Patriot Prayer and Proud Boys vandalized Portland IWW building. those people really do play with fire
all meme's aside. Antifa is getting armed. its just a matter of time till first blood even is unintentionally
Patriot Prayer and Proud Boys vandalized Portland IWW building. those people really do play with fire
all meme's aside. Antifa is getting armed. its just a matter of time till first blood even is unintentionally
Industrial Workers of the World aka "Wobblies"
Bring it on antifaggots
>Proud Boys
Both of these groups are run by jews and funded by jews to fight each other
>Antifa is getting armed
>Being proficient
Anyone can get a gun. Antifags will end up shooting themselves over accidental wrong pronouns.
people who say they are industrial workers but dont do industrial work, just welfare faggots or neet commie niggers who live with mommy and daddy
Facsist cowards slinking around in the dead of night, criminally vandalizing private property.
Why don’t you meet face to face? I thought you’re proud?
pretty nice but next time they should toss a molotov in there
>anarchy A in graffiti
Whatcha doin rabbi?
"patriots" feeling really pissy lately. they got their ass's handed to them in a fight a couple days ago. threatening guns and knives n' shit
>Industrial workers of the world
Why do these rich kids keep larping like they have ever had a job in a factory. Maybe they've worked a temp job at a warehouse. Everyone who doesn't come from money has. But then again, most these kids came from money. Getting really tired of this shit...
>Industrial Workers of the World
>All the members work in the service industry or are "artists" and "activists"
>Most are just college losers living on loans....
How can ANTIFA use the word worker so often?
>Antifa is getting armed. its just a matter of time till first blood even is unintentionally
Hmm, in an organized manner?
Sounds pretty antithetical
Cool story faggot.
>Antifa is getting armed.
High Capacity Dragon Dildos with extended suction cup grips???
Yeah.. scary stuff, not sure how it will deal with a wall of .223 and 7.62 FMJ coming at it...
No one likes antifa.
If you wanna start shooting, that's your prerogative.
But right wing death squads are the inevitable response to that.
how's your buddy that got knocked into a coma by Chad for trying to be a tough guy?
do you guys pretend to be working class in private as well? or is that just a cynical front you adopt to put down legitimate right wing working class populism?
yeah in an organized manner. till now it was mostly groups like "RedNeck Revolt" that did that. but its becoming mainstream even in urban settings.
this article is being shared all over Antifa twitter
beware the sexual assault rifle
Don't you need a job to be a worker?.
Or does it apply to "emotional capital".
Hahah fucking faggot
So you believe in property now?
This is hilarious. I've recently been documenting known antifa locations.
You're anarchists, people can do what they want with buildings, they don't belong to anyone. Get fucked.
dont fuck with us, white boys
only that that building is not private but common
Implying everyone that hates antifag are white top kek.
>s o y
Man I'm glad I live in rural Appalachia. There's a reason your little fuck fuck games don't get played out here. Good old boys dont put up with that shit.
Mind you these good old boys are legitimately the "working class" as you would say. Lumber mills, chicken production, metal fabrication, mechanic work, and the like.
Not that you would know what a day of honest work looks like.
Bring that shit to moonshine country and the LEAST you'll get is a brick through the window with neighborly advice attached.
are we going to let lets this rich faggot run they mouth.
>using proper pronouns makes you sound retarded.
>Why don’t you meet face to face? I thought you’re proud?
All you little faggots are known for is where mask, attacking innocent people and being incapable of making an argument that isn't "MUH FASCISM (which you can't even define)" & "To protect the working class we must import 2/3 of the 3rd world"
kys you commie faggot.
>Antifa is getting armed. its just a matter of time till first blood even is unintentionally
The blood of millions of more innocents that you will inevitably kill only to then say "wasn't real gommunism"
I figured this out after watching 5 minutes of Gavin McInnes show.
