don't. Do. It.
Literally not worth the trouble. This woman and all her nurse friends were bathsit insane. Every so how one of them was on some sort of antidepressant or anti-anxiety pill.
I was being serious, i was testing if a) he was actually white or just larping or b) if hes some skinnny dyel who is upset that white babys are being made fast enough
these kind of births only happen through inveetro-fertiization because the mother decided to wait till their late 30's to have children. these kind's of births do not happen medical unassisted among humans. not only that but it cost tens of thousands of dollars which is not available to the average person.
They need to have another one.
Congratulations to them all. Being a maternity nurse would be wonderful, bringing so many new lives into the world.
Okay zhang
illegally happy
>having to hide your disgust everytime a mudshark shits out a mudblood bastard
I guess most of the time it is wonderful
Yeah, black anything would disgust me. Anything else would be wonderful though.
What was your experience like?
Fuck you black pilled white guilt niggers.
Red state whites have more kids then spics. 5/5 of the most fertile demographics in the US are white and republican.
Only 4 of them look certifiably white(1,2,4,6) the others looks like some mexifilth or chinamen were their fathers potentially.
Actually they have the SAME EXACT birth rate. 1.92 - 1.99
>college town in suburban Pennsylvania
>leaf implies fucking half are mixed race
Can confirm, all nurses are fucked in the head. I've dated a few, and even the best of them had such issues it was crazy.
A simple google search proves that nurse salaries don't go into six figures often after only becoming a rn . What kind of a kike do you have to be to blatantly lie on the internet this much zeal lel.
I know probably a dozen white couples that have had a baby or 2 in the last 24 months
Whites only have kids when they have the money for it
Good econemy = white births
There is a reason why the 70’a has low birthrates and the 80’s-2000 has strong birth rates
Bump for more whites in Philly. Not a nigger mutt among them. Excellent
This for real though. I knocked up my wife and we had the most adorable little thing. Within literally one year 5 of her cousons, my sister, and one of her friends got pregnant.
Be the catalyst anons. Nut in some pussy. Be a man, don't pull out. Pulling out is for quitters.
Stop spamming this honeypot
I'm looking at the picture and making claims off of it not whether being in a college town automatically means there is no mixed relationships which isn't true, colleges are as or maybe even more degen than other parts since nonwhites make up the majority of student bodies most of the time anyways.
reminder that Trump knows exactly what he's doing by saving the rust belt
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan are some of the most populous mostly-white states