How does this image make you feel poll?
How does this image make you feel poll?
Other urls found in this thread:
that shit really makes me wanna transition to female to live life on ez mode
The western society is made of hopeless lonely people, that crave human contact. And are willing to pay, even for a mirage of it.
too soon, m8.
She has straight teeth and adult braces. It seems we know her audience.
This thread has been popping up like every 6 hours. Why do people keep responding?
Sage in all fields
A bit of jealousy.. I wish i could make money easy but if I had to pose like her and do that kind of stuff I would rather be poor. I'm a guy so maybe that's what women like to do?
Are you going to post a poll?
Want my dick in here mouth and pussy
Makes me feel ok being I kept my integrity and am actually trying to help treat childhood cancers through my research.
Feels good actually.
It makes me feel like i'm not donating enough for her to notice me.
And her foot pussy?
>men are horny
>girl caters to them
>men give her money
>she becomes the one in a million where this becomes a viable lifestyle
Literally who cares.
I have a desire to humiliate and impregnate
Oh look this thread again.
>inb4 over 300 replies
This is why communism and socialism exist.
No reaction. I couldn't possibly care less. If you think you can pay your way into a woman's heart, then maybe this image makes you feel like a fool and a cuck. But if you know how things really work (and would never dreeeeeam of sending an ewhore money for attention), its actually pretty amusing.
mad, she deserves more !
Nice. I have a question for you. When foxes are bred for friendly behaviour their fur coat changes color after a few generations. Is there a link between melanin and aggression? I.e is this why black people are more violent? Or even mediterraneans “hot tempered”?
Like it needs to stop being a thread every six seconds.
Jow Forums a serious problem we have here is that we can't seem to figure out who's white. If we're gonna get serious about saving this race, it's time we cope with the fact that 95% of Albanians are more Turk than European. This is a simple biological fact; just like how Greeks are superior and niggers are inferior
I think when the race war actually starts, most bosniaks and albanians would rather fight with their islamic-arabian brothers than other Europeans. Just warning you
What do you think, White man? Would you really want THIS in your ethnostate????
Just fine.
Orbiters, please keep paying that hot piece of tail to do what she does. I need a free wank once in a while.
as long as she pays her taxes.
Lol leaf. Was just watching my foxes outside.
I do not think there is a link. I don’t get more more aggressive in the summer when I tan.
Largemouth bass in rivers are generally much darker than those in shallow warm ponds and both are equally aggressive.
As for the fox bred in captivity showing friendly behavior , I think environment is a big factor obv.
>2M a year for shit cosplay
Nah that can't be right
this thread was here last week, but ill bite cuase it was a good discussion.
I think the funniest argument i saw was the typical MGTOWs saying
>hurr durr her looks will fade by 30 and shell be all washed up hurr durr
yeah, shell be 30 with 10million in her bank account. the slut clearly doesnt deserve the money, but there's nothing we can do to stop the spread of beta males throwing money to a girl who wont even show us her tits
Nah it appears she has a nice firm butt. 8/10 would bang
I mean, for every Delphine, there's a hundred girls massaging their pussies on chaturbate for chump change, so it doesn't really bother me.
Less angry than pic related desu. Your girl at least earns her own money.
Stop spamming this in every thread you kike
Makes my stomach turn
if people want to pay to wank their meat its fine i mean who cares about her anyway
makes me think of what's next for orbiters
What's this nonsense about women being worthless by age 30? An attractive woman will be getting male attention well into her 60s.
Not bad at all. She knows how to use her looks without actually being a prostite. Beta males who masturbate to anime makes this possible.
angry that she hasn't done nudes yet
So the more degeneracy there is the less you care? Dont fall for the normalisation of degeneracy done by the jews
she doesn't make that much, but she still makes more than she should be
Nothing, thots gonna thot.
I respect her
Fair play to her if she can get a bunch of pathetic beta orbiters to pay her money just for existing
Every time I see this thread I laugh my ass off at all the butttorn seething polfags
Yeah tell me again how women are oppressed by the patriarchy???
the only one with legal lolita stuff on patreon, besides this one 27 year old russian chick.
She deserves the money.
She sticks out her tongue and crosses her eyes. She deserves millions. It's ingenious. It's incredible. I've given her money myself.
Chill out guys.
She's making money so what?
