The leftist HAPPENING is literslly happening and nobody gives a shit.Like seriously they gave Buzzfeed a green rating.
>Full story:
I used Windows 10 at work just once and I knew I'll never install it.The home page of Microsoft Edge is a literal propaganda hellhole.
>Weekly Standard
I thought at least this one was dead?
>Drudge Report
>Fake News
Drudge Report is literally just a compiling website of other news sources. THESE KIKES ARE LOSING BADLY IF THEY FEEL THE NEED TO DO THIS.
You didn't listen
>cuckfeed literally admits they posted something with zero evidence
Loving every laugh.
Just when they announced they'll be using chromium as base for next browser.
Just when google announced they'll be disabling every adblocking addon.
...all my computer pipline is opensource and ms independent, when they strech the shit too much im gone ...
everything Alex Jones ever spoke about is Happening
the Jews and Big Tech will be shutting down and limiting access to any "source" that does not say what the Jews want told
Why do they think they won't eventually just start to be killed?
>Just when google announced they'll be disabling every adblocking addon.
Do they really expect that to last for more than 72 hours?
>Microsoft browser
Even more reason for nobody to ever use this shit
These kikes sure are getting prepared for the next elections early. Other cringy attempts at propaganda (e.g. Verrit) weren't nearly as invasive as this one.
Nah this isn't about elections. This is about covering up the truth EVERY SINGLE DAY.
What’s this “will be” kimosabe?
>tfw you hate the media but also subscribe to the political leaning of the largest media conglomerate in the US (fox)
Literally all of you
Start using brave browser and give these fucks the middle finger.
People will just switch to another browser. I'm sure Edge's average userbase is younger than 60.
putting wikileaks, an actual source of truth next to shite like fox news and daily mail, fuck off you dumb cunt
now i don't feel bad for pirating windows
no one is concerned about anyone here, we are concerned about normies
Yeah...remember when Fox named the jew?Yeah neither do I so
>kys kike
The only /pol approved one is Tucker Carlson.
Non-autists don't want to bother with command lines. Your arrogance cost everybody a world without a real alternative.
>now i don't feel bad for pirating windows
Microsoft has made its anti-pirating measures less invasive purposefully. There used to be a time where your personal data would be wiped after an amount of days if you didn't provide verification.
Computers should have never gotten in to the hands of the masses. If you can't be bothered to fire up the terminal, execute vi, and edit some files by hand you don't deserve the machine you are typing on.
Trade it in for a TV and a speak and spell.
>huffpo real news
>wikileaks fake
Jesus chrst.
Fucking this. Holy shit.
People still use microcock?. Time to evolve people.
Source or it is bullshit
Brave is shit, crashes more than Firecuck
This is not 1998 anymore, install Ubuntu and the basic commands. In a single command line I can install all my software at once instead of downloading executable, install then and else.
Install Ubuntu for starters with LXDE
Doen’t suprise me that Jow Forumstards have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA which media isn’t TrumpShillin’ like FOX.
More than half of you are shillin the USA anyway!
This is a lawsuit waiting to happen
Stallman's on the same team, he just doesn't know it.
Newest version literally hasn't crashed on me for 3 months. Cute flag shill
Could we reverse engineer it to modify it as an actual Fake News filter?
>Microsoft installs
umm how?
on what?
is there even a ie for mobile?
windows mobile is dead, so cant be on that. right?
Dumbass..... Brave is shit
It's on Microsoft Edge. Anyone that uses Edge or Explorer is too stupid to save anyway.
There's plenty of normie friendly distros these days. Installed Ubuntu for my friend and he never had a complaint
Yeah, nah.
The wonder of a computer is too good for it to be limited to those who have the right kind of personality to put up with coding and shit like that. They're just too useful.
Code purists are 100% delusional and can't comprehend what normal people are like.
I don't ever want to look at command lines. They suck. Everything a normie user needs can also be done far more efficiently and ellegantly with a graphical interface. Freetards turned the harsh reality of having no budget to make stuff like that into a cult that forces everybody to learn that inconvenient shit.
This is exactly why Microsoft siding with the jews is bad news. Normies can't and won't ever touch command lines.
k12 education
They've been in control of the west ever since the end of WW2. real change didn't start until Trump and now they're having panic attacks because they've been on easy mode for decades. Also the internet is not something the kikes were expecting and they simply dont know how to handle it
You. Are. a. GOY
It is propagaganda, m$ will do anything for shekels, them and intel are 'businesses'
Tits or GTFO, kike. Who the fuck watches TV?
