The left is at war... with white men

Where does the left's intense hatred of white men come from?
Do you think it will ever stop?

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(((Where do you think it comes from)))?

not white men, just conservatives. Conservatives are all russians

>Where does the left's intense hatred of white men come from?

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Jews want world domination and have declared war on what they see as their number one competition. Time to start arresting Jews for their campaigns of hate.

"The Left"
Its the Elites. Young White Men are becoming more disillusioned with Globalization and Free Market Capitalism.


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look at those smug, self-satisfies, rich kids from wealthy American suburbia. those smirks on their faces... this are the fools that imagine themselves "Alpha Males" while they "ironically" lock their fathers car doors as they pass through a black ghetto slum...And actually they lock their doors in the poor white neighborhoods too. Conservatism is the new counterculture, they say, vaping in their mom’s house. Really they just want the doors to be locked all the time. They just want to stay in the car, okay?

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Nice digits you have, and yes that is the logic consequences of Cultural Marxism, socialclasses has been changed with races and in the the end White's will be open killed because they are born evil.
That is the way how you convince a population to commit a genocide.

Checked and it’s jews who infected everyone to deflect from themselves, it’s natural to be disgusted with Jews

Operation Stand Your Ground SYG is happening RIGHT NOW
anons are already on the street putting up posters


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Black Pilled produces kino vids.

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Posters are going up as we speak

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>Stand your ground = Stand there and smirk

... and that’s a good thing

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>white people are a chained abuse animal

>a bunch of upper class catholic school faggot from the exurbs who play video games and drive their father's car are chained abuse animals

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witnessed! allow Uncle Ted to explain

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Stormweenie fantasy:
>smiling because his chain had broken

>kid says he regrets smiling now and he and his little friends have been the targets of harassment

Remember what Don Lon said about white men

pretty dope video.

>white trash inbreeding flag
The jews are not the problem.. you failures are.

dem quints doe

seriously, what up with the victim culture on the right?

>those white folks really have it bad...

he wasn't referring to the Appalachia coal mine workers who get black lung at age 30...

those are a bunch of soft cuddled faggots

and ill tell you another thing. in a conservative america, say the one existed in the 50's this kid would had his ass whooped with a leather belt by his own father for starring down a war vet so quit your yapping faggot

Because when revolutionary Marxism failed 100 years ago the thinkers of the movement figured out the problem

Simply overthrowing the ruling class doesn’t white out all of the preconceived heirearchy, and history of a people and a nation. Even after taking over the econemy the ancient ethnic and social pressures of a society still play a role making true communism impossible.

So what do you do? You destroy everything, not just class, but the concept of a nation itself, you remove the ethnicity, traditions, set parents and children against each other, husbands and wives, eliminate families, mix the ethnicities, erase history and people themselves

And when humanity is not but an endless grey morass of interchangeable biological units with no tradition, history, loyalty....nothing

Then, then you can finally build utopia.

They are fucking insane. And they are winning.

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where (((indeed)))

it's natural for donkeys to hate unicorns

>war vet
Wrong. He was only a reservist. He never saw combat.

>And when humanity is not but an endless grey morass of interchangeable biological units with no tradition, history, loyalty....nothing
>Then, then you can finally build utopia.
Funny enough they are in a way right. The age of dissolution is the prelude to a new golden age but it won't be the utopia they seek. These dark times will again produce capable men who will restore monarchy, hierarchy, and tradition.
I know it cliche but it really is darkest before the dawn. That being said I still think we have a long way to go before we get that dark.

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>do you ever live so much in your bedroom that you think its 1950
grandapa hurty, just die already

kek. unicorns without the horns


I wonder?

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This. Pol pot.

That's just Judaism senpai

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Plz include me in screencap

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it will end in blood
but this time, jews will be named

That may be, but it’s really irrelevant at this point because it’s spread it’s acidic malaise everywhere in our society.

I’m only sad that I’ll never know the new world after it all crumbles.

The fire rises...

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It is weird here though because Ameriblogfkins aren't even white to begin with.

look at this picture and tell me that Jews are good, that they are not some sort of vampiric demon race.

you all deserve to be wiped out

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thanks for proving our point that niggers are violent savages that are incompatible with White society. We agree wholeheartedly and eventually segregation will return or worse for your pets leftyscum. Keep making our points on kikebook too please. Wake the Whites still asleep. :)

Is the hatred against whites because of slavery? Weren't most of the slave owners jewish (srs)? And hasnt every group of people including whites been slaves?

>expecting me to read that nigger babble

you underestimate rural Whites absolute SEETHING HATRED for niggers and illegals. you will learn.

His military career is all fixing fridges and going AWOL. Never even left the US.

>got his dick sucked by his rabbi
LMAO. a faggot from birth, poor jew.

You need to be ran over several times with a truck faggot.

not bad

Shut the fuck up memeflag nigger, Chief Ten Beers wasn't even a vet in any war, he was a fucking fridge mechanic, had 3 AWOLs and was discharged as a private. AGE IS NOT A MERIT

White males smiling is a hate crime

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Дeмoкpaты нeнaвидят бeлых людeй.

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They may be physically comfortable but the abuse is psychological.

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>war vet

This homo turned out to be an electrician in the military. He went awol three times and never made it past private. He also saw no combat. Chief Lies Through Teeth.

we are the chosen ones while they go to hell
i'd be mad too kek


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Say faggot, shill

Also checked

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stop projecting faggot, you are the one with the HATE.

its fine to HATE, but WHO are you hating? we HATE the capitalist class, not fellow poor people of color


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>abuse is psychological.

abused from playing fortnite all day long? that would actually fuck you up ill give you that...

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>Where does the left's intense hatred of white men come from?
See >Do you think it will ever stop?

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Oh look it is this kike again. Show your Israeli flag I know its you. You should you more original images when you post.

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The left will be judged as will the right

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Yeah, and we hate you too.

>everyone is a KANG
rly made me think