What are Jow Forums's thoughts on Texas?

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unrelated post, but does anyone buy full salamis (not pre-sliced) and then when you cut them, make fatter slices than usual to pretend you're rich guy from the old times who doesnt give a fucv about slicing salami thin, because hes not poor?

Fuck off

sometimes lol

If Texas went blue, the US would officially become a one-party system.


It's the worst pill to swallow. Fuck Reagan.

I don't understand how Texas is considered the most republican state and at the same time it's the most beanered one. How does that work?

Nuevo California

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Turks do this. We don't by any sliced salamis at all.



This is nothing new. The north Midwest and plain states have always been predominantly German ancestry, and the south was always Brits, Scots and Irish.

Knowing this, and knowing how easily the north destroyed the south during the civil war, the Germans would have destroyed the UK during WWII had noone bailed out the Anglos.

Texas here, ask me stuff.

We got beaned in a slow boil. Most Mexicans you encounter are friendly and dont constantly nog out and are perceived as hard workers. Many are. People are willing to ignore them because they generally keep to their own and aren't aware of the economic disaster that is the unlimited tide.

>most republican
It's not anymore, but it's good propaganda to keep people out. The spics have definitely shifted the politics of the state but they've been saying we'd be going blue since the 1980s but it hasn't happened - yet.

Texas is lost and will be blue by 2024 at the latest. It's also too hot and flat, I'm getting the fuck out for my kids' sake.

t. Texican


Any other lies?

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not white

>how easily the north destroyed the south during the civil war

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Anytime I hear libshits talking about how terrible texas is, I agree.

Stay the fuck in the hell hole you created spic.

Texas is already a Mexican name.

Beans have the lowest voter turnout of any group, lower than even blacks.

Unfortunately it's only a matter of time before we go blue.

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>We got beaned in a slow boil. Most Mexicans you encounter are friendly and dont constantly nog out and are perceived as hard workers. Many are. People are willing to ignore them because they generally keep to their own and aren't aware of the economic disaster that is the unlimited tide.

Historically there's always been a large Mestizo/Tejano population.

When they gain power you will watch this shift completely. Mestizo power will lead to the latter portion of your statement about the perception of beans changing rather quickly. They will begin becoming more hostile and radical, it will happen with the help of control over the educational institutions.

It's an indian name for friendship you retard, more importantly, it was the SPANISH who translated it, not spics.

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No it's not, it's an indian name. I forgot that Mexican's co-opt every native group's history and ancestry for social justice points.

Extremely cucked, people who still push it as some sort of “freedom state” are fucking morons. Most of the state is already identitcal to Mexico and has more whites leaving than coming in. I’d prefer living in the most boring areas of the Midwest. The Texan dream died when “civic nationalism” put its dirty claws on the state.

Not to mention, they willingly allow spics to invade their towns and cities despite their founders being against that. They’re also the biggest funder of Israel out of any US state. If you live there, just move out.

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>If you live there, just move out
I wish I could build a wall sealing off my exit when I leave because I know these fucking shitskins are going to follow me.

The white voters in that state have a high turnout. Unfortanetly they’re all old and once they die. Spics will completely take over the state both politically and demographically. Texas along with California will probably be the first states to rejoin Mexico once this country collapses.

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I'm fully aware. I went to school with a heavy Mexican population and they fucking hated white people, and started doing gang shit pretty early on.


Hopefully the northern states don’t fall for the same bullshit that Texas did. Unlike the whites there, most where I live are extremely racist towards Hispanics or Amerindians of any kind. Keep in mind that I live in Pittsburgh which is a very liberal city.

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Yeah it's not fun man, but it's the reality on the ground.

Mestizo's only respect heavy handed power that keeps them contained.

Unfortunately whites at this point are afraid of asserting themselves and no longer believe in their own identity en masse.

I live in Texas, pretty close to Oklahoma, and there are so many fucking spics and asians here it's infuriating.

They say Spanish surname and not Mexican in the map key because there are actual Spaniards. At least, there were.

Anybody who falls for the “based hispanic” meme are in living denial. If you understood spanish, you’d realize they utterly despise white americans. Most of them are immigrating because they want the Southwest to be returned to Mexico. There are entire towns and cities that only have spanish speakers in Texas. Even the most rural and least populated areas have at least twenty spics living there. People don’t realize how truly fucked it is. That’s why I jumped shit, I don’t want my future descendants ever being treated to such a horror like that.

