Trust a (((Jew))) before you trust a {{{Greek}}}

Trust a (((Jew))) before you trust a {{{Greek}}}

Attached: turkish.jpg (393x500, 47K)

They can both GTFO

What's with recent antiGreek , shilling? Don't cut your roots at ns, you tree will fall and jews want exactly that.

>Lived in athens
Greeks are kind and strong minded people.
>But Greeks are mutts
You've got plenty shitskin ottoman mutts, and he's right about those..

what you posted there is a patriot against the (((western))) forces you mutt. greeks and turks are two of the only ethnicities that have been fighting jewry for centuries until you tore us apart with your divide and conquer strategies. the only true friend a greek needs is a turk.

Attached: Gt_flag.png (322x216, 10K)

i'd trust a greek before i'd ever trust a fake
jew kike amalekite.

Attached: no difference between greeks and real jews.jpg (1252x1080, 791K)

Hurray, an Amerimutt posting a literal Turk as an example of a Greek...

kys nigger
roaches and mutts will burn in hell and so will you

>You've got plenty shitskin ottoman mutts, and he's right about those..
They're rare as fuck in Greece, but I know what you're talking about. Spent a lot of time in Athens myself, visited Turkey, facial feature and hair wise, the two populations look quite different.
>Trust a (((Jew))) before you trust a {{{Greek}}}
Nice attempt at a slide thread faggot

Similar phenotypes. They both get the gas.