New Wikileaks

Venezuela could become Trump's Libya

Attached: Screenshot at 2019-01-24 20-27-04.png (1920x1200, 244K)

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Europe should have had the sack to turn them away

Communists aren't humans.

>implying it's a bad thing
Reminder that wikileaks isn't /ourwhistleblower/

Reminder that Asante is dead

> Flooding Europe with arabs by staging wars
Like this wasn't Obama/CIA's plan from the beginning

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Venezuelan oil is the RC Cola of oil, nobody wants that shit


I really hope Trump doesnt intervene

So is the state trying to divide everyone or create a globalized new world order? Which is it?

So he's using Venezuela as a base to supply weapons to Al Qaeda and ISIS?
Seems a little far fetched.

was in trouble before

It depends if he can get Colombian and Brazilian troops to invade.
If he can, it's different from Libya, and Syria, arguably Afghanistan and Iraq too since in all those cases we didn't have neighboring countries send in ground forces.

If communist subhumans are unable to manage such a small country with so few people and so many resources, why should anybody respect them or their right to sovereignty? Libya was a very successful country under Ghaddafi, and so is Syria under Assad, despite being attacked on all fronts for about a decade. What does Venezuela have to show? The whole socialist world rallying behind a state of which the citizens don't have toilet paper and have to subsist on zoo animals to survive...I say fuck them, they had plenty of years to get their shit together, but now they deserve everything they got.

This is just proof that Wikileaks is Russian propaganda. As yourself, who has interest in the Maduro gov't staying in power? Who immediately denounced US support of Guaido?

What does Trump have to do with Venezuela you stupid fucking stasi nigger?

>Ask yourself*


This post made me chuckled

Reminder that Assange died in 2016 when the NSA took over Wikileaks after the podesta leaks

Are the wikileaks contributors retarded now?

>Maduro plunged Venezuela into a thirdworld communist hell hole with no food or jobs and the highest inflation ever recorded
>Democratic Elections result in Maduro being defeated by pro-capitalist opposition
>Maduro tries to prevent Democracy THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE from Triump[hing,
>Trump and the rest of the world delcares Maduro illigetimate
>Maduro is about to start killing people in the streeets and threatining other countries

Yeah, Maduro being overthrown with force in this context is what the USA stands for in prinicple and in core values.

GTFO wikifakes

completely different, Libya was actually in good shape and Hildawg accused him of human rights shit as an excuse

Venezuela is literally a socialist shithole with people dying on a daily basis and a legitimate anti-meduro movement rather than CIA funded rebels

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Man that Assange guy has become a real cuck since he died two years ago.

If we just don't get involved it wont be our problem

Venezuelans literally ate the goddamn ZOO ANIMALS LITERAL YEARS AGO

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Russia is going to be pissed

The main difference between libya and venezuela (aside from race) is that venezuela is what communism looks like, meanwhile libya had a sort of psuedo-natsoc going on. Libya was on the cusp of a golden age before they started getting bombed, whereas venezuela already looks like its been bombed and not a single one has been dropped yet.

Speaking of libya, though, that shit was a french action. Israels president just visited france to petition macron to take a hard stance against lebanon and his wording on it was "We see no distinction between lebanon and hezbollah, we hold them fully accountable for what goes on in their country (even though what has been going on in their country is israel using their airspace to bomb syria) we expect action".

These two posts sum up the situation very well.

Muh oil meme. This shit is so bluepilled it's not funny.

Wikileaks again turns on Trump when he does something Russia doesn't like.

They're not even hiding it these days.

Didnt even notice that at first..
>libya was bombed, and destroyed
>brexit is somehow related

Both. First they will build blocks. NAU, EU etc. I feel the wall shit is the beginning of NAU. Cruz was the second choice and his wife co-authored the NAU proposal for Goldman-Sachs as a VP. Maybe they want to force a bunch of changes in SA and this is the beginning.

