Jews in Zagreb

What's with all the jews in Zagreb at the cathedral today and the heeb writing on the cathedral about the 27th? Walked past this afternoon and literally everyone was a fucked up looking israeli

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Bump. I need to know

Wikipedia says only up to 2k Jews live in Croatia. This true?

they're planning your genocide, what else?

There are way more but they are too afraid to be honest

Israel in Croatia page has over 4k likes

something about holocaust

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Some of them have unironically changed their surnames to blend into the society. I know a few of those. Stay vigilant.


there is more user....all local masons and power elite were there

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>to afraid
Of what?

My fucking stomach, I cannot watch this. Each and every whore of Zagreb in one place.

Why do they change their surnames? For fun?

You know what to do

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Who cares? let fuck off to Israel and you fuck off back to Index, you croat-hating son of whore.

I knew a guy who is member of Židovksa općina of Zagreb. He basically told me all the "Jews" there are leftist larping as Jews.

some jewish woman also said we shouldn't try to downplay ww2 crimes and use nazi slogans a poke towards ZA DOM SPREMNI for sure

Hehe you are most likely a fucking jew, typical

27. siječnja - dan oslobađanja Auschwitza

>Naime, Židovima u Hrvatskoj smeta i činjenica da su žrtve holokausta ispale i drugi put žrtve - prvi put kada su ubijeni, a drugi put u hrvatsko-srpskom prepucavanju o broju žrtava. Naime, broj žrtava holokausta nije sporan i nikada se nije mijenjao. Bilo je manipulacija drugim žrtvama iz Drugog svjetskog rata, ali židovske žrtve nikada nisu bile sporne. A događa se, što im također smeta, da se holokaust počeo zloupotrebljavati u dnevno-političkim tenzijama, pa su i političari govorili kako se brojkama holokausta manipulira, što nije točno, jer se manipulira drugim žrtvama. Ustaše su bili precizni i točno se zna koliki je broj Židova bio popisan u kojim mjestima u NDH, koji je bio broj ubijenih i koliko ih je preživjelo rat, kažu nam u židovskim krugovima, objašnjavajući kako se žele maknuti od razgovora dviju zajednica koje se ne mogu usuglasiti oko broja žrtava i prijeći na temu oko koje postoji suglasnost, a koja ima zajedničku poruku.

fucklib jewish spiders CHALLENGE ALLAH MUSLIM LIES

Who cares? ZDS is edgy. It triggers the elites and leftist power structure.

Do us a fvor and give a negative rating to the video.

I agree ZA DOM SPREMNI is a great slogan, our military should use it

>even MSM don't want to touch the legitimacy of numbers speculated with a teen foot pole anymore
oj vej Jovane remembruj šesto gorilijona

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ok croatian friend, just a simple question :

i want to know what does the "average" croatian joe thinks about the jews.

are croatians "nose-conscient" or just bluepilled like every other european zombie nation

No. 50,000 something if we include all the part jewish subhuman mongrels
Once said military is cleansed from racially inferior elements*

go post in a thread that wants you

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Hehehe divide and conquer huh ZOG cumsucker ? :)

Doesnt work anymore

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Unfortunately most have no opinion and no idea how much they influence our everyday life

once the USA nad Zionist are no longer top dogs maybe when Chinks take over they don't care about all of that

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no my family was killed in Škabrnja and I'll get my revenge


People are more woke then ever because of the austerity they caused and economies they crushed and this neo-colonialists scheme implemented from ZOG headquaters A.K.A Washington

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Read Protocols of Zion its the most accurate discription of 2019

that's enough milorad, your turkish rape baby existence is enough of a curse upon humanity and not needed here

I know more about all religions than you do, go away

it is however quite often you would say to someone who is a cheapskate - koji si ti židov / what a jew you are

i took out the soviets teleported to mars and then to sweden and then interdimentional portal back home, my gran backdoored the roswell patents this unfortunately connected me to another galaxy(because im sgr a*), had to reverse time protect my mother and gravity(maybe) whilst simultaniously takign out my aunt, the actually reason i was connected to another galaxy.

i was meant to marry an english girl with european genetics

these scum jews are in serbia because of the milibands relativity they are preparing serbia to be genocides by god

because the girl i was supposed to be with has been brainwashed by the miliband scum, supported by the clintons

It is already... kinda

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I would understand why you are mad if i was you trust me

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only the old vets of those units can use it and that's with complaints from all sides

what. bears rock

i hope you keep that in your language.

it was the normal thing to say in france when i was growing up, but now that will land you in jail... (fuckingkikes.txt)

This, and no one is doing anything to change that. Fucking sad

It's literally this.

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>muh Jasenovec
First it was 1,500,000, then 700,000, then 100,000, now 80,000.

What’s wrong with those numbers? I wish gypocide 700,000 numbers were true, but by the looks of it Jasenovac was basically a patrolled hospital

also diana and dodi are my next door neighbors they were used by london to destroy america as a relativistic weapon, when america builds their metal/steel wall and elizabeth windsor dies i will go back in time and erase the windsors, humans wont even remember the windsors

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I saw a high school teen wearing it on his bag. The elites are divided on the issue. On one hand they wish to legalise it, but on other it will make their master in Tel Aviv and Washington angry.

