West cucked by the lack of motherly rage

In the east EU, it's common that our parents (especially mothers) beat us up with brooms, rolling pins, big cooking spoons, basically anything they can grab in the moment of their rage and beat us up with. They teach us from the early age that pain and brute force works when reason fails. Apparently the same methods are not used in Netherlands. Are westerners cucked by their mothers?

Polish super saiyan with broom vs 3 dutch police(pseudo)men.


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Based and childhoodabusepilled

Thats becouse slavic commieblock district is most harsh and unforgiving environment possible. A real school of life and how not go get robbed or beaten to near death

Holy moly. The west is doomed.

>3 cops can't stop one average skinny guy

Imagine if typical slavic drunk bear dude started fucking shit up, literally Godzilla scale destruction on poor western boys

Just shows the state of the Western way of life - if some guy whacked a broom on my car and broke off the mirror like that, I'd go out and get into a fight with him and I don't even drive a bentley.

>Thats becouse slavic commieblock district is most harsh
Funny because I lived in slavic commieblocks and didn't find them particularly harsh you absolute stupid white trash loudmouth

Respect to you guys. We arabs have the same upbringing. Wouldnt call moms violent, but they had no reservation against whooping arab ass if we misbehaved. Also tons of yelling, extremely controlling, and none of this sappy western passiveness where parents feel like they have to “respect my childth fweedom and pwivacy” hahaha my parents would’ve laughed at that bullshit. Why are western parents either lazy deadbeats or extremely pathetic overly sensitive pacifists? It’s nauseating

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It was a joke fucking retard, i also live in commieblock

My mum would pull my pants down and bite my balls - I thought that was normal until I was like 14

I had a friend when I was a boy here whose parents had immigrated from Italy. His mother always chased him with a wooden spoon and dragged him by the ear when she was mad at him. It always made me behave well as a side effect.

yeah my parents would also beat me on occasion, usually when I fuck up major.
Usually I'd get a belting or get hit with a wooden spoon. True terror was when they went to grab a switch.

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Ha maybe i would also say that fighting with friends is pretty common here when i was younger i constantly fighted my best friend

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>Dutch police.

But come on, are we going to ignore that poles chimp-like behavior?
>Fight with cops
>Destroy property thats not his

Switch colour of his skin to a black one and from the "polish super saiyan with broom" you have just another chimp high on meth. Good job, Jow Forums.

Some drugged faggot.
Yet three fucking dutch faggots with gun can't handle him

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Mmm I would rape the shit out of that woman.

O kurwa ruzga xD


Yeah his a disgrace. Yet for fuck sake THREE DUDES WITH A FUCKING GUN CAN'T HANDLE ONE MORON
He'll be literally beaten to death by the popo's here

P - O - L - A - N - D!

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unrelated post, but does anyone buy full salamis (not pre-sliced) and then when you cut them, make fatter slices than usual to pretend you're rich guy from the old times who doesnt give a fuc about slicing salami thin, because hes not poor?

No I think you are the only one who does this, sorry Austria.

How is your economy doing?

>we going to ignore that poles chimp-like behavior?
No but this is not the point of this discussion


kek I love posts like these, to make the westerners think commieblocks are like nigger projects while in reality it's the exact opposite

Pretty good actually we have very low unemployment rates and wages go up every year i bet Poland is in very similar situation

Great, 5% unemployment rate country wide.

You are missing the point. That pole is a degenerate that should be put down by 1 cop without any problem and it's fucking funny that it's not happening.

>be Dutchland
>tiny country of tall peeps
>be 4th economy in europe
>immigrant go's mental on crack
>police don't kill (like in movies)
>because we need him to do our dirty work
>because 4th economy (soon 3rd)

5% you should be ashamed we have 3.1%

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I've strangely never heard the name for the Netherlands before.
Sweden's real name is Sverige, Italy Italia, ect ect. What do they call the Netherlands in your country?

pretty much this, they are beyond scared of physical confrontation

then again you have more gypies

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ , it's still going down

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But we often tell foreigners it's Holland because foreigners are using that as well and we get fed up with explaining Holland is just a part of the island.