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>they’re all old and once they die. Spics will completely take over the state both politically and demographically
pic related

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It is fucking dead and over.

One can go places in public and hear no English being spoken at all.

>those small patches of government land

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But but but but muh nation of immigrants.

All white people are from Ellis island etc..

Texas is becoming the hispanic version of South Africa. It will get even worse once they rejoin Mexico. If you think I’m joking about this happening, I’m not. The “nationalist” beaners are basically token shitskins pushed by the GOP. In reality, they heavily believe in La Raza bullshit and believe that Texas was stolen from them.


It's part of the problem. I can't blame you though. With out whites being willing to assert themselves en masse and believing in their own identity, retreating to a whiter area is a palatable option.

I'm going to stay, for now. In 10-20 years I'll revisit it.

Those spaniards where us, retard. Criollos invented this country.

60%+ of mexican fucks think the southwest USA belongs to them.

>started doing gang shit

Yeah that shit is part of their culture.

YOu cannot remove the indo from them.

Of course they were my mestizo friend.

Everyone and everything is mestizo and a member of la raza.

Going to be a real sad day for you when you fully understand that no amount of resources or territory can keep your people from making somewhere an unbearable shit hole.

Sadly, they’ll probably push whites out of Texas once they achieve political power. The majority of Texan whites are over 65 years old. It won’t be long until they hit the bucket.

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The eternal G*rm

european-mexicans are not flooding our country, only the worst indios you could ever imagine

You're not a Spaniard you're a brown midget

Eh Mestizo's aren't fully retarded. They want to be ruled over in a heavy handed manner by an intelligent class of Europeans. They will try and keep many of us around to fund dem programs and keep the beans satiated with gibs.

It's funny, in Mexico Mestizos and Indios will think you're a chump if you're white and don't treat them like shit. Aztec gods were white, I wonder where this instinct comes from...

It does belong to us pendejo. Manifest Destiny in reverse, brown man reclaiming what belongs to him. We have real Native American blood running through our veins, unlike your Fauxchohantas. Face reality, you are too old, don't fuck enough, and will be bred out. Save your wife and daughters, and we will brown them for you, and we will let you watch, Cuck.

Probably has something to do with the giant, unguarded border it shares with mexico.

Mexican Mestizos and La Raza types are almost two completely different groups of people. Mexicans in their home country are usually nice and respectful. The ones who immigrate to the US however are extremely anti-european and dislike white americans that live in their supposed “homeland”

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Settle a territory and repopulate it with foreigners?
That's a very American thing to do.

despite beaners voting mostly democrat, they have shitty voter turnout and its only a slim majority
over half of Hispanic men voted for greg abbot last election.


I live here and it fucking sucks. Nothing but Louisiana niggers and the worst kind of fucking Beaners.

>Texas here, ask me stuff
Dunno much about it, but is it really that much people living in trailers there? Sad to hear. At least you still have Alabama. Correct me if I'm wrong.

>Mexicans living north were spaniards just arrived from the peninsula

That's a chicano lie and you have been cucked.

Texas is basically dead, in a few years they'll go blue and it'll be basically California 2.0.

Fuck you, faggot. Reported, hope you die.

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Yeah, our country is pretty cucked to be honest. Our politicians willingly allow white areas of the country to be flooded with browns. Whenever somebody does anything about it, they’ll have their life ruined.


It's not really an achievement, given it's based on artificial stimuli added to the environment(this may be over your head).

You will simply turn it into the same shit hole your people always create.

Sad, we used to be destined for the stars. We're destined for favelas and short brown people inevitably destroying the earth. Jokes on you beanman

some genetically lost usa state. Looking glass into your nation's genetics

>If Texas went blue
You mean when that happens in 2020? At the very latest 2024? How does the GOP not understand that they've now been completely disenfranchised due to mass shitskin immigration?

>be me
>white guy from Indiana
>go spend spring break in Texas because you wanted to go there all your life
>fly to Houston
>get out the gate
>Spanish language blabbering everywhere
>only white person on terminal train
>fat tsa negress tells me to move while claiming my baggage
>spics as far as the eye can see everywhere I go. Even at the Alamo they’re there loitering around speaking spic gibberish
>I asked all the whites what they thought about all these Mexicans being here
>9 out of 10 times they reply with
“Oh I don’t care as long as it happens legally”
>go back home
>come home with a sigh of relief that I’m gone from that mestizo ingested shithole

Atleast the bbq food was good.