Trump ran on non-intervention. He has yet to say anything regarding actual involvement in Venezuela. I'm fucking sick of all these faggots and shills pushing intervention. We need to cut out the cancer in America before we do anything else.

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>jail id

>So is the state trying to divide everyone or create a globalized new world order? Which is it?
Holy shit you're retarded


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U.S. provocatively refuses to withdraw its personal in 72 hours as commanded by Venezuelan leader Maduro. After 72 hours, from the Maduro state perspective, US will be in the country illegally, effectively a small occupation, leading to additional confrontations.

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Its not necessarily Trump, he still has a lot of advisors and such that are neocons/deepstate.

So if Trump supports ousting Maduro, Venezuela will become a failed Socialist State?
Hold up a tick.

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McJail throw that faggot in the stocks

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Wikileaks was hijacked the day the much of the net went down briefly. If Assange isn't in US custody/protection he is dead

South America is not the Middle East. No chance of large scale conflicts.

Lybia was a clandestine overthrow, This is the population overthrowing the leader. Get the fuck out of here with this Hillary bullshit

>Libya - decent functioning country under Gaddafi. Venezuela - bankrupt, strarving shithole on the verge of going cannibalistic

I thought wikileaks were based? Are they actually retarded?

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There's a literal commie state murdering and starving people at your doorstep, whose regime is propped up by China & Russia. It's pretty much your concern.

What would be the MoonPie of the oil world?

If your policies cause people to literally fucking starve except the guillotines to come out

so why didnt you just not take them lol

Reminder; all of the legitimate contributers to wikileaks went dark in the months leading up to dak, they have not reemerged since. The only ones that did not go dark were openly mocking assange's isolation and retweeting shit podesta was saying.

Maduro is NOT the President. He was Democratically voted out by his own people. No meddling involved.

He can't demand we leave when he isn't the acting President of Venezuela. Also, if you think the new President is going to ask us to get out and let the military kill the opposition and slaughter thousands of people, you're retarded.

We won't leave.

This. Endorsing an opposition leader is completely different from deposing said leader through military intervention.


It's kinda dumb to say Libyan intervention led to Brexit. It slightly contributed to Cameron becoming unpopular enough for him to promise a Brexit referendum in order to win a landslide in the general election. However, in order for a promised referendum to win him votes there were clearly forces at play leading to Brexit. The fact it people forget how deeply unpopular the EU is among the British people, even most remainers don't particularly like the EU but see the necessity of membership for trade.

Bro quit the shit. We need this. We need change. We cant do it ourselves, we need USA's help. Trump is doing gods work.

Who is buying Venezuelan oil? I heard their plants are run like shit and their oil is low grade.

Maduro is a fraud who stuffed the Supreme Court and dispowered the Assembly when he failed to win the election. The US no longer recognize him, hence, his requests mean nothing.

I demand proof of life for Assange and RBG. The CIA is pretending both are alive, neither is.

The CIA bombings of Libya and Syria bombings caused 2 millions africans to swarm into Europe you dumb obama nigger.

Whoever it is tweeting from the wikileaks-twitter lately, is clearly an overly biased leftie.
Trump isn't getting involved with Venezuela, Obama went out of his way to directly steer the coalition and nato-countires to do untold numbers of airstrikes and use of military force to dethrone Gaddafi and destabilize the country.
Trump is just tweeting his opinion.

Yea really if their governments had any balls just order all the,incomming refugee s to be shot down. Who gives a fuck what the world thinks about,it

>Russia and China's puppet is better than an US puppet :D

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Its weird how mainstreamed this opinion became when all you have to do is look up how the Iraq war had an oil deficit, and I don't think the US has even gained oil from Libya or Syria.

They’ve Been Supplanted

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>trump started the venezuela shit
Venezuela was a shit hole waiting to explode well before Trump got into office.

Technically "human garbage" can be counted as "sort of human". Human-byproduct per se.