>because 4th economy (soon 3rd)
>meanwhile rent, taxes and instore prices keep rising way more rapidly than our salaries and we'll soon become Canada 2.0
But hey, at least we can brag about those speculators on cocaine inflating our gdp.

pol would call this nigger tier behaviour except for their pigskin. poltards are ncps.

blablabla. the same arguments are used all over the globe user. you are just using buzzwords because you heard someone else use them. fucking sheep.
move to Poland then will ya?

Probably that could be explained by foreigners asking Dutch people where are they from and they replying Holland, instead of Nederland, just like some retarded Americans would say "I'm a Californian".

I mean why people started calling the Netherlands Holland, not why you say it's Holland now.

No, for us we kinda messed up ourselves and confused everyone and end up not giving a fuck
Someone from California (or other states) automatically assumes everyone knows whats what because murrica.
it's a subtle difference.

Nah, we have a different understanding of the states in the US than the US does. We see them more as a whole country, and they see themselves more as a federation. Well in all honesty it is a federation, but they do take pride in naming their state, instead of the US, just like Scots would say they are Scottish if you ask them, they wouldn't say they are British. I think the same goes a bit in the Netherlands, or it used to.

yeah i think you might be right on that.
But for the Dutch calling it Holland,it started long time ago because many Dutch whom achieved stuff came from Holland and when interviewed abroad etc. they simply didn't think twice.
This became a thing with foreign press etc. and we kinda went along with it.
we are not that proud of our nation to be desu.

>abuse your children
>cuz reasons
How about no?


You wanna start posting in-store prices comparing last year to this one? You're a braindead yup who thinks his whites-only bubble is representative of the entire country and everyone has rich parents to support your liberal arts studies. Get the prices, go drink your sóy, and then get back to me.

>y-you're cucked f-for not being c-cucked
nice cope jacub

It's not abuse. Works everywhere in the world except the West and only the West seems to be cucked.

I never met East Euro that wouldn't love his parents, which can't be said about West Euros with their plethora of mental health issues (e.g. liberalism).

>You're a braindead
minimum wage user, i'm 30
you can use popular phrases all day but we still one of the richest countries in the world, always have been and there are only a few countries that do it better in allot of segments of society.
if you can;t make ends meat maybe do something about it other then whining about how sorry you are for yourself. fucking cuck.

No one is allowed to have pride in their nation these days, if they aren't a shithole full or rape and misery. The shitholes are fine with being proud though. Eastern Europe is probably the exception, as well as east Asia.

Lmfao. Just be black. Plenty of deranged african american mothers who aren't above abusing their children. I should know.

wait, are you saying the US is a shithole?

The parts they aren't allowed to be proud aren't a shithole. The parts that are encouraged to be proud are a shithole. The US is a big place.

Yeah, we should all be grateful we're getting taxed to death by the current government. I hope you paid them already so you could subsidize jamal and his 20 kids living illegally on benefits. Don't forget we should totally focus on snuffing out those pesky angry comments by the working community. Who's the fucking cuck here you piece of shit

>Are westerners cucked by their mothers?
They largely choose to cut their fathers out of their children's lives, so they are responsible for how they are raised.

>subsidize jamal and his 20 kids living illegally on benefits.
ok, you cannot be this stupid user.

What is this "cuck" nonsense anyway? It sounds like gay rage against straights. Darn silly.

Anyway, motherly rage? OK. You serve the matriarchy. We get it. Fundamentally though, it's a loser ideology. Humans are terrestrial creatures. Every thing about the matriarchy is kind of evolving into a bonobo behavior strategy. That goes "Hide in the trees and "touch" each other to calm your frustrations." Not a very good strategy from the low ground POV.

The best comparison for human behavior is probably baboons. Lot's of sexual dimorphism. Very much pack behavior, but with more leeway in the human condition that favors intellectual solutions.

