LMAO Trump is a real life shitposter. Its amazing.
LMAO Trump is a real life shitposter. Its amazing
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"Enjoy your coin broham"
I cant believe you assholes voted this punk coward in. you all deserve whatever is coming. Also, enjoy your virginity losers lol
>people will pretend to be outraged about this
Trump has been handing those coins out to construction contractors for decades now.
>man this sucks, I'm not getting a paycheck
>let's spend a bunch of money to make novelty coins commemorating this
If I was a secret service agent and I told you that I'm don't really enjoy working without pay and you just give me a gaudy coin, I would be pretty outraged.
If the other side said 14/88 then we would have something.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
You aren't secret service material. Also they get backpay.
>gaudy coin
Anyone with an IQ above room temp will keep that coin and sell it later.
>punk coward
I know this is you De Niro. Get a life!
I hope the dollar collapses and you lose all the kiked laws giving you false power you obvious woman. You will be no more than property again and honesty we will probably be mutually happy from it.
They have a right to be outrage not getting paid to work and your boss gives you a coin with the promise of backpay is a slap in the face especially when you are putting your life on the line protecting the president.
Backpay doesn't pay bills due today.
I would like to think that a member of the secret service would not be nigger-tier, and have a stable homelife due to correct investments instead of spending a thousand dollars on spinning rims when he gets his paycheck.
if you were intelligent enough to be in secret service you would sell your challenge coin to get money
This, these could be collectors items with some actual value
>working without pay
>can get loan from fed credit union
>guaranteed pay when the shutdown ends
>democrats failed to vote for appropriating paychecks during shutdown
Wow their lives are sooooo hard.
There you are ...
Fucking shill
i am pretty sure they earn enough to have some savings
Around 6000 issued if we assume every non furloughed employee gets one. It's unironically rarer than the majority of WW2 medals.
I wish I still had my virginity
There’s nothing that special about sex with random girls
These people are not tellers at McDonalds. Also, any bank in the US that foreclosed on any of these people would get fined to hell and back.
It looks like an angry pepe in the out of focus photos
You're right. Federal Credit Unions do.
Let them be outraged. We need the wall like we need water.
Its not all its made out to be, young incel frens. Leaves you feeling empty inside.
the military and higher government is well circulated with strange and niche coins, apparently the higher the rank, the more valuable it is
the point being, if you have a Lt Col coin, and another shitbag has a Bgdr Gen coin, you owe SPC shitbag a drink
that's the idea anyways, never seen it happen irl
>t. soldier
point I'm trying to make is these coins were being made anyways
>Preferential treatment to the SS
Literally Hitler
Reee!!!! Cashiers =/= Tellers.
Orange man bad.
All women dont reward men that like orange man
Well the coin making machine is like a million dollars. You gotta find excuses to use it.
Unironically this. I wish I saved myself for marriage in that I woke up and shoved a bitch off me screaming "get the fuck off me" which kind of ruined women and sex for me.
Yeah, in the balls lmao.
Gr8 b8 m8
good point, was thinking of the bank and typed teller lol. No need to pop a blood vessel.
I hope you actually go up to a black guy and say the n word and he beats your racist ass. that would be a sight to see.
keep telling that to yourself loser lmao
And the secret service don't vow to take a bullet for a simple paycheck. There are more to these people than to you. You aren't secret service material stop trying to out yourself in their shoes cause you have no clue apparently.
I can't imagine what it's like to constantly have shit to pay and food to buy while you don't earn anything for multiple months
Kys faggot
What a low effort post. Absolutely embarrassing.
>secret service doesn't have its own credit union that will give them interest free loans to be paid back when the government reopens
Eat shit, cunt. I'm voting for him again in 2020 and there's nothing you can do about it lol.
what do you expect from judas/trump.
only idiots live beyond their means and paycheck to paycheck
>tfw you wont slam this literal shitposting coin on top some cuck airforce or coast guard’s obamas presidential coin and win by default and say fuck you faggot at the same time
kek didnt notice
Did you just call a human of African decent, "black"? What a racist hypocrite you are. God you must be stupid sounding in person.
Post tits or gtfo
>only idiots live beyond their means and paycheck to paycheck
Or work for government and think they will always have a pay check. That is their own pure arrogance putting them in this position. Hell most know they cannot be fired, even if they show up drunk, or on drugs. It is not as if they even really have to perform any tasks to keep their jobs either.
> mfw trump starts paying them out of his own pocket
> mfw trump now has hi sown praetorian guard
>they do it for free
welcome to the club
>Literally take an oath to take a bullet for a guy
Yeah these dumbasses probably only cared about the safe pay.
