What’re your experiences with women of color?


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She got me foodstamps even though I make to much money to qualify

Annoying and """sassy"""

The sight of my big white uncircumsized vascular penis in her bright pink pussy surrounded by perfect onyx skin brings me ever closer to climax. I see the wild glint in her eyes, her rock hard nipples, her body arching towards me and it drives me absolutely crazy, I have forgotten all about the fourteen words.

I lean in to feel her frantic breath on my face, the passion is overwhelming us both. She has fully engulfed me to the hilt with her depth and tightness.

I sense her clamping down on my penis as she is also reaching orgasm, her breathing is ragged and her nails dig in my back breaking skin. I can barely keep pumping, she has tightened around me like vice grips. I feel my mind going blank and with a deep moan I fire my seed deep inside her with the fury of lightning and storm of the northern sea, every rope of cum feeling as good as the first one painting her womb with my pure aryan nordic essence. Her powerful contractions draw in every drop of my seed to her fertile african womb like rainwater to parched savannah.

I shiver and being completely and utterly spent crash on top of her until our heartbeats calm down to a syncopated rythm. During our last contractions I whisper in her ear how I love my little ebony cumslut. She gently bites my lower lip looking straight in my bright blue eyes with her dark fingers in my blonde hair.

We passionately french kiss until I go soft and slip out of her. In that very moment she knows her egg was fertilized and in the coming months she will be developing the cutest baby hump - a product of our love and her unconditional submission.

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Sexual experiences?

I grew up in Detroit so I learned to use my flight response when they are attracted to me.
Black women make some of the worst white women tame in comparison.

thats not you lmao

I love me sum 20 dollar crack whore...great asshole licker and cock sucker


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The lighter their skin, the more pleasant they are to be around.

Anyone have the original picture?

very bad experience, they are lazy and won't work. most of them re just hired for diversity points.

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opposite experience for me

I never had any interaction with a black woman in my life.

The ones in Canada that were born here are genuinely good people desu. It's the immigrants i hate.
For some reason Canada's blacks aren't interested in black culture or gibs like America unless they're immigrants.

On the other hand, we have stinky indians that are just as bad as American niggers

They're funny in small doses. Black people are like living cartoon characters to me. The majority of the time they're a blast to be around cause of the bants and lulz. Chimpouts are black swan events that are so awful and traumatizing is why I avoid them at all cost doe

They are unequivocally insane. They always want to shout and provoke and destroy shit. Always. They behave like angry retarded children. They want everything immediately and lose their fucking minds if they do not get their way. No wonder people can't stand them.
One recent example:

They are generally just loud. Otherwise I don't mind them much.

black girls are good in bed but they say "oh, shit" instead of "oh, fuck" while you're fucking them and they do smell different than white or asian grils

I met a Ugandan women through work one and she was based. she was strongly conservative, hated homos, hated african men (cause they are disgusting according to her), and was a hardworking wife

Darker the berry the sweeter the juice

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99% of them are loud, obnoxious, selfish, self centered and completely oblivious to their faults.

no problems desu

They're loud, obnoxious, and show zero consideration for the people around them.

Common courtesy and manners escape the negress.

Thread isn't a dumpster fire of nigger nigger nigger?

Colour me surprised.

I don't rent to black women, I don't hire black women, I don't do business with black women, and I don't socialize with black women.

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No reason to colour you anything. The EU's doing it for ya. :P

They are the shit stains of humanity.
But really they are

Won't date me cause I'm not black enough aka thug

1. Extremely nice, does her job properly, isn't a bitch. Still slightly ghetto (talks about her two pet pitbulls lol).
2. Extreme entitled ghetto trash, obese, no one likes her, not even other negrums.

Ann Frank pasta still better

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you dont soialize with womens at all, user

African chicks are actually pretty friendly and shy due to culture but stink. However nigresses who were born here are wannabe murricanigs

They're niggers.

This. Light skinned is meh. Dark skin is beautiful.

They're really nice to me whereas most white women treat me like trash.

I never saw one. Maybe I live in a shithole of a country but at least I'm lucky in something

I say the darker the flesh then the deeper the roots, give a holler to my sisters on welfare 2pac cares, if don’t nobody else care.
Just kidding, fuck Niggers

I fucked with a nigger from Zimbabwe when I was on a business trip to Shanghai. The sex was average and thankfully I didn't get AIDS, but she asked me for money the next morning. I politely but firmly asked her to leave my hotel room.

wypipo don't know bout afrikaan warriors

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Fuck that takes me back

You be never met a nig have you?

They always think they are so fucking loud in the morning

Bad baby gets told not to be gettin’ up on in her face an shit.

She had an erection

Anyone but blacks, and it’s been fine. Black women though, good luck

What is this from? I actually like obese women with this attitude

in healthcare i'd frankly rather get black women than white women. the latter is more often rude and entitled, believe it or not

>be me
>10 grade
>quiet white kid that goes to a dindu nigger school
>mind my own untill 2 midget female dindus come up and start picking on me
>this continues for a few days untill i snitch
>school does nothing about it cause if they did they would be racist
>one day im sitting in class with the 2 midget female dindus
>im listening to music using my headphones suddenly one dindu slaps them off
>i put them back on
>slapped off
>i put them back on and they get slapped off
>i loose my shit standing up clocking one dindu in the nose
>i pick the other dindu up by the throat choaking her untill its broken up
>i get explled



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This. Dark black girls are the hottest

>What’re your experiences with women of color?

They are the WORST form of sub-humans in America.