Texas is sub-40% white and will be blue due to shitskins within 2 years

Some people live in Trailers or double wide modular homes.

They're not all bad people(think good instincts but not the most intelligent), many just want to be left alone.

The Southeast and Southwest is where the majority of the nonwhite population lives. If you’re willing to visit what America used to look like. The northern states are more of your option. However christcuck chruches have been trying to flood those towns with Somalis in recent years.

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Yes I’m sure nothing but Spics managed to get a grant from the King of Spain to survey North America in the 16th century

It seems cool and I'm planning on moving from NY to Texas within a few years.

The northwest, upper midwest, and New England/upstate New York need to secede.

God damn it, Jow Forums is so full of spics that it is constantly the fucking internet spic defense force up in here.


Nigga u fucked up

>Settle a territory and repopulate it with foreigners?
Your population north of the Rio Grande prior to the annexation of the southwest is in the tens of thousands you weasel fucks.

It wasn't like that a few decades ago and the cultural depictions still haven't caught to reality yet. But don't worry, leftists are working hard on that.

Don't do it, dude. Texas is horrible. I grew up there and watched it transform into hell on earth California style over many years. Stay in the north. Northwest, upper Midwest, New England. Those are the last remaining white holdouts that may be able to form an ethnostate.

I said “in their home country” for a reason. Because those ones don’t immigrate and they shouldn’t. I’m talking about hispanic Americans being literal subhumans.

Yes, and actually Texas actually has people online trying to convince everyone that it isn't actually 35% white. It's completely fucked and has gone the way of California because business imported so many shitskins, and the state govt is desperately trying to market it as if it's liveable.

Did you read my post?

Which country has a heavy handed European ruling class willing to keep the mestizos in check?

If Texas or any state ever falls into Mexican possession, the leadership will inevitably become like that of Mexico. Anything else would be a chaotic and violent state.

They have eerily similar demographics to California, yet still manage to be red. How does that work? Also I find it funny that they’re tied in gun crimes yet Texas is extremely permissive with guns and California is not
>t. Californian who wishes he lived in Texas

Seriously this. Mestizos are an abomination of genetics that will either fill the world with their eternal poverty and stupidity or be exterminated.

Come to San Angelo or the hill country region. I moved out here from Houston and it's the first time I've ever seen white construction workers or landscapers. Lots of good people.

You are much better off where you are located I promise you that. Any place you go here where there are jobs, you will be living among tons of mexicants and stupid as fuck blacks.You will heavily be the minority dude.

Entirely nigger/pacoified. Entirely lost.

A plausible white ethnostate could be the northwest, upper midwest, and New England/upstate New York

It's not going to happen.

Doesn’t matter if it’s ruled by shitskins or whites. What matters is that Texas will become another socialist hellhole all thanks to the people who allowed these vermin to immigrate.

White voters turnout the most, but they’re starting to die off due to old age.

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You're delusional. It will be blue by 2024 at the very latest. 50/50 shot it's blue in 2020.

Spic here, voted for Cruz, in fact not sure why the actual racists don't vote democrat they want segregation and communism, the right just cares about money and so do I

>Come to San Angelo


Don't tell people about that place, that is my secret fall back position asshole!

NO one knows about it and you are fucking it up.

Are you retarded?

I was talking about Mestizos. I don't know what you're on about, we all fucking agree they never should have been allowed here.

check race distribution in schools,you will see upcoming doom.

It’ll be blue state in 10 years

Texas manages to be red due to the fact that the brown people already here are based. Gringos up North try to lump us in with mojados from south of the border. This state was built on the backs of based Tejanos, who hate Negros and Wetbacks as much as gringos. Try to roll with us or get rolled over, it is that simple White man.

Mine as well be mexico at this point.

Literally because enough old people who are about to die are mad enough that they still vote. Those very same old people employ swarms of beaners to mow their lawns, clean their houses, etc. Old whites and businesses ruined the state because they want an army of slave labor, yet they turn around and get really mad and vote republican because the state is overrun with beaners. They get to sleep in the bed they made. They're all going to be dead soon, and Texas will be 90% non-white, and that's that.