They offered to take em to the showers but the smelly kikes said thats racist
Isaac Gonzalez
Not a joke I can I'd jews by scent. It's like rotting milky garbage.
Liam Perry
>It's like rotting milky garbage. Spot on description
Dylan Anderson
>don't wash for a week >board plane >people complain >oy vey it's annudah shoah >get kicked off >immediately file lawsuit >rub hands
Justin Morris
Coins and baby foreskins is a potent stench.
Luke Ward
I think jews might legit have a water allergy, water just burns skin off like vampires
Samuel Ramirez
jews smell like sulphur
Evan Myers
I live in NYC and whenever I walk near most jews they have a strong bo, why do they smell so bad? Is it a religious custom not to shower?
Kevin Wood
They suck blood in religious ceremonies too.
Xavier Robinson
I think we're on to something here
Nicholas Murphy
>anti-stinkmites lyl
Joseph Wilson
They have ritual bathouses. The rabbi has to fill the pool with blood from all the buttdiddling of kids and only then can they shower
Grayson Watson
I believe that showering is discouraged among themselves.
Luis Garcia
Those aren't jews, those are amalekites
Sebastian Cox
>I live in NYC and whenever I walk near most jews they have a strong bo, why do they smell so bad? Is it a religious custom not to shower?
This guy looks like he might be Hassidic or pretty Orthodox. They have that certain look to them. Those people tend to live very frugal lives. Like Amish people. Rejecting modernism. That's why they live in a shithole like Detroit.
They could be millionaires but will still live in a sparsely furnished small apartment with no decor. Only spend money on basic Kosher foods to sustain themselves. I'm sure they have odd bathing rituals too. They basically live like the old school European peasants they descend from.
Asher Adams
they only shower once a week
Logan Perez
Wow if they live so frugal their lives must be boring af.
Adam Cooper look how the kike acts im pretty sure what really happened is they told him they smelled and then he started freaking out on them
Wyatt Morales
I'm from nj and the jews from lakewood smell as bad as homeless niggers who live in an abandoned septic tank.
Justin Williams
Jews have get a perverted pleasure by consuming large amounts of hummus and Gefilte fish until their bowels are bloated and boyant with gas. They let out putrid farts to smother the goyem. They have incestial family fart orgies. So much gas is expelled that their rectums all proplapse. They then drag them along the ground and humm the "the baby elephant walk" time while they walk around the room together.
I remember a passage in mein kampf about how badly kikes stink. It's apparently a thing in the torah to not bathe or some such thing.
Robert Ramirez
>hand the kike the baby >roll cameras >action’
Chase Perry
Of course they do, deodorant costs money
Chase Adams
Probably a mix between matzo, onion, and ball sweat.
Isaiah Collins
The stench of generational incest
Jaxon Rivera
Or they dont wash because they dont want to pay for water
Luis Gonzalez
inb4 they did it on purpose so they can jew, i mean sue.
Jose Adams
>They let out putrid farts to smother the goyem. >They have incestial family fart orgies. >So much gas is expelled that their rectums all proplapse. They then drag them along the ground and humm the "the baby elephant walk" time while they walk around the room together.
I sat next to a Hasidic Jew on a flight. He did not smell bad, you're all just anti semetic trash.
Carson Lewis
>didn’t smell Because you had nose fatigue
Samuel Hernandez
She has polkadots on because this is a freemason news story
Elijah Bennett
>We stopped several people in the airport and, it's embarrassing, but we asked them, 'Do you think we smell?
Why didn't they report the responses to this question?
Henry Ross
“This happened to be the feast of Yom Kippur, so they were all collected in a large, wooden building, which they called a synagogue. It behooved General Eisenhower to make a speech to them. We entered the synagogue, which was packed with the greatest stinking bunch of humanity I have ever seen. When we got about halfway up, the head rabbi, who was dressed in a fur hat similar to that worn by Henry VIII of England and in a surplice heavily embroidered and very filthy, came down and met the General . . . The smell was so terrible that I almost fainted and actually about three hours later lost my lunch as the result of remembering it.”
I honestly wouldn't know. I can't recall a single point I've ever been around a Jew, except for this one holocaust "lecturer" trying to make everyone feel bad and buy his book.
Seeing as I'm Swedish I've met plenty of Muslims though. And they sure are a smelly bunch! So if I had to hazard a guess I'd say the Jews are just as smelly.
oldfag here >used to work for ground handling company in Miami >Tower Air was a customer >worked ops >MIA-TLV flights were disgusting. The A/C came from TLV with shit, piss, food, garbage everywhere, took hour to clean old 747 >passengers never remained seated and were uncontrollable >they would rather shit themselves then use the lav the only flight that was worse to work was Carnival Air flights MIA-PAP-MIA.