Edge has a userbase? Isn't that the browser you open just once to install firefox and remove it from your system after?
No. That's like me telling your fat ass you don't get to drive because you're not enough of a man to fix your transmission.
What the fuck has Wikileaks released that was incorrect? How can Breitbart be fake but Buzzfeed isn't? Which one got btfo Mueller just last week? Who even uses that fucking browser?
I bought my current computer 5 years ago. I installed a script to prevent Lal windows updates and it's oppressive notifications as well as other botnet shit. Haven't updated my computer in 5 years. Works like new, isn't slow at all, still running windows 8.1. I also use a Firefox beta with tons of blockers and duck duck go. Fuck windows 10 fuck Yellow Journalism
GUIs are just a layer of obfuscation, there's nothing efficient or elegant about them
how? he just links stories. half the time it's literally to the the supposed "true" sites.
>GUIs are just a layer of obfuscation,
Imagine using Jow Forums without a mouse.
U are jew golem
any Programmers here why not make a similiar one but Jow Forums approved?
Breibart goes against Trump
Did you forget how pol turned the moment Bannon was kicked out?
Fake news:
Anyone saying Clinton was indicted
Real news
Anyone getting Trump firings right
edge is literally dead, MS stopped development on it and are working on a new browser with blink engine
>there's nothing efficient or elegant about a single click in a gui vs typing multiple characters in a command line
Alex Jones is a zionist shill stooge.
I actually just made my own browser instead
>TFW you're still using arguments from 2004
Literally the whole left
If you use Microsoft/Google browsers you are a cuck that deserves all of this.
building it is easy, there is just no way to enforce it like microsoft - it's literally a fucking URL check and checking if it exists in daddys no-no list
I think he means an app for other browsers, kind of like the ((())) app.
GUIs are the single most important part of computers. They allow peole who can't code to use computers.
I don't think you really comprehend who uses computers and for what purpose. It's almost every person in the world above a certain income level.
Computers with GUIs brought unprecedented productivity to every job they were introduced to.
>using a fucking microsoft browser
hahahaha are they still trying to promote Edge?
Never do business with a company which has a Pajeet in management.
This means MS and Google are verboten.
Performance-wise it's pretty close to Chrome/Chromium browsers. It was just introduced to an already full market and Microsoft still had a bad reputation with Internet Explorer.
Also the GUI is generally pretty ugly in it. Otherwise it's not that bad, if you don't consider the spyware kikery and now the propaganda.
But seriously, I've heard Chrome is about to mass ban the use of adblocks for (((security))) so that will hopefully chase a lot of people away, myself included.
Is ungoogled chromium okay
Yeah and tucker pretty much controls the daily caller, I'm simply saying you should be aware that the left isnt the only media you should be wary of
>haha its nothing anyway
niggers, if this is allowed without a massive stink, it means they can start blocking content on the fucking OS without your fucking say so
I've heard this from each person I've ever talked into trying Linux. I've stopped taking positively about Linux to non autists now.
As if I want to learn to.code to look at a fucking Mongolian throat singing forum and loli porn
It almost feels like I met a booty blasted microsoft dev once. We were at work and just had to install 10 and the first thing everyone did including the bosses kek was to install google chrome and some customer became flustered and told us how great edge was and what not but we just blinked at him because fuck internet exploder for life and that was back when they have white engineers instead of poos.
Im high and really enjoying your posts
They should absolutely sue the shit out of them.
There IS a massive stink. Over this and everything else, everywhere. They're banking on this blowing over and business as usual winning the day. It's boiling over.
>Daily mail is false
Not one of the biggest papers in the uk or anything right?
I haven't personally tried BSD but I've tried like 10 linuxes and they all have severe issues to this day. Pathetic amateurs. Terry did as well and he's 1 fucking guy.
You are quite literally the reason consumer adoption is 0. You deserve to be violently killed for the good you have prevented from taking place in society.
My uni lecturer freaked out andcalled network security cos i sent him a .rar and he didnt know what it was and ended upemailing me feom his blackberry asking me what a pdf was
>google announced they'll be disabling every adblocking addon.
