There was a video posted here a couple of days ago on a porter in Mayo University hospital who spoke out against abortion. His video was taken down and now the hospital is taking disciplinary action against him.
Landon Morales
interesting stuff
Kevin Gutierrez
I doubt the same would have happened had someone who was pro abortion did the same thing 10 years ago.
Was posted yesterday but nobody cared. Sad day when Éire/pol/ shrugs their shoulders at half naked feralAfricans stripping in front of children.
In other news, a wild ape is running in the local elections in Dublin. I'm loosing track of how many total are running. This could be really really bad unless /ourlads/ get energised to vote and campaign.
Ryder Hernandez
It was on her stream, she mentioned something along the line of the Jew's role in globalism.
Logan Ramirez
1. Close the border to anyone not from Ireland. 2. Bring back the Punt. 3. All land 50 Km inland becomes agricultural. Self sufficiency encouraged. 4. Imports reduced to bare necessities to sustain life. 5. Implement the Autonomous Provincial system. Implement Ard-Righ elections for lifelong terms. 6. Revoke all citizenships post 1998 and replace with 12 month rolling visas. 7. Replant all land over 200m and unusable land under 200m with Native Forestry. 8. Traitors get the rope and a bog shower. 9. Families with more than 3 children get a flat 33% Tax rebate with 5% more for each extra child. 10. Right to bare arms (2nd amendment style)
Thugs, because as bad as gypsies are, at least gypsies hate nigs too personally, and i can only speak for myself, i think they should all be gassed tbqh my lad
gypsies sell tools and gates, which makes them sort of useful.
Wyatt Parker
It'd be a mess, you'd have a lot of enclaves around the place, like West Belfast and Ballycastle as Nationalist pockets surrounded by Unionist areas, same in predominately Nationalist areas with places like Kilkeel or some rural parts in Fermanagh. >I'm loosing track of how many total are running. Here's a list of them. In other news the meme from last time Edmond Lukusa is retiring, so we'll need an update on this.
Travellers are native and its only their criminal ways and lifestyle why their hated but there's plenty of people from a traveller background who've given up on the traveller ways and settled down and integrated into the settled community and are indistinguishable from non travellers because at the end of the day travellers are just the same ethnicity as the rest of us.
Niggers should be all booted out. Thug or not none of them belong here.
Nathaniel Bailey
That's why you break it down further. Belfast would be 4 or 5 separate councils. They can appeal to other Provinces if they feel like their being treated badly, that's why the province system was set up.
Tyler Allen
Anyone streaming tonight? Grand Torino said he has something big planned in the next while
Alexander Hernandez
Good link. At least someone is keeping track. Next step is to organise a hate campaign against them. Flood their email inbox with spam, prank phone calls, put up fake posters etc. Too many good Irishmen fought and died for us to hand over political power to low IQ apes.
Cooper Clark
lmao when we used to have them then they were trying to sell pans and fake chains
Someone remind her she's a nigger I can honestly see he being shot at if she comes back
Grayson White
>Azealia Banks >Iggy Azaelia just found out these are two different people what the hell
Nathan Reyes
Kek Very different
Thomas Thompson
Holy shit They're multiplying
Did she really slaughter a chicken in her wardrobe or am I being retarded?
Aaron Hughes
Lads, in JFK airport in NYC.
No wonder they call it Jew York.
So much “diversity” here I am gonna be sick
John Murphy
You flying home?
Brandon Carter
I tried to tell her she was a nigger and give her abuse earlier on Instagram but wouldn't let me post anything cause limited comments or something. The uppity sheboon needs shot.
under no circumstances should someone put a big bulbous willy next to her head, DO not do IT
Jose Lopez
Stop talking shite. Nobody will do anything. The modern Irishman is docile and sedated by soi. They're happy once they have their Premier League football and pints at the weekend. Meanwhile half naked Africans are jumping around in front of your daughters' school.
Lincoln Rogers
eh, im not so sure either way these days. they were fairly big insults.
Joshua White
Guys do NOT under any circumstances publish the home addresses and phone numbers of these Storyful employees.
Why did Ireland take in all these niggers? Did they not know what was going to happen? Or are the Irish too intelligent and always know what’s best, and therefore they have a plan the rest of us don’t know about?
Jaxson Powell
>the 1,000 cock stare on Emmet
Angel Martinez
Same reason as everywhere else, sellouts destroy nations so that the people have nothing to fight for and can be programmed as money machines.