It was bigger than mine

>You be never met a nig have you?
you obviously havent if you think what he says is false

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Rude, smelly, want to borrow money but won't pay it back(never made that mistake thankfully)
They're apes

Black pussay smells fuckin WACK

The contrast with white cock is just wild

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I know this one nig hes kind of cool a bit to sensetive though

Fucking animals that sure as fucking fuck don't pass even the most basics of being human.
Kill 'em all, co-existence has been tried and it has failed horribly!

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Do they really smell like penny’s I’ve never seen one?

they smell like shit

A good majority of them have a natural funk to them, sorta musky but then you get the ones that smell like outright shit especially when they start sweating.

First of all: American black women
>the fatter they are, the shittier they are
>the more shit they put in their hair, the less clearly they speak english
>If they are mixed, they will either hate white people will a burning passion or hate black people with a burning passion
>hood women are to be avoided at all costs
>If they think they wuz queens, don't bother.
African women
>they are either really loud or terrified of you(as a white dude)
>west africans are mixed bag, kinda crazy
>east africans are cool in my experience, i.g. Kenya, Ethiopia, and Tanzania. Kenyans are the coolest imo. Hung out regularly with a Kenyan woman here at college.
>Avoid central africans
>North Africans are funny, sometimes muslims sometimes not.
black american dudes
>blacks that were alive through the late 80s early 90s are actually pretty cool, I'd say this is due to prevalent blue collar jobs and le ebin 90s.
>post that jesus, 1/4 black kids are ok imo. the others usually wind up being shits or thugs. I unironically blame rap music and dying industrial jobs.
>lot of we wuzing among these guys, but able to to see reason at times. example: "the egyptians were black" is a very big thing among youth, however I had a debate with a co-worker explaining Alexander's conquest. Maps help.
African dudes
>Avoid all except Kenyans, if you meet a Kenyan abraod he's most likely there on a college grant or something. They good bois

I dunno I ain't gay
>US black girls
>Wild, possessive, angry after a lot of the time, always thinks you're cheating, a bit like a dog in the manner that if you prove that you're not she won't let you go.
>African girls
>Power level in bed depends on personality as they're usually not trying to prove something. Submissive a lot, wants a lot of kids. Don't bang chicks in Africa, AIDS and such

Entitle that bitch a 2 piece and a Bisket

I agree.

That was a real pleasure to watch. Massive respect for these officers

clean non-ghetto ones smell nice, different but not bad. And the sexual energy black girls have is unparalleled, its sort of like that turkroach copypasta about melanin receptors but they are actually under your foreskin. They are also extremely tight because of stronger pelvic musculature and you WILL struggle to keep back the nut.

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Look at my poop this is what you are

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What about hispanic women pol?


One lives above me.

Sleeping now requires earplugs

the ones i have fucked have been awesome.

little skinned africans are the best

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I fucked a Congolese woman in Shanghai. Like you said, average sex. Plus, strange smell. 5/10, if I'm being generous. Wouldn't recommend, desu.

Chimpy, low IQ, opinionated, big clit, stinky puss. Fat.

Caribbean woman are on a different level though.
Imagine all the possessiveness of a Irish Catholic and the insanity of a hood rat woman rolled into a five foot something body of a amazon(excluding the obese ones). Old roommate married a girl from Guyana. They were dating most of my senior and grad school years(we lived in a house together) and one night when we went out another black chick ground up against him. She got laid the fuck out by his gf and went home early. Spent the whole night fucking I think as during breakfast she just clung to him.

Those women are batshit insane in every level

Never had the... pleasure.

I ain't that nigger trying to holler 'cause I want some head.
I'm that nigger trying to holler 'cause I want some bread.

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I mess around with a skinny nerdy black friend of mine once in a while. I'm a degenerate fetishist, and she is too...except her boyfriend is the most vanilla dude ever. So it works. Cute tight body, but giant nipples :/

Neurology intern. Had this big fat black women with idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Tried to explain to her that I would need to do a lumbar puncture for that. 15 minutes later I find myself using her watering can trying to explain that more fluid = higher pressure
BTW she was so fat that the lumbar puncture was eventually done by an anesthesiologist and it took him about 2 hours to get the job done

The only upside is you can do whatever you want to them because the Chinese will always side with a white person over a nigger.

And the room clapped

Didn't really sound like a specific experience dumbass. user just listed off a bunch of nigger traits.


Stereotypes are not formed from thin air.

Yes they come from my anus

I doxxed this guy and found a pic of him

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If you could pol would you wipe out niggers an how

And they are very fertile and will give you many children

>I don't rent to black women, I don't hire black women, I don't do business with black women, and I don't socialize with black women.

Same here. I needed cleaners to clean my offices at night after everyone left and I offered all the people with kids to pay their kids to come do it under their supervision for the same pay as the nigger & mexicant cleaning teams wanted. WIN/WIN

I worked with two. One was really nice but morbidly obese. The other was pretty normal with a terrible temper. She was fired for threatening to fuck up my sister. If I have any advice is don’t work in an office with half your family.


i once buy her a soda
its was warm

Most secretly wanted to fuck me.

>you WILL struggle to keep back the nut.
stfu faggot. your nigger ass is about as dumb and full fo shit as they come

- Ebonics Edition -

Muh Gom Phid Nubs, Git Mif Umma Dooda...

Gibs Muffuggas...!

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They're the only good people, if they're brown or yellow. Decent, logical, traditionalist, and content.
The niggeresses and wh*tinas are crybaby untermensch and I hate them. Nobody is oppressed any more in the western world, fucking cunts.