It seems to me you can have it publicly as long you are not a public figure.

the retarded battle we are fighting with leftists in our country is the use of ZA DOM SPREMNI literally - for home ready because muh ww2

((The elites ))

Daily reminder Hitler was financed by Washington and was a puppet to collapse Europe and install NWO and bring in the UN and totalitarian governments

So dont fool yourselves with that bullshit propaganda

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Schnozič, Goldiček?

croatia whatever you do do not allow your state media to be privatized, keep it in government hands

the moment you privatize it the jews will own your country. the privatization meme is a jewish trick in general

yeah I know some wear the emblem, of course nobody gives a fuck maybe in lefty areas like Istra or Rijeka you would find a commie that would be triggered

based Milutin

Croatia just like Serbia is a puppet since fall of Yugoslavia in 1990 and USA installing Tudjman,Milosevic CIA assets who privatized whole economies and turned us into slaves for EU /Germany

Soviet Union/Yugoslavia/Iraq/Iran/Lybia/Syria/Noth Korea/Venezuela/Turkey??? China ???

See a pattern here ?

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yeah and he killed himself but the body was never found ...
sure after all those years they still try to drag his name thru the mud... hint the fucker escaped the multicultural hell that was Austria-Hungary

He even wanted to ship them to Madagascar but no...the eternal Anglo and their masters had other plans

But do you know who was Anglos friend ?...yep Serbia

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nice try Milutine

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They change it to some of the more common surnames here actually. Now the only way to recognise them is by loud propaganda, amount of property and noses.

eh it seems HDZ the state criminals are doing just that people already hate our state tv HRT

They used Hitler to create war,put Europe in debt to dollar,and Germany is multicultural hell with no pride because USA played them

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Hey my step brothers and sisters mom is Croatian, grats OP.

Who cares about not muh factories when actually European people like Slovenes and Croats are forced to cohabit with literal roaches?

Yugoslavia = Serbians sucking White resources
EU = bankers and third world leeches sucking White resources

Both are shit

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Shlomo, what is the opinion of the average Israeli on Croats?

i used to play online with a croat he was a cool guy, dont know much else , mostly white right?

Ye fuck them, I gotta say though my step sisters are hot, dude. Some fuckin talent up there in slavland.

HAHAAH Anglos trying hard to prove us how our country functioned :D
Thats absolutely false btw.

Im not even gonna try to undo the brainwashing,let me put it this way:
Croatia HAD an economy in Yugoslavia,just like Serbia,as we had factories,we inovated,produced,employed our workers,we had our currency etc. we had sovereignity and our culture

Todays Croatian economy is just like any else:IMF giving loans,tourism,cheap hookers,etc....

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You should know many Jewish organisations and hardcore Orthodox/professional Holocaust people travel to random shitholes in Eastern Europe where some Jews "lived" or "got shoad". Then they walk around, make a presentation with the local politicians and fuck off.

>our country
Back to Pkiastan with you, titoist turkociganic leech
>we had factories, we innovated
You are neither Slovenian or Croatian, Dusan. Serbia, RS and Kosovo were dragging the progress of the Slavic race down

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>always thought le jooz was a dumb Jow Forums meme
>decide to dig in the history of our communist party one day
>find out that many of the leaders were jews, who were later purged by Stalin, before he suddenly (((died)))
>but wait there's more
>one of our deputies is guilty of taking millions in bribes
>there's a photo of him in fucking yarmulke
>dig in ever more
>turns out that the guy who was the most important person in the post-communist privatisation and who stole billions from Czechoslovakia and fled to Bahamas is a jew as well, but his parents changed their surname to sound more czech
>later find out that the entire porn business that brought "fame" to my country is jew-led as well, owned by a french jew while some russian jew supplies the girls
Please don't tell me this happens in other countries too, I want to belive that the world is still good.

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Vojvodina was 80% Serbian in that map

>be czech
>be stupid
>get jewd
>be surprised

This, but unfortunately it's used primarily by swarthy nibbas who focus pretty much only on our strife with Serbs and not much else. Ustashe leadership as well was very questionable. Hitler allegedly loathed Pavelic.

Sure sure ,UK is doing also much better now

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>>later find out that the entire porn business that brought "fame" to my country is jew-led as well, owned by a french jew while some russian jew supplies the girls
But the Jews don't make your whores fuck on camera, they do it themselves.

Jews and Zionists are not the same thing

Kazem mu da nisu Zivovi krivi sto ceske kurve puse camugama kitu za par jura.

I will hit you very hard.

Youve been played bro just like the rest of us

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True women are filth by definition

>be Ante
>be Vlach mongrel
>wear fez
>marry a jew and betray your race
>tolerate crypto and mutt jews
>compromise with italian shitskins
>be exiled to die in a shitskin Iberian peninsula
There is justice after all
Are you trying to say we need gommunism?

Fuck off. What we need is tribalism, eugenics, nation states and people-focused economy

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