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Why are niggers so gay?

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Oh boy some new drama in the NFL, if watching silverbacks give each other brain damage was not enough fun already! God bless America!

Guess I'll continue to not watch nigger gayball

Is this the same NFL that refused to put a franchise in Vegas for decades because it was desperate to maintain a wholesome image?

What happened burgers?

reminder if you're still watching pro ball sports, you're just a fucking fag
there's no excuse

If stupid goys will pay for ticket and watch then why should (((they))) care?
Money in (((their))) pocket.


haven't missed a thing anyway bro

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ruined it

...are the girls trannies?

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Nothing. They were virtue signaling then and they’re virtue signaling now.


> silverbacks

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Another reason that I won’t watch any of that shit!

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>having intact brain to begin with

They never had fathers to teach them how to be men.

Kneeling niggers
Male cheerleaders
>oh say can you see...
Many KEKs

>people who hate the flag on the field
>men being women on the pitch side
No wonder NFL is laughed at

American football is for niggers. I'm not surprised that some of those niggers are faggots.

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