Mason Martin
not like we voted them in lad, our equivalent of Prime Minister isnt voted in by the people, thats why we've got a gay indian as Taoiseach
Wouldn't even matter if someone other than Varadkar was in charge, the leadership election was a Hobson's choice with Sutherland's poodle Simon Coveney as the alternative. And if it's not them we'd just get some other traitor in charge like Harris, Martin or London Lou in the current Dail.
Jordan Diaz
It’s just a waste. Lovely country, lovely culture. And now you’ve got pavement apes getting free gibs. SMDH. I’m sorry to see this.
Logan Price
true but its hardly presentable to have a street shitter in public office
Ayden Garcia
I know how your country’s leadership works. Still, it’s just sad to see. You’d be better off spending money directly in these nigger countries and propping them up on their own clay, rather than taking them on to your island.
Liam Morgan
Andrew Brown
If there's a tall mentally ill lad with a strange name involved.
I fucking new it.
John Diaz
Christian Butler
wheres this mosque lad gone
Noah Ortiz
It's been a while since I've heard of that. I remember some Green faggot Malcolm Noonan was very much in favour of it.
Nicholas Miller
Any chance éire/pol/could lead the way and start bombarding the board with threads of important philosophical questions?
unshilling the place a bit?
Anthony Gonzalez
Anyone got the images from the crash on the m50?
Thomas Fisher
doubtful currently, we're dead this time of year
Jonathan Hernandez
Flying to USA for work
Hudson Thomas
Yes, yes I would
Carter Hernandez
It'd be decent to come up with a few good thread themes though, just incase the catalog is full of shit as usual.
Give back to the "community" Even just quotes from Irish thinkers to spread a bit of the culture about.
Jeremiah Smith
Waiting for my connecting flight... flights departing for Shannon and Dublin, you should hear the names they are announcing over the intercom... 90% muzzie.
Michael Howard
There are $200 one way flights back from Stewart and its basically just whipeepo
Julian Fisher
Flight from Shannon to JFK was huwhite. Airport is 31flavors of nigger.
Tyler Nguyen
true, i'll get to working on some stuff then
Daniel Fisher
all the crackers disembark and the new irish climb on
Jace Watson
i might stick useful Gaelige up from time to time, pic relis a shit example, i've tonnes of irish stuff.
getting bawstone burgers interested would keep useful Irish threads alive 18 hours a day
>Your talk is surely the handiwork of wisdom because not one word of it do I understand. >I am completely half afraid to think. >What you think is the point is not the point at all but only the beginning of the sharpness. >Strange enlightenments are vouchsafed to those who seek the higher places. >Always ask any questions that are to be asked and never answer any. >The first beginnings of wisdom is to ask questions but never to answer any.
and the real genius: >Is it about a bicycle?
Nice knowing you.
Juan Bennett
Research... purposes...
Nathan Stewart
ah now lad, cant be having that
Connor Hill
have ya seen the old ones of the lass who got scalped in the convertible in California? I forget her name, but that legit scarred me.
William Long
Those poor bastards don't know what their messing with. They'll end up red pilled and stuck here if they spend any time around this place.
Aiden Anderson
this could take a while:
If you identify life with enjoyment I am told there is better brand of it in the cities than in the country parts and there is said to be a very superior brand of it to be had in certain parts of France.
It is nearly an insoluble pancake, a conundrum of inscrutable potentialities, a snorter.
A man who takes into consideration the feelings of others even when arranging the manner of his own death shows a nobility of character which compels the admiration of all classes.
Human existence being an hallucination containing in itself the secondary hallucinations of day and night (the latter an insanitary condition of the atmosphere due to accretions of black air) it ill becomes any man of sense to be concerned at the illusory approach of the supreme hallucination known as death.
Owen Gonzalez
Freenet is still a thing, but it’s not the best choice if you are seeking anonymity. I would recommend i2p.
Have you ever used Zeronet? I was going to try. Freenet was great, very slow, but there was great info up there about local freemasons etc. haven't been on it in ages but there was allmanner of shite up there.
"Nikki Catsouras" afair, it's gruesome, so, don't look it up
Josiah White
Was with you till the right to bare arms shite. Leave that with the burgers. We need to grow a culture of respect.
Carter Rivera
I dont think you can have a culture of respect without the right to bear arms
Cooper Powell
I wish I could go see where my ancestors came from and see only Irish people and expierance only Irish culture. This is quite sad if Irish is becoming as “multi cultural” as Canada, the U.K. or the USA.
On another note are foreigners allowed to donate to Irish political parties?
Wyatt Thomas >It was a woman, she wasn't wearing a seatbelt, some driver in front had some sort of diabetic incident and crashed in to her, she crashed into the barrier and then a truck hit her car which rolled it.