Poland is the shame of Europe

>Historians have described the label paradisus iudaeorum (Latin for "Paradise of the Jews") as a "more or less accurate description of the Jewish situation" in Poland in the sixteenth century.
>The country became a shelter for persecuted and expelled European Jewish communities and the home to the world's largest Jewish community of the time. According to some sources, about three-quarters of the world's Jews lived in Poland by the middle of the 16th century.

>In 1802, Napoleon added a Polish legion of around 5,200 to the forces sent to Saint-Domingue to fight off the slave rebellion. Upon arrival and the first combat actions, discovering that the slaves had fought off their French masters for their freedom, the vast majority of Poles eventually joined the slaves against the French.[2] The Polish had a familiar situation back home, where they fought for their liberty against invading Russia, Prussia and Austria that began in 1772; seeking to unite, some joined Napoleon's army (of which part was sent to Haiti).[2] Many Polish soldiers admired their enemy and decided to turn on the French army and join the slaves, and participated in the Haitian revolution of 1804.
>Haiti's first president Jean-Jacques Dessalines called Polish people "the White Negroes of Europe", which was then regarded a great honour, as it meant brotherhood between Poles and Haitians. Many years later, François Duvalier used the same concept when referring to Polish people.

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Other urls found in this thread:




Cunts t.eternal ungrateful victims, pale niggers

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Ukraine is B&R.
Svyatoslav the Brave, Grand prince of Kiev, BTFOed Khazar Khaganate.
Ukrainian Cossacks massacred kikes regularly
So that they even have curses in their name.
Even the English term "pogrom" comes from all the the violence against the Jews by Ukrainians.

I think Poland is one of the last countries which can save Europe, it's now a clean country after WW2 and the communism

Another kike thread.

True, Poland is a meme country and should be split between Germany, Russia and the balts.
The same is true for Ukraine too though, it's also a meme country.

Poland's borders should be pushed back east over the Curzon line, giving back German land. Perfect buffer between Europe and the Eastern menace.

Because of of polak death camps?

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>UPAine *

So why is it you cleaning German toilets polak?

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>meme country and should be split between Germany, Russia and the balts.
Even you are a shitskin, I agree!
Hololohoax for real nao!

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>1657 year
>blue/yellow flag

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Switzerland is ameme country.

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stfu muslim monkey

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Fuck off. Poland has and always will be based as fuck. Damn glow in the dark shills.

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u photoshopped it? u brazillian monkey, want a banana?


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> want a banana
first you need to own one hohol to give

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I will accept some sopa de macaco


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Poland is the only hope for Europe, kill yourself you open borders kike fuck.

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u mad cuz ur little siss got rimmed? xD

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>ukrainigger literally photoshops swedish shit to make Poles look bad
"dobrze że mu kosza dałam na euroweeku"
its good that I rejected him on euroweek.
Look what "dać kosza" means.
"niech ma"
in this context means "he deserves it".
Stop posting shit with fake translations you kike under a Ukrainian flag.

how the fuck do you even have a computer? did you steal it?

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we don't have to fight, ukraine

stop the hate now

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Get out of here, Vanya. There's no vodka for you.
This is the country Jow Forums jerks off to. What a joke...

He's a Jewish shill, not an actual Ukrainian. Poles and Ukrainians are getting along better every year and some particular (((people))) are interested in ruining that. Looks like they're upping their game, even using Photoshop forsvarsmakten.se doesn't sound like a Polish website though, considering the fact that Polish websites end in .pl and "v" doesn't exist in the Polish alphabet.

>Perfect buffer between Europe and the Eastern menace.
Yes, because it worked out so well last time.

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Pooplak, how's Spanish shit, any better to clean, than ours?

ukrainians are undeniably the niggers of europe. the reason putin doesnt annex your entire country is because he doesn't want you niggers dragging the rest of russia down. you slander the good name of the white race

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coco is nigger drink, just saying

Fuck right back off slavshit polak euronigger

It’s still at it
Disgusting animal,
Posting photoshopped pictures, bad translations, degenerate minoritites, and EU sponsored propaganda camps that are being investigated by the goverment while its own joke of a country is on fire
Your disgusting mongrel kind runs away from your shithole of a country to poland where they are treated as second class citizens because it’s still better than being a filthy Ukrainian...
Your whole country should have been starved to death by papa stailn... your joke of a country would have been actually more useful that way
Also, your constant shitty bait threads are autistic, how does your kind even get internet? Probably stealing it from Russia I suppouse
With Regards
The world

paki pls, we dont clean streets

That comic is so true

>pls, we dont clean streets
Toilets not streets

i bet your future son mohammed will also agree that comic is 'so true'

Ur a paki tough

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youre right you clean toilets. Im not a paki. I was at leicester, and I had a polnigger clean my toilets, Now, pawel, back to the washroom. Theres a big stain there that needs cleaning

The real version

Attached: Real.jpg (1022x2570, 564K)

Leicester = Paki Land

Confirmed Paki

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So i guess things are not good in Ukraine and you need to blame someone else for your own misfortune.