Glad to see we live in a time when you can make money like that.
Yall be creative and work hard maybe you too can make that kinda money
Quite mad, some of my favorite nip artists were banned from paypal and patron over their "drawings being sexually suggestive" but this shit somehow isn't, they didn't even make $500 a month, what a fucking joke.
What I mean is there is generally a high turnover rate with ethots. Girls start camming, do a few streams or scenes, realize it's not worth it due to little money/feeling ashamed, and stop. Delphine just happened to get popular.
can they fall even lower though?
Link her patreon, i want to pledge
Lmao she deserves the money for what? Being a whore spreading degeneracy amongst mankind making childerens peewees feel good?
i didnt give her any money and i dont care what incels do with their money
why do you post this picture
It's not remotely related to politics.
She doesn't make me mad in the least. What really causes my blood to boil are those fucking weak, beta men who give her the money. It's the epitome of weak and faggy.
support them on pixiv bruh
Wait. What did Ariana Grande do now?
at least she doesn't do it for free
I have no problem with the exploitation of beta males
She deserves this just for existing, and shouldn't have to appeal to your male ego! or something.
If people are dumb enough to give her their money, then I don't care that they just wasted their money.
WTF are you 12. Goddamn you ethnostate retards have AIDS
At least she's honest about what she brings to the table. Better than this bitch from last night:
it tells me society is lost.
Vindicated in my belief of men and women.
>let's just end all consensual transactions lmao
in the realm of possibility
that's just not true, how many hot 60 year olds have you seen? how many 60 year old women are pulling in all that post highschool cock? probably zero. the drop off for me is like 45, i have seen some drop dead gorgeous milfs in their 50s, but it's such a rare occurrence its almost never acknowledged
She looks like a plastic doll with a 12 year old boys body.
I mean I guess I could kinda see how someone may find her attractive but what’s the deal with so many people giving her money!?!? Porn is free all over the internet, to many people live in a fantasy world in there own head, they need to go outside and try to smash a thic Latina
Exactly. Sex appeal is a commodity that will always be in demand and is always distributed unevenly. If socialism was enforced, attractive women will whore to get ahead.
it makes me feel like the publicity company this slut uses sees some value in contributing shitty non-content to Jow Forums. i guess the fat cucks that browse this board go look this ugly whore up.
feels bad man
she's hot
I can guarantee with a 99% accuracy rate I and most of humanity can guess the race of somebody without DNA testing.
A fool and his money are soon parted.
>patrons and earnings fonts don’t match
>graphtreon estimates her earnings to be $9K - $42K, not $154K
>why would OP post a bullshit image
I would be fine if there was not this narrative that we were the ones with the privileged easy life.
What is Japan?
depressed that she looks, like, 12 and makes more money than me
Oh great, I am glad that you are helping spics, asians and niggers to have a nice life.
I don't really care, at least shes not a single mom living on welfare.
You are 12 because you responded to an obvious bot.
I mean, she looks good and stays healthy. People who want to see her pics are giving her their money, that's their decision, they're exchanging their wealth for it and they receive enjoyment from it.
This is no more "unfair" than some cute peasant girl marrying a royal. They likely had way more wealth than her. This is just how nature works, if you have a skill you can sell it. Her skill is being attractive. Sure she was born with it, but she also retains it. Just like a rich scientist or something was born with high intelligence. He makes money from something he was born with that others weren't. Is that unfair?
Respect nature and respect that it can create things so beautiful and intelligent.
Just imagine how much could she earn if she wasn't ugly
We should report her for tax evasion
Why are brits so prone to being sociashits? Actually I know you have a massive inferiority peasant complex. Ive lived there for many years
The only problem is how one cute woman can now farm thousands of betas at the same time, destroying the sexual marketplace on both ends.
If he mad if I was Jessica Nigri. She has been putting work in for a lot longer and probably makes a quarter of what this thot makes.
algorithms have won
and yuo are just an imperfect algorithm
this is good because every dollar going to an ethot is one that isn't going to the (((porn industry)))
would rather anons fap to this cosplayer than going to pornhub
>Why are brits so prone to being sociashits?
coming from a greek, lol
>Jessica Nigri
yeah but she's sort of a bimbo while this belle chick is obviously hitting men's petite little elf fantasy
she looks like a good footstool.