Female Pajeet doctor loses licence after she admits to sexual relationship with cancer patient

>The day after she diagnosed a patient with cancer, Dr. Theepa Sundaralingam gave him her personal phone number and Instagram handle.

>Over the next few months in 2015, frequent flirtatious texting turned into hugging and kissing and eventually progressed to the Toronto doctor masturbating and having intercourse with her patient in his hospital bed while he was being treated for his illness.

>She visited Patient A a number of times at his home, where he lived with his family, and would spend hours with him in his bedroom engaging in sexual activities. Phone sex was also a regular activity, according to the statement.

>Over text, they discussed topics including their favourite pornography.

>“Have u ever been to a porn and cheese party?” she asked the patient in a text filed at the hearing. “Oh wait, I don’t think that’s a normal activity. My bad.”

>She explained to her patient that everyone has to bring a cheese and a porn clip that are somehow related, and everyone at the party watches together.

>“Oh -and there was a prize for the person who had the best cheese and porn combination. I may have been to one.”

>The sexual relationship came to an end later in 2015 when, after having sex with Patient A at his home, she told him she was in love with a colleague with whom she was having an affair. By the end of the year, she was refusing to see him, but did end up treating him one last time the following year for an infection.


Even female Indians are thirsty as fuck. Should Pajeets be allowed to practice medicine?

Attached: dr-theepa-sundaralingam.jpg (649x368, 33K)

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>happens literally once
jesus user

Just another thirsty thot with no morals.

So I am going through chemo and radiation from horrible cancer, and the female doctor caring for me decides it’s best if she gives me no strings attached sex...I am failing to see how this is a bad thing?

Asking for a friend

Who would want to fuck that?

eh. the real crime was being a thot and cheating on him. least she told him she was being a thot, but an honest thot is still a thot

fuck off rakesh

So all i have to do is get cancer to fuck a hottie like that?
Count me in!

she looks better than AOC and some cuck fucks her too