Only you can make your country better, blaming someone else will not make it better.

So get your hand out of the wanking area of your pants and head out of Jow Forums and start making your country a better place.

Are you all talk and no walk?

Awesome, saved

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not all niggers are ukraininas of africa

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All poles report in, what the fuck are you doing?

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Literally fake news. He is not jewish.

we wuz kangz of Haiti
gib back Madagaskar

>'those a-americans are 56% white' stammered hans as he watched ibrahim pork his girlfriend

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to be fair, 3% of botswana is white (non-ukrainian) so those niggers have a leg up

>Theres a big stain there that needs cleaning
is it even possible to clean a paki?

khazar kek

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I know a couple of Ukrainians here and in Cracow, and they're all really chill people. Wish Jewry didn't try to fuck up our relations.

No, but beating up drunk subhuman anglos as a bouncer in Veronicas on Tenerife is pretty fucking rad if you ask me. Reminds me of the times when I saw loads of Brits getting arrested in Cracow for their nigger tier behavior. They literally don't let Brits rent hotel rooms anymore because you people act like fucking niggers ruining everything, walking around naked and vomiting over the walls.
Wish your women didn't fuck Marrocans in the corners in exchange for wall paint with coke. I'd call the police on them if this shithole wasn't so corrupt. Another funny thing is, every single black male white female couple I met was British. You've got some work to do lad.
Moved here with my family when I was underage, brother had asthma. Not a single member of my family ever worked here, my father literally brings money from Poland to here. Spain seems like it needs it, seeing how much of a joke their economy is, especially Canarias which is basically the nigger of Spain, constantly receiving gibs from the government, yet still having the second most corrupt ayuntamiento in the entirety of the country (Arona) and the worst education and scores. I'm coming back soon though, I miss home and my lovely city. So much better than the degeneracy here.

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>W- whiter than you stammered Carlos as armed chimps gunned him down

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how many white ppl the ukraine needs?

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Only 5 people in this pic are jewish, dumb-dumb. Stop spreading literal kremlin propaganda.


In short, you clean toilets, right?

sure, that's why they have kosher passports

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I clean the streets, of your drunk brethren. Even the Russians who come here in masses act more civilized and drink more responsibly (although consume higher amounts of alcohol in total).
Brits come and fuck black prostitutes. Walk through San Eugenio at 3-5am and look in the dark corners, you see Brits fucking fat negresses condomless.
Before coming here I thought Brits are classy people, now I consider you lower than any kind of a Med, Nordic or Slav. Even the Irish are better than you and have their own proper bar with zero fights and drama whatsoever.

so, how's the economy?

Look who's talking lol.

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Poles fucked up four hundred years ago when they let the Jews in, but they been good boys and dindu nuffin wrong the last 100 years. LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!

Oh no, literally believe polak

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Poland is a popular target of the jews at this time because they are fighting to keep their racial homogeneity.

>inherit 1,700 nukes and a half built aircraft carrier from soviets
>give them all away to russians and chinks

yeah, man, who need nukes

Funny because the only reason hohols like you are so cocky are gibs from NATO, including Poland. Once we get rid of POPIS puppets be sure that we shall take back our farms and our Lwów, leaving rest to be liberated by Russians.

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Said fucking Ukraine

Most of Europe let the Jews in at the time. After all, British Jews are the reason WW2 ever happened. anti-Semitism was steadily rising in Poland until (((Brits))) and the (((allies))) put a British puppet in the government, Beck, who ruined the relations between Germany and Poland. Before that Piłsudski and Hitler were very positive towards each other and we're optimistic about the future.

No shit, Poland was loved by Jow Forums, suddenly American media starts shitting on us for "having a far-right anti-democratic government" and for Korwin's based speeches shitting on the EU in the EU Parliament, and right after hundreds of "Poland hate threads" appear on Jow Forums. There's more "Poland hate threads" than nigger hate threads, Sweden hate threads and any cucked country hate threads combined.

>No shit, Poland was loved by Jow Forums, suddenly
My side's....
Who when, where would be as insane to believe such garbage?

Why don't you fuck back off and fight for the shithole?

Definitely not a Paki like you

>Poles fucked up four hundred years ago when they let the Jews in, but they been good boys and dindu nuffin wrong the last 100 years. LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!

Fuck off, that can't be real...

OK but why is there fucking Poland on 1863
It didn't even exist at that time

This is real

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Would you feel yourself in a safer world if you knew that there are nukes somewhere in Ukraine right now?
I bet you fucking won't. That's like giving the red button to a random nigga on the street.

Lol, you going to try reasoning with polaks...
>Not going to work

im a polack living in the U.S., and legit never relax around me. I will legit stab a nigga if he try some bullshit and I always wear addidas

Russian posted this image

There was an uprising in 1863

you sound buthurt

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Ikr, it's just about different kind of organization being responsible for it on our territory so it can't be called polish here


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