Venezuela is a collapsing nation though with a strong opposition
Libya was fairly successful and only literal terrorists and bandits were willing to overthrow the government

They really are a Russian intelligence asset, but not the way the Never Trumpers and Dems pretend.
This is the isolated case of the broken clock being right twice a day.
This isn’t in any way an endorsement that Trump is controlled by Putin. That’s just Democratic partisan lies.

>1.4MIL barrels a day?!?! wtf

WikiLeaks cable shows Venezuela-US-Russia relations and control of oil central to understanding US position on Venezuela

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Could be that Julian actually got killed and wikileaks got taken over via russian hackers.

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this, the Matrix has replaced them with programmed NPCs.

>implying that is the core complaint of brexit and not being beholden to extranational laws and dictates
>implying brexit wasnt compromised from the start

Go back and look at them even before Trump’s announcement.
They will NEVER SAY ANYTHING BAD about Putin or Russia.

>He thinks Libya was over oil
Wrong it was because Gadaffi wanted to gold back alliance and the jews didn't want that.

I love how muh refugees is all these commies say. Nigger please, 5 million people left already.

Wait I thought Lybia and Gadaffi was the Petrodollar?

Oh, nevermind, it’s oil production after all for some fuckin reason.

>postinf anything Wikileaks related

Stop that

Real Super RUDE dude, I like RC Cola


Its wagging the dog, the oil is a massive red herring used to divert attention away from israeli interests and laying the blame on american interests.

Its actually cia propaganda now.


Autocracies have a vested interest in helping other autocrats. The greatest threat a dictator faces is the idea of freedom and rule of law. That's why you strive to clamp down on those ideas overseas.

Besides, it's much easier to do business with just Maduro as he represents himself and his cronies. Yet he has the resources of Venezuela at his disposal.

WikiLeaks cable shows Venezuela-US-Russia relations and control of oil central to understanding US position on Venezuela.

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whole of south america is going to gangbang those fags desu

Since we all have a good handle on what is going on and got right to the point immediately... I propose we take this discussion in a needed direction: What do we do about wikileaks?

The US will be self-sufficient in oil in 5 years or so. The oil meme is a typical shill tactic to discourage free nations from condemning corrupt tyrants like Maduro.

Literally all those things were going on before Gaddafi got one up the arse. Was this produced by a Maduro shill?

>My doorstep
Literally a different continent
Meanwhile druglords control Mexico
Worry about the Islamic log in your wife's eye, sven

Stop spamming the thread, kraut.

Who cares if Juan promised Trump a etter/new deal on their resources in exchange for political support? We get something for doing what's right, how is that bad?

Russia invaded the Ukraine and Georgia for similar situations recently in history. Russian shills should go die in a fire.

Wikileaks is probably comped at this point. Gaddafi had a somewhat structured society- people were getting fed and things were not apocalypse tier. Maduro has destroyed his country.
But there's something weird about it all- Guaido looks like an Obongo clone. What weird times.

also, this, brazil, argentina and columbia all agreeing on something is not insignificant.

lmfao user.

Alternatively, what interest is Venezuela to us? Why do they matter? We're not the fucking world police, it's not our responsibility to intervene in every fucking countrys internal affairs. For once let a country fight their own civil war and determine their own future. I'm not for either candidate, I'm for isolation. They're not relevant.

like if you have a choice.
this is us today, tomorrow will be you.

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>wikileaks defending communist
go and eat shit lassagne

Hows all oil working out for them?
>1.4 million barrels
And dropping like a stone

Attached: Venezuela_oil_production.jpg (1308x708, 150K)

That and Libya was the only thing really keeping the dregs from crossing into Europe.

Zerg his soldiers, you dont need burger help, that would only make you even shittier.

Stop paying attention to wikifakes. When people push their russian state backed propaganda we refute their lies with the truth and archive all of it for future posting. That's all we can do, the way i see it.

Trump doesn't care about oil, he just wants anything to distract and possibly provide an exit for the shutdown.