So why arent the proud boys free to do as they wish with that common space? Unless there's some kind of way of who can rightfully use that building. Like say ownership or something, Idk what you would call it.
well its true you ugly pink pig skin bitch
Antifa sucks George Soro's wrinkly cock
Watch out fascists!
>how's your buddy that got knocked into a coma by Chad for trying to be a tough guy?
Which one are you referring to?
The funny thing about that is the the next demonstration a month after that Antifa showed up all wearing brand new helmets, so a cop shot one of them in the head with a tear gas canister and it turned out the helmets were paper thin props
These literal Soviet-funded stooges are still around?
Maybe we should all move to Venezuela.
>have a nice Zebra Steak with a side of Panther testicles on the side with expired rice yummy.
That's the point... I bet the faggots did it to themselves. just like those kike assholes deface their own property and draw swastikas.
>antifa openly posting on Jow Forums
gotta give you points for bravery
No it's just the commies to dumb to larp as thought leaders. "If I worked I'd be a janitor"
An organization filled with fat lesbian school teachers that promote Communism. The fat bitch who died in C-ville was a member.
>till now it was mostly groups like "RedNeck Revolt" that did that.
I've meet some of these types. I was not impressed but I won't make full judgements until they put their money where their mouth is. Seemed like nice enough people, but their idea of combat was laughable at best. Most of it was a fantasyland ideal of them shooting at "fascists" with little or no consideration of incoming fire. Wearing a red bandana around your neck or near vital organs when planning on getting into a firefight is a terrible idea. It screams "shoot me, I'm too stupid to live."
>but its becoming mainstream even in urban settings
Good. Let them shoot somebody. I'm pretty sure an IWW fucker was shot in Seattle a while back when he tried to assault someone outside of a Milo event. Shooter got off scott free because it was textbook self defense.
Nazis go home!
haha nice digits bruh. Go watch more CNN you loser.
>So someone called you a puto?
Commies hiding under yet another name for optics.
Indeed. Owning a panio doesn’t make you a panio player and there is quite a bit more to fighting than just marksmanship.
Nobody is going to war over any of this. No blood. Just smoke a bowl homie
Jews spray painted a building and then took a photo of it. You know how I know this? Because white conservatives aren't niggers that graffiti other people's property.
Good, lets see them get shot to shit finally
Bullshit. You faggots did this shit to your own house. Kike tactics. Go fuck a bag of rice, nigger.
>commie faggots don't realize that nobody who they oppose calls them "antifa" in the real world, and just calls them commies
>spray paint "antifa" on their own building
I actually work in a factory. What's so bad about it? I literally have more opportunity working there than looking for a job in Chemistry; which is what I'm university educated for.
Mind you I'm working as a mechanic there now, apprenticing to be an electrician, while learning programming. I stand to earn +$120k a year if i stick with it; where as my university education caps me at $60k max after working for 5-10 years.
>Patriot Prayer
>Proud Boys
>Even remotely fascist
I'm not even a fascist I I know thinking they're fascist is retarded.
Stop blaming other people for shit you faggots did to yourselves. I'm willing to bet no one in Patriot Prayer even owns a can of spraypaint.
Don’t could on a race war we’re too smart for that. Besides antifa is primarily jew cucked bois and jew feminists. The media will be attacked first for dividing the people. Then the traitor politicians will be next.
Private property doesn’t exist comrade.
Antifa are agents and that includes glow in dark alphabet niggers foreign and domestic as well as police.
they're using the name of an old union that became an inbred nu left circlejerk in the 60s.
and they call us larpers, lol
Appalachia is the most poor part of america, or a least the poorest white part of america. drug epidemics, massive un and underemployment, destruction of habitat by fracking.
Appalachia is the home of the RedNecks. the term became synonymous with armed insurrection against the state, as members of the United Mine Workers of America tied red bandanas around their necks during the Battle of Blair Mountain, a two week long armed multi-racial labor uprising in the coalfields of West Virginia.