Don't bother with the "cuck" derision. Those on the ground are far more in touch with where their territory begins and ends, fellow anonymous alphas.

white nigger vs 3 cucks...who wins?

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>he thinks it doesn't happen
Read yesterday that Amsterdam will start housing illegals and give them living money. You can guess where that money will come from. Also the armenian woman with her kids story that has snowballed into a possible law which pardons any immigrant with kids. You can literally look at the US to see where this is going to go. But you keep living like an ostrich with your neck burried, maybe if you don't see it it will go away. Might also evade Jow Forums entirely while you're at it, too many negative stories for your sensitive sensibilities.

>Read yesterday that Amsterdam will start housing illegals and give them living money.
this is not government policy, it's mayors ignoring laws.
> Also the armenian woman
so my claim that our country is doing pretty damn well is being refuted because armenian woman.

all you do is repeat what others said and agreeing with buzzwords because it suits you.

>motherly rage

lmao what a cuck

All the damn time.

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>it's mayors ignoring laws
It's mayors ignoring laws they don't like because they have friends in the government. If you don't see how that's a massive and real problem then I don't know what to tell you.
>my claim that our country is doing pretty damn well
I'm not even disagreeing with you that it's OK for now, but we're already slipping away. Don't be surprised when this keeps up in 50-100 years we'll become a shithole nation while poo-tier poland gets rich from all the dutch farmers that were bullied away from here by our bureaucracy.
>because armenian woman
Nigger, can you not read what I said? This will affect ALL policy if it goes through. I'm done replying to your retardation, enjoy your last (You) dickweed.

Yes. I do the same thing with cheese, actually.
Pre-sliced cheese is absolute garbage.

My mum used to hit me across the arse with a hair brush or wooden spoon.

Kids today are such faggots due to lack of discipline.

lol are you frome East Slovak shithole, no one beats their children here

>I'm not even disagreeing with you that it's OK for now, but we're already slipping away
already backtracking eh?
your tone slowly softens, your arguments are now crossing 10 decades instead of the initial current day. and you where so certain!
don't get soft on me user. i don't want to end up with homosex.

Never got beat up by my parents, when i did bad things they talked to me, it worked. Me, my brother and sister did ok.

Maybe the ones that can not be persuaded by talk and logic have some sort of letter syndrome like adhd or autism.

Adhd and autism needs other ways (not violence, you can't beat someone that will never understand) but mostly understanding how the syndrome works.

Most western police are still not used to this nigger like behaviour, so they are ill trained for it.
They are used to people thinking ahead about the consequences of their actions, so they didn't really need relay on force.
I suppose those days are over and we will soon have american type police that just shoot you.

police in our cucked country would get into allot of trouble if they just shoot people.
it's the reason they did not.
>user vandalizes car
>police shoot him
a bit disproportional isn't it?

You probably are a Bratislava Borik-Slavin richkid who grew up like a western liberal you kokot.


American police don't "just shoot you". They ARE union workers who get contradictory orders from politicians though. They are just morally indifferent, paid thugs. The judges are self-important social workers. ...and the politicians ARE very much puppets of the criminal rich.

Why are you so angry?

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Right now we have historicly best economy ever.
Pls don't send bydlo back. We don't want them.

You are completely right. The mothers that do corporal punishment (corrective and not actually hurting them permanently) can be done right. And it is probably very important. You need to sometimes to prevent an injury like if your kid is running into the road. But like, physical violence in response to breaking a social contract or some other harmful behavior... I assume it must be incredibly helpful for life skills.


i'm not actually, just was setting a retarded dutchfag straight. he is now crying on his moms lap.

In Poland at least this is not true for over 10 years now. We have crime rate almost as low as Japan.

How many fights did you have growing up that didn't involve your mom Pavel?

Man, they're almost as hopeless as English police.

Hell, even Australian cops know how to fight at least.

> ban assault brooms

embarassing. What is his problem?