>get into a line of work that requires you to be willing to literally take a bullet and die for POTUS
>normies think they would bitch about not getting paid to anyone
He already has them, you might want to update your self-used copypasta loser.
They should fire the ones who complain
This shutdown really has brought out the true face of this godforsaken board. You were all about freedom and individual autonomy until the government was gone now you whine about how all the poor wittle ABCs don't get their paycheck this month for reaming your life in every possible way.
The federal government is unnecessary bloat and you all know it.
States should rule themselves, fuck big gov and fuck the fat cat elite jannies.
Don’t gov get paid once a month anyway? Stop complaining and realize you’re getting the treatment the rest of America is getting losing their livelihoods to cheap illegal immigrant workers. Fuck off.
Oh shit it’s Ronda Perlman
yeah this it should be a calling to protect the most powerful man on the planet and if someone is a bitchy muh money cunt about it just saying... they are compromised.
Rural and suburban retard detected
>only idiots live beyond their means and paycheck to paycheck
According to a recent study, over half of american families couldn't cough up 500 dollars from their cash or savings if their lives literally dependent on it
That's dangerously close to "and if we don't, you get payback". Don't give the praetorians any clever ideas, Donnie.
Did you get out of your maple syrup swimming pool just to type that?
1. this isn't first government blackout
2. every time this has previously occurred theres been back-pay
Have you received one of these coins?
I would totally buy one.
I think they have these for law enforcement too, or at least the NYPD.
THIS! Anyone that doesnt have enough saving s to live for 2 months is a fucking retard.
Pic related, losers.
I honestly don't feel sorry for anyone that's working and not getting paid right now. Granted it's DC and the cost of living is high but they're undoubtedly well paid. And if they aren't competent enough to save for such an occasion then they're nigger-tier and I especially don't care for them.
But in all seriousness, we can't let him have the nuclear codes.
Lol its so easy to spot these guys
> falling for the nuclear codes meme
The nu-est of nu/pol/
>According to a recent study, over half of american families couldn't cough up 500 dollars from their cash or savings if their lives literally dependent on it
Well that is because too many bought the credit, and I need to have tons of new shiny crap meme. The only thing you need credit for is your home, and vehicle. Other than that it is a waste. My house is paid for, as are my vehicles. The problem is nobody has been taught saving for things, and want instant gratification, which is why this nation is so screwed up, because our leaders in government are exactly the same.
>military POGS
>limited edition rare pepe shipost coin
>buy me a drink faggot
2020, the year of the Oven.
government closed due to aids
This is fucking hilarious
This is what actually happens when you call a nigger to his face
dont sex shame me shitlord
Get a real job
Bingo, to the right collector and the relative rarity of these coins will make them worth a song
t. Degenerate with loads of STDs
>If I was a secret service agent and I told you that I'm don't really enjoy working without pay and you just give me a gaudy coin, I would be pretty outraged.
You basically got a tangible promise engraved you fucking gibs. "don't worry you'll get backpay". Retard
Lel trolling the libs EPIC STYLE my fellow pedes xD
I got a SOAR battalion coin from one of their pilots in Iraq. That coin was like solid gold in my general support aviation battalion.
hahha how can i get one of these, any gubmint workers wanna sell em on ebay?
WTF is challenge coin and for what is it used?
its a LEO/Military thing, they are limited run coins that are given out for special events or duty stations.
most people who have been in for while like Secret Service agents might have a whole bag full of fancy, colorful custom designed coins from places they have worked or special conferences/incidents that they were involved in over the years.
some are collectibles sold online while others are made in very limited quantities and kept for nostalgia.
Thanks buddy.
I see so it's just something to "remember x" tradition. How long does this go back? Are there some ww1 or earlier challenge coins or is it a more recent thing?
>Stoner 63 LMG
Patrician choice
i think they might have originate from sporting events like football games that need coin tosses to resolve issues and they often use commemorative coins for that game or playing season rather than actual money coins. the idea is that you would always have a coin on hand to resolve issues tiebreaker votes and it just snowballed from there. its a cultural thing people who arnt federal law enforcement or military officers come across but its become its own niche little industry.
also these coins are not fucking cheap, short run coins are like $60 a piece just to have them cast and printed.
>I gave my life to work as an US agent
>And all I got was this lousy coin
Nice, I like those small niche markets of producers, collectors and traders.
Thanks for the explainer, now those things make a lot more sense for a outsider.