>what do you want to eat
dunno you decide
>Where do you want to go
dunno you decide
Ask girlfriend anything:
Force responsibility on them!
you should be happy you get to decide stuff in your relationship. your gf, according to her nature, tries to put you in a leading position, you are just too weak to seize it. ironically this is the exact mental attitude that has enabled womens suffrage, among other things.
The fucked up thing is she knows what she wants to eat and where to go but she wants you to read her mind and get it without her saying it.
She's testing you.
My point is: women cant even decide the smallest of things, why the HELL are we giving them equal voting rights to men?
>She's testing you.
I KILL this. Look straight into her eyes and tell her: "Im a very direct man, I only accept pure honesty from you, when I ask a question I want a honest question and I will do the same".
You will have to repeat this 3 times in a span of 3 hours before she gets it. Then BE CONSISTENT in its application! Women are children and consistent rules does magic on them. The guys that said "you must train a woman" were not entirely wrong.
You fucking holes lurk but never confirm female nature. Even Jews confirm jewish tricks every now and then, are women worse than jews?
They shouldn't vote. What are you going to do about it? You're too busy smoking drugs and having legal prostitution.
The best way to combat this is to say
>guess where we're going for dinner tonight?
She'll either respond with her favorite place, or what she's in the mood for. Then you say "yes", it's a win-win. You look good for know her favorite place or whatever, and you can avoid the annoying "idk what do you want" bull shit. I always used that trick on my ex and she never caught on.
Did you really come to Jow Forums to bitch about your lunch?
Is our fault, we let them do whatever they want.
it may be the effeminate men like the dickless sissies down there in south america that let women do whatever they want, but not all men let women do what they please.
>women bad!
>a 5yo 9gag meme
You fell for it. She wants you to FORCE her to take her to wherever you want.
have you been posting a lot recently?
i noticed an unusual amount of good spaniard posts today and yesterday
Close, but wrong. Women know what they want to eat and do. They want to eat what you want to eat, and do what you want to do. They want you to TELL THEM what to desire. Once you do that, they'll happily follow. A woman is only happy with a man doing their thinking for them.
source- I'm a woman. And a happy one because I'm with a man who gets it.
thanks for teaching these idiots.
they whine about a war on masculinity while at the same time complaining about having to take a leading role in their relationships. the irony.
Married cunt here. Can confirm. Men are meant to lead.
Yeah, and then she pouts the whole time we eat because it's not really what she wanted to eat.
I've been through this.
>Quality post
What kind of asshole pats themselves on the back like this.
Women are programmed to be submissive to men. Wife and I sometimes argue about the smallest things like where to go for dinner or wich movie to watch or why do we need another set of cluttering, and things can get really heated up, occasionally ending in kinky sexy time if I'm lucky. She grew up with 3 older brothers so that made her kind of a strong willed tomboy, she also gets to make semi important desicions in her job despite having a male supervisor, nevertheless she trust my judgment regarding the big stuff, like number of kids, house management, finances, which car to buy or which party to vote; and only speaks up if she thinks I'm really, really fucking it up.
Women may have the capacity but they don't have the right mind set to make big important desicions that's why when they do, they fuck everything up, If a woman makes an important desicion and things don't blow up, it's very likely she has a man backing her up.
I don't understand how deciding what is for dinner is leading. Women truly are cancer.
I said EXACTLY what you confirmed. But like a woman you first deny Im right, then admit im right.
Women are CANCER. Artificial wombs and sexrobots NOW please!
At this point I will accept a sexbot that chokes me to death in my sleep before a biocunt!
more important things to worry about
If even Xena is throwing up her hands because you refuse to get it, maybe it's time to step away from the computer for awhile?
This is why you vote for them
like which blacked video to fap to tonight?
At what age did you start you transition?
>she pouts the whole time we eat
>Honey, Scottish Salmon smoked on scottish whiskey barrels
>You love salmon right?
3 mins later
>I dont want to eat this
>eat all her food instead and get the hole some quality Flemish french fries with mayo
>come home, ask yourself if the sex is worth it, god knows her personality isnt..
This is exactly the way conversations go when I'm talking with other women about where to eat. If you are responding exactly the way a woman would, maybe the problem is.... you? Just something to think about.
>After you fuck to try to seem like you’re not mad
>She asks “why didn’t you look at me?”
When did you start taking hormones?
If you try to keep them in line the kike storm troopers put you in jail
Old recycled copy pasta thread and meme.
Still relevant. Especially when they then get mad at you for never making decisions. Women are literally like animals. You have to command them.
As a loyal trap I vote for who my boyfriend tells me
>always go to my favorite diner everytime we've gone out
>she complains but never does anything
Its pretty great
Because idiot men didn't realize all their feminist demands were simply another shit test.
>They want you to TELL THEM what to desire. Once you do that, they'll happily follow. A woman is only happy with a man doing their thinking for them
Thanks for the truth, femanon. Glad you're with a man who gets it.
That this is true is why the left - which is the political form of the collective feminine - continues to get more and more insanely enraged. They want men (or in this case, the masculine-Right) to lead, and instead the Right's response is to concede - leaving the feminine feeling abandoned and terrified.
They want you to lead dipshit.
You're the dude, dude. Read: "The Way of the Superior Man" -- do the leadership work. If she doesn't like what you decide she'll say so.