Is it necessary to read Peterstein's book before I read this? I dont think you do judging from what I've heard about Jordanetics so far but what do you guys think? I'm also thinking about recommending Jordanetics to a friend who was talking about Peterstein a while back.
Is it necessary to read Peterstein's book before I read this...
Peterson is based.
Vox Day is a cuck.
Not really. Jordanetics is decent but I'm not entirely sold on Peterson being consciously evil. I do think he serves terrible ends but how self-conscious he is of that I can't say.
Still it's a decent enough read. Peterson's own book reads the way he talks. It's a stream of consciousness, not at all rigorous, and a thinly veiled attempt to make himself appear smarter and more well read than he actually is.
Alright so...that's when the girl is in your basement and she is chained to the wall and that's your shadow! Alright? And she has to get free, but she can't. That is your repressed libido, your apple of eden, your doors to life lust. And it, it has to be freed...just like in Victorian England! Because repressed sexuality leads straight to the bloody Holocaust! So you need to liberate her and that's when you, like, open her blouse and show her your lobster. That's your primordial alpha animal. In the flesh! And she takes it inside of her, that's when, when the light melts with your shadow and you slay the dragon with a fountain of wanderlust. But you're never really satisfied and you are surrounded by all your Jewish friends, who went through THE BLOODY HOLOCAUST and they offer you to complete your journey to your inner hero. And so you get to work for the UN, be in the spotlight of all their media, and they, they offer you only the finest of all apples of Eden. So...they make you triumphant and climb to the top of the dominance hierarchy. That's where the hero receives the grail from his father. But you just have to keep on pushing, because, because the young children are so damn vulnerable, bucko! So damn vulnerable! And you need to teach the little girls just, just how Hitler was even more evil than they actually thought. And man: It is SO. DAMN. GOOD.
Wash your penis!
Peterson is a fucking faggot puppet that wants men to become cuck servants of the system. Get married, pay your taxes, be a good little boy. He should be dropped in a pit of rattlesnakes.
You sound like a faggot. What's wrong with getting married?
Go away, ShariaBlue
Ironically this. We would all be much better off alone and unemployed.
>t. Kike
based nip cope lobster poster dealing with cognitive dissonance in real time
peterstein is a charlatan and a complete and utter faggot. try to find an argument that Vox makes in Jordanetics and dismantle it. after you've done that you'll no longer praise lobster-penis man because his entire book is doing the same to Peterstein.
like him or hate him Vox has your gay ass number and is showing you why you've been duped. you should take his offering you cuck faggot
>jordnigger peterloser
>greatest thinker
Kek, spot on
Duck jordnigger peterkike
>Meme flag
I see you've gotten your 4chinz jargon in order. Peterson isn't forcing anyone to listen to him, he isn't ordering anyone to follow him blindly. There's this thing called freedom of choice and if you can't keep up with him, just go back to your safe space. The guy isn't perfect, but he sure isn't an idiot.
Vox Day isn't an idiot as well, he has some great publications, and while I haven't read this one, I'll give it a thorough read through the upcoming holiday and we can discuss it then, if you're on the Shecklestein payroll.
>I'll give it a thorough read through
good girl, hope youre ready to have your lobster king dethroned user. brace for impact
>You sound like a faggot. What's wrong with getting married?
Everything. It's not natural and was invented for people to be controlled and exploited.
No man worth shit commits to one whore on a planet of billions. If you get married you deserve to get divorce raped. It's what you get for being a faggot that believes this ONE woman is something special.
You have to be a special sort of faggot to think one woman is special. Women do not even want that shit which is why most marriages end in divorce. A woman wants a wanted man, not a pathetic cunt that think's she's the best he can do.
Not getting married does not mean alone. Build a harem of whores to fuck and impregnate. In the natural world there is no marriage. It was invented to control us.
>I'm not entirely sold on Peterson being consciously evil
Milo is a fucking faggot so fuck what he says. Peterson seems OK, but I think the hype is too much. He bashed that cathy newman woman well, and that shouldve been where his popularity faded, but it continued. Its fine, but I think hes overrated. Hes cool-ish, but one of you guys read it first, and make a post about it later.
It's a fun read and a necessary medicine to deprogram "clean your room" cultists.
Didn't know there were muzzies in czech republic.
I don't know if he is consciously evil, but I know he is consciously deceptive. Why else would he not answer whether he believes in god?
>vox gay
His popularity doesn't fade because he is propped up by media.
TRSodomite detected. Seventh Son? Kike Eunuch? Who is it?
lol I don't have much respect for Peterson or Vox Day, but I strongly prefer Peterson because despite his flawed philosophies, he has some worthwhile things to say on psychology. Vox Day is an idiot.
That said, this cover is hilarious, so I actually kinda want to read it.
sage all leaf threads
hey schlomo. kill yourself.
They are both Jews. But whatever helps you cope at night
I get why people are taken in by Peterson, he says a lot of things that are true and even some that are true and taboo. That's how he gets his trojan horse into your mind.
>try to find an argument that Vox makes in Jordanetics and dismantle it
A good challenge that I doubt any lobsterboy could manage.
They don't take the responsibility to consider that internet daddy might be wrong.
Prove me wrong.
>Humanity's Greatest Thinker
At the outset Day tells us why he lit into Peterson. Peterson wrote an article that rejected the idea that there is a conspiracy among Jews to promote the careers of fellow Jews over those of more deserving gentiles.. Day knows that this conspiracy exists because Ben Shapiro is doing so much better than he is. What else could explain this if there's no conspiracy? It's also very important to Day that everyone realize that the Jews are not smarter on average than other groups, as Peterson insists. The evidence Day provides for this is questionable -- you can't compare IQ averages obtained from different countries no doubt using different methods to measure it in the way that he does, and there are other studies to support the idea that Ashkenazi Jews are more intelligent on average plus an undeniable record of achievement by that group in the arts and sciences. Peterson's other great sin was to fail to stand up for a conservative journalist who was criticized for being insufficiently tough in her interview with the Daily Stormer. Foreshadowing the rest of the book, Day lambasts Peterson for applying journalistic standards to that journalist that Peterson never meant to apply. It was clear that Peterson was just concerned about the public relations implications of what the journalist did. Regardless, that Peterson disagreed with Day on these issues was enough to convince Day that Peterson is a mountebank full of evil intent and malice who intends to mislead and lie to the public, and everything else that Peterson has ever said or done is put through that filter. Day set out to expose Peterson for the villain that he is and discredit his work through a torrent of videos, postings on social media, and now this book.
What's the purpose for posting a whiny liberal review from Amazon?
to show how easily this raving lunatics is put down by reasonable peope.
>reasonable peope
Cuckolds, in other words.
fucking amerifat burger fag, I made a serious comment and you decided to be a fucking fag. I hope yuu get analed by a wetback
this but unironically
I don't agree with peterson's stance on white nationalism but vox day is a retarded leech who feeds on low iq retards
How dare you question the Dark Lord. He will strike down you and all of /po/
No, but there is little point in reading about why Peterstein is wrong if you're not familliar with Peterstein's 'philosophy' in the first place.
fpbp. Counter signaling the most prolific public intellectual of modern times is an obvious piggyback.
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