The (((Red Cross))) is hiding a cure for malaria, HIV and countless other diseases!!!

A brilliant man is being persecuted by (((BIG PHARMA))) and (((Red Cross))) who want to cover up and suppress the wise scientist Jim Humble
Miracle Mineral Supplement/Solutions are a rising cure that can treat malaria, HIV, autism, cancer, and countless other diseases. (((Big Pharma))) and (((Red Cross))) shills want to silence this amazing breakthrough. They bully and put ut legal action because they are scared of THE TRUTH.

Miracle Mineral Supplement is a brilliant solution of sodium chlorite and citric acid that has been proven to cure countless diseases and is being suppressed by shadowy cabals of pharmaceutical bigwigs who hate science and love milking us with expensive deadly treatments that only make us sicker!

Attached: junesummersale.jpg (607x457, 225K)

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So tell me, humble mineral merchant, what exactly is in the pills?

unrelated post, but does anyone buy full salamis (not pre-sliced) and then when you cut them, make fatter slices than usual to pretend you're rich guy from the old times who doesnt give a fuck about slicing salami thin, because hes not poor?

>Miracle Mineral Supplement is a brilliant solution of sodium chlorite and citric acid
isn't that the bleach enema stuff that literally dissolves your colon?

You just buy those lies about MMS and think the REAL DANGER of rope worms is actually damaged parts of the intestine. YOU don't BELIEVE the SCIENCE and are FED LIES by (((BIG PHARMA))) and the (((RED CROSS)))

Drink Bleach: Literally - the post

>"echoes" red cross
user, I don't know where to start...

eat some bleach then

Impressive, real advertising.

jim humble is a (((scientologist)))

Why would you want to cure malaria and AIDS? Those diseases only kill niggers.

It's literally in the OP and the MMS guy has always given out his recipe for free.

It is not bleach!!!!!!

>cures everything
easiest way to to tell it's a (((snake oil merchant)))

Attached: 1542754277049.png (618x652, 43K)

eat some then

good, we need those diseases to kill shitskins

I do and I fell great. All the rope worms are dying off

Where does it say autism?

post pics of you eating it with timestamp

Literally hundreds of thousands of people per year buy and consume his pills and nobody has died of bleach poisoning you idiot.

Apparently the pharma shills are unaffected by the shutdown because you Jews always show up with the same lies everywhere MMS is mentioned.

>Apparently the pharma shills are unaffected by the shutdown
that's because Pfizer is a private company you retard

Oh, I remember this. It's just bleach and people were trying to cure their kids' autism with it.

not just any bleach, suppository bleach

Bleach is sodium hypochlorite. Didn’t you faggot shills even take chemistry or is a rabbinical degree in Talmudic Jewry enough to be a pharma shill?

Chlorine dioxide is used for bleaching of wood pulp and for the disinfection (called chlorination) of municipal drinking water. As a disinfectant it is effective even at low concentrations because of its unique qualities

>he just consults his bullet point list
These pills do not contain chlorine dioxide. Kek are you a bot you fucking faggot?

I smell Boomer

Miracle Mineral Supplement, often referred to as Miracle Mineral Solution, Master Mineral Solution, MMS or the CD protocol, is chlorine dioxide, an industrial bleach


>a literal shill

>chlorine dioxide
He said Sodium Chlorite you daft cunt. I bet your father is alive too. This product is not bleach, but if it was you would be fine. Bleach is on par with Gasoline, both are perfectly fine to consume. I bet you didn't kill your dad and eat his body, and I bet you are the same faggot who has fingernails and doesn't stab himself seventeen times a day. Go away Schizophrenic.

>He said Sodium Chlorite you daft cunt. I bet your father is alive too. This product is not bleach, but if it was you would be fine. Bleach is on par with Gasoline, both are perfectly fine to consume. I bet you didn't kill your dad and eat his body, and I bet you are the same faggot who has fingernails and doesn't stab himself seventeen times a day. Go away Schizophrenic.

Attached: 1505822412979[1].jpg (651x525, 46K)

Is your father alive?


No, MMS is sodium chlorite. You need to get your script updated, bot.

Just admit you’re Jewish and take your meds, schizo.

If you are above the age of fifteen you are doing something wrong. Please understand that it is part of American Culture to kill your father and eat his body. The reaction you shall receive from doing this will result in your body no longer needing to eat food, and you can substitute the calories you are addicted to by stabbing yourself seventeen times a day. Please join me and achieve the first stage of Pseudoimmortality please.


explain how it works
>inb4 it just does

Nice fake link, retard. Are you trying to give people a virus?

Shame on you.

do I gotta stab myself 17 time in one sitting or can I spread the stabbings around, like 9 stabbings when I get up in the morning and the other 8 before I go to bed

I literally am able to take a fucking knife meant for gutting children or fish and stab myself in the fucking stomach seventeen times. Please do not misuse logistical systems, spell numeric values out completely.

do I need to use a specific kind of knife or will any knife work? what about swords? will they also work?

mechanism of action please

>rope worms is actually damaged parts of the intestine
Based schizotypal poster

Anything sharp enough to breach your body but not end up through your back

>malaria, HIV and
DDT for malaria, HIV is harmless if it even exists, fuck off

thanks for the info

Chlorine dioxide is a strong bleaching agent and is used as a general biocidal agent. When you put chlorine dioxide in water you're supposed to wait 15 minutes for it to react with organic compounds or just mix it into a very large volume of water to dilute it, otherwise you'll end up burning your throat.

WTF I love the Red Cross now. Those are all nigger problems..

I was thinking of weaponizing Bacteriophages with Bleach last week, kek, thought that was an original thought, well Jow Forums has taught me otherwise.

Vitamin C works better than antibiotics if you take a shitload of it.

Stay sick cowards.

Stab yourself daily bro, it gives you immortality.

I also works good if you mix it with ammonia

You’re just fooled by big Pharma

Show us the contents of your colon then. With a timestamp. And feet.