Today, the term redneck has taken on a demeaning connotation, primarily among upper class urban liberals who have gone out of their way to dehumanize working class and poor people. Terms like “white trash” and "hillbilly" have come to signify the view among these same upper class liberals of poor rural folks.
its our natural home
good I can't fucking wait
I just cannot motherfucking wait another day, just start killing people then, for as much as you all talk about it and your stupid fucking guns
fucking idiot, I hate you, I will kill you with my bare hands if God so much as awards me the privilege
he wasn't saying it was a bad thing, he's saying that if factory workers wanted to join the 'IWW' then they would, and they don't, because it's a bunch of larping teenyboppers who finger their bumholes listening to crass
You should spam that pastebin friendo
first blood was already years ago when cool dude punched a antifag once and he died.
I was being rhetorical desu.
Let ANTIFA try. As the first person dies, the DNC will quickly be seen as a terrorist organization where all of their shit gets dug up from the memory hole and used against them
My great grandfather killed communists in Croatia
My grandfather killed communists in Korea
My father killed communists in Vietnam
I can't wait to kill communists
becouse the proud boys hate the commons. of course they are free to join, everybody is welcomed. but they hate common-ism.
they want everything to be private property
Fuuuuuck Portland antifa
What's the point of that? There's no social stigma about being antifa
Its the best tradition.
>implying the antifa isn’t mostly white in a less than 50% white country
Fuuuuuck Portland antifa
>first blood
Antifa beat several WWII vets to death for wearing the wrong hat.
Set fire to thousands of cars, broke TENS of thousands of windows.
First blood is already claimed, all that needs to happen nw is classify Antifa as the international terrorist org that it is.
Sage for gay flag.
we are not going to be oppressed by the white mans rules, political correctness is a way to trick minorities to allow progressive to be racist. They use tokenism to achieve maximum wokeness. The ones that promote this shit are privileged white people. Coincidence ?
your father was defeated by rise farmers
Fuuuuuck Portland antifa
Red Revolt isn't Redneck at all. It's urban LARPers who want to play gatekeeper for rising racial consciousness. And the term rednecks are far older than that. It began in Scotland. White Appalachians have no incentive to join in your race denying anti-cultural jihad.
Can we just give antifa their own island so they can live by their own policies and starve to death already?
I've never met an ANTIFA faggot that could ever talk about oppression from personal experience. That last ANTIFA faggot I talked to ran away in a huff after he found out that I was a fascist and the Chinese guy he tried to set against me thanks me for getting rid of "that fucking commie". I've only met one Commie that could fight (and that was 3 year ago, he was also a massive stoner, so not really surprising that he would call for a system where he doesn't have to actually work and he can leech of others hard work)
The fact is most ANTIFA faggots are either just bitching because they want other peoples money to support them cause they don't work, faggots like & or Neo-marxist university student (or uni students that never actually moved on because they studied 'Justice & Society') that don't actually understand their ideology or their opponents like user pointing out.
TLDR, ANTIFA isn't actually a threat other than causing autistic protest violence. All commies get the bullet.
Fuuuuuck Portland antifa
make them proud bro
make them honored to have you as their progeny, they're certainly gonna be cheering you on every step of the way, so give it the best you got and semper fi
The head of it is a college Marxist homo professor
>we rednecks now
Can you stupid pricks fuck off and go larp somewhere else?
The face of a school shooter.
Antifa and the leftists are pushing like whinny little cunts ! Portland is crawling with these wanna be SJWs!There will be a bloody incident and the blame will be shifted by the leftist MSM to anybody and anything related to MAGA ,Trump or the Right! Same tired scenario as every other day.
Can Antifa members possibly be safe in prison?
finally somebody says it how it is. The communist antifa is usually rich kids with the newest gadjets walking around dressed in hipster shit and without a care in the world. As soon as shit starts actually hitting the fan, these guys will have shat their breeches and be running to the fascist police.
Actually, he was defeated by politicians with their heads up their asses.
>that pic
Huh, didn't know plate carriers came in hamplanet size.
Owning a gun doesn’t make one a soldier.