“We’re here for the job interview”

“We’re here for the job interview”

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I saw a teenage girl with a face tattoo the other day. This is not ok

Oyy Veyyy, get dem fine people to HR right now!

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What was the tattoo? There are Inuit people who do it traditionally to this day on their lower lip.

Is that an Anne Frank face tatoo he is pointin his gun at?

Is that Anne Frank on that wogs jaw?

bungie straps are big gay


Attached: williamFrank.jpg (250x318, 21K)


>trigger discipline
i wish a shot went directly through his empty nigger skull.

Depends on the job and if they can do it right, I'd hire whoever.

Holy shit, literally my first thought!

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Some cursive lettering on the cheek. I just saw her walking through the mall thinking what the fuck

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Yo niggas, we be sellin' dope shiet in da streetz and yo get ten percent. Das rite?

is that lil'zyrtec

You’re hired
My teenage daughters are on the way to get blacked

Great. Now I want an Anne Frank face tattoo.

>Pointing gun at your face
>Finger on trigger

Even among their own retarded peers niggers manage to be the dumbest in the group.

Real question is Y?

>ayo, hol up, I wanna get this badass tat on muh face, I wanna get a face tattooed on muh face, knowwhatimsayin. Lemme Get Anne Frank tatted on muh face, Mang, she wiz badazz an shiet, hid in an attic for years til dem Nazis took her to Ouch-Swiss

I've listened to small interviews of both of them, none of them sell drugs anymore. They make enough money to not do dangerous acts.
I have a friend with neck tattoos
>runs a small hosting company
>finished university
>smarter in programming than 70% of people I know
>long hair, looks "improperly" dressed compared to most employees.

Fact of the matter is if you judge someones job performance based on how they physically look, you'll have much more trouble as an employer.
They really weren't kidding of Jow Forums being a backwards shithole

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Great. Now he can start talking to investors.

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>a friend
>fact of the matter is
leafs are dumb and lame

>Being a programmer
>Having to talk to investors

Hows the education system there?

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good thing he got aids and died


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>a brave future doctorlawyer and a culturally appropriating racist fucking white male walk into a job interview
>the top fat bitch in hr literally sucks the brave future doctorlawyer's diseased penis, posts it on instagram and makes him a partner at the doctorlawyer practicefirm
>she offers the evil nazi cisgendered racist fucking white male an unpaid internship as a janitor which begins immediately by cleaning up the mess they just made with his tongue
haha get it

>runs a small hosting company

Oh, so he doesn't run the company, leaf?

>That Anne Frank tattoo

Anne Frank wuz a Queen and sheit

You faggots don’t know about Xan Frank? The most based rapper alive?

He’s dying for his music. Duh.

seriously... I need to know.

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BRUUUUUUH, we wuz ireali n sheit b4 dem wity cum n does wut dey does best takin r sheit and callin dem selve wut we wuz! You aint neva seen no coloa pic o dat bytch, bet she wuz half black motha fucka, left ova from when we wuz kangs! Dont try to tell me nothin else CUM SKIN!

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Very informative thank you for the use of your time to type that out.

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Hey Bright, our latest D-classes are here.

Why the fuck that faggot tattooed Agatha into his cheek?

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Is he reppin the Anne Frank Street Bloodz? Just why?


>implying either of these two would want a job outside of being a professional street nigga.

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>tfw white and will never be street nigga
Why even live?

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look at that trigger discipline

>le zoomer face

its night time and they’re outside so I assume you’re suffering some sort of severe psychotic break

>Listens to In the Aeroplane Over the Sea once

Faggots like this don't apply for jobs.

fuck you stupid dog, u dont know me

>fixed sights
>no PMAG

Would not hire.

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What does this face mean /pol?

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“Wut u mean we dinnit git da job? Y’all sum racist” - every jiggaboo naked something retarded with face tattoos no skills and poor grammar

Is that Anne Frank on his face
And why?