Oh Poland you crazy weird food eating nu-
Oh fuck
>"Google engineers have proposed changes to the open-source Chromium browser that will break content-blocking extensions, including various ad blockers," reports The Register. "The drafted changes will also limit the capabilities available to extension developers, ostensibly for the sake of speed and safety. Chromium forms the central core of Google Chrome, and, soon, Microsoft Edge." From the report:
In a note posted Tuesday to the Chromium bug tracker, Raymond Hill, the developer behind uBlock Origin and uMatrix, said the changes contemplated by the Manifest v3 proposal will ruin his ad and content blocking extensions, and take control of content away from users. Manifest v3 refers to the specification for browser extension manifest files, which enumerate the resources and capabilities available to browser extensions. Google's stated rationale for making the proposed changes is to improve security, privacy and performance, and supposedly to enhance user control.
But one way Google would like to achieve these goals involves replacing the webRequest API with a new one, declarativeNetRequest. The webRequest API allows extensions to intercept network requests, so they can be blocked, modified, or redirected. This can cause delays in web page loading because Chrome has to wait for the extension. In the future, webRequest will only be able to read network requests, not modify them. The declarativeNetRequest allows Chrome (rather than the extension itself) to decide how to handle network requests, thereby removing a possible source of bottlenecks and a potentially useful mechanism for changing browser behavior.
Is this for real?
And the kicker why they're doing it
>The report notes that Adblock Plus "should still be available" since "Google and other internet advertising networks apparently pay Adblock Plus to whitelist their online adverts."
Google gets it's $ from these ad shekels and I think they've been lying to companies that buy ads about how many of us are blocking them.
Fucking boomers did you help him? Become his tech guy and he'll maybe go easy on you everything is back scratching and networking I am starting to believe.
I'm just playing the Devil's Advocate here and showing how a normie thinks. I can code and use Linux too.
But it's just not a realistic alternative to an OS built for a GUI and there's no real effort to turn it into that because Microsoft was always fine for normies. And honestly, it still will be after all of this. It won't actually impact stuff the regular user uses Windows for. It's merely a reason to boycott it for ideological reasons. This won't affect productivity or privacy.
Eventually they might start cracking down on "muh nazis" though, so a realistic alternative is definitely needed. So far only Apple seems to be that. They're somewhat less invasive.
It's real
user I love command lines I used to use DOS a tiny bit back when I first got my first computer with Windows 3.1 and all the games were still in DOS. The problem is that Linux is fucking broken from mint to Xu to Ku to Ubuntu sadly the only one that does what it's supposed to is Backtrack now Kali Linux. I will install the Linux distro go find what I need to do enter the command lines perfectly and get bull shit package errors and other retarded shit it's not a real operating system if it ships broken to the end user and has to be fixed by a software engineer. I will cleanse and purge and clean my packages and repositories it's just not something you should have to put up with in a modern OS this isn't 1996 anymore and even then you know what? DOS just worked.
>so a realistic alternative is definitely needed
I know and I completely agree. But you think an average person is going to edit a config file through a terminal to turn off a screen saver... That is fucking retarded if that is the expectation for a normie. Why can't there's be a fully gui capable distro that looks and operates exactly like windows/Mac but based on Linux, with no kikery telemetry or any other jewish tricks. THAT is what is necessary to garner and noticable adoption from anyone who isn't a "hobbiest".
Ya well I think Linux GUIs look amazing it's the code that doesn't work Linus.
>Adding NewsGuard extension
Yep, the neo-cons found a new group of suckers: Leftists.
I'm sure Bill Kristal is invested in the company.
>But you think an average person is going to edit a config file through a terminal to turn off a screen saver... That is fucking retarded if that is the expectation for a normie.
Whew checked but it's worse then that user. I am 100% willing to be spoonfed and step by step go find that config file but now when I get to the folder where it's supposed to be that entire function is deprecated and the config file is fucking gone because they iterate for iterations sake to get their name up on their shitty code board for more gud boi coder points and the new way to do it is buried under hundreds of pages of search results for the way it's been for the last decade before some tranny decided to change it because they like changing things or maybe it had a slave master function in it.
I know what you mean.
But the only option to gain any significant traction is:
A fully gui capable os based on Linux that just works. NO TINKERING REQUIRED to do your semi basic shit.
This. Who the fuck even uses Microsoft's browser?
Yeah that is so fake the US government wants to prosecute its owner for leaking secrets.... Wait a second...
>wikileaks is fakenews
Holy shit. So much damage control.