What is the best argument for the existence of God?

What is the best argument for the existence of God?

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something cant come out of nothing


Without agony, there is no joy. Without evil, there is no good. Without chaos, there is no order. Without death, there is no life. Without man, there is no God.

All that divides also joins. Though you may cleave yourself from the universe and believe yourself separate from it, you are the universe. The big bang is happening now. You are the explosion.

You are the universe expressing itself at a position in time and space like the ocean expressing itself as a wave. Your location is everywhere, your position is absolute. You are omnipresent.

You beat your heart and grow your hair. By the same virtue you shine the sun and wet the oceans. You are omnipotent.

You are not your name or your role or your relationship to others. You cannot be described with words. You are not a symbol. You are beyond language. You are reality itself.

You are the universe. You can never die because you were never born. You are immortal. You dance from one mode of consciousness to another in a wave pattern. The trough is what you call death. The crest is what you call life.

You are God. We all are.

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There's no argument, there are only arguments that allow you to make conclusions

Either we're a bunch of robots doing exactly what we're programmed to do due to causality, or God exists to give us free will. There is no proof for God, because then faith would be useless. But either determinism is right and you cannot change anything about your life, or you are a free being, soul and everything.
There isn't any other choice really, so better buckle up and become a Christian, or live out your days as an npc

>my religious book is the word of God
>God must exist or else the book wouldn't exist

Is there a G-d? If not, what are all the churches for?

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>esoteric bullshit
kill yourself for this pasta please

Child rape is a pretty strong argument for its non-existance for example

I've had way too many coincidences and unexplainable shit happen that would make winning the lottery seem like winning $2 on a scratch off.

Kalam's Cosmologicsl Argument is the vedt and atheists HATE when believers use it.

It does not prove a specific God, but is proves that reality is closer to theism and deism than to atheism.

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Here’s 2+ hours of proof

where did god come out of, then??

>kill yourself
impossible, see

Actually this video is better. In this video he actually debunks evolutionary arguments.

Prove to me that anything except God exists. God seems to be the only thing that truly exists.

As a whole, reality is far too malicious & cruel & has suffering woven throughout its fabric too ubiquitously not not be intentional on the part of something that truly gets off on it all.

Looks like bearded capt America

Thank you, Alan Moore.

Khazar milkers

Really depends on your definition of God. Anthropomorphic dude who does shit and is all powerful? Dubious. Unknowable by definition entity that transcends human understanding? Why not and who cares?

God made the world and it was good. Adams sin brought death and all the things you blame on God into it.

Are FEELS an argument?

Only an argument against its benevolence.

>The best argument for God is an old yet wildly revised and interpreted set of books written by a pack of jews, a people known for their honesty and integrity

out of my mother

Do you believe God has omnipotence & omniscience?

Thats the one where Bilbo steals some shit from a dragon right?

God doesn't conform to our laws of logic

If we can create systems and worlds in our minds and create them through media here on Earth, why is so farfetched to believe this place wasn't created in a similar manner? Where is the proof we're at the top?


at 4:20 stevo surprisingly gives a good explanation

You, the part that can think "I am", are not your body.
Which particular atom do you reside in?
If you say you are the product of electricity passing through your brain meat, are you the meat? Are you the electricity?
The combination thereof?
The spaces between each atom are enormous.
Are you each atom? Are you the space between?
Consider that your body is merely a mode of transportation, a method of interaction with this third dimension.
Your brain is a filter that compresses infinity into something comprehensible to our third dimension meat capabilities.
Things like acid and LSD break down that barrier somewhat.
I cannot prove the existence of God, but I can make you think of things a little differently.


This is why cuckstianity and religion is rightfully dying. Too bad people are turning to (((Atheism))), instead of atheism.


Because devils certainly exist, just look at jews

You don't need evidence for faith. Pray if it makes your life better.

The rampant degeneracy borne of secularism

>God cannot do evil
>God is omnipotent
pick one faggot

Yeah but it's not REAL Secularism.

List some things that you consider degenerate

Near Death Experiences

large body of research; google.

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evil is absence of good, not its opposite you dumb faggot

The fact that Life continues to exist whether or not you believe.


I'll do you one better.
>God is omniscient
>God created everything
>God saw every evil possible before creating anything
>God left it all in the design anyway
Therefore God invented every form of evil ever known or possible.

>Best argument for existence of God?
If you are able to conceive the question of whether there is a God, there is at least one candidate that you can not rule out.

its obvious

God has always existed, he didn't come from anywhere. You can comprehend a line which extends infinitely in both directions does not come from anywhere right? It has no starting point. It just always is, like God.

Steven Hawking

Matthew 7:7
>Explicitly, ask God to show you that He exists. He'll be able to "argue" better than any theologian and show you what you (I mean YOU personally) need.
>Note that it may not happen overnight and that God is NOT at your beck and call. But He does love you and wants to bring you Home.
>Furthermore, God is so far beyond reason and thought and understanding (as we humans know these concepts) that "proof," as such, boxes God in. What I'm saying is that you have to ask from your Heart and get to know God with your heart. Your mind will follow. But trying to use your limited human intelligence to argue for the existence of God would be like a hamster trying to argue for the existence of gravity.
>Finally, "proof" of God in a scientific or intellectual sense would rob you of your freewill choice to follow and love Him. It would do away with faith completely...and life here on earth seems to be (based on Holy Scripture) a faith-training-ground.
God bless, brother.

Physics and Math, unirocally

Jews are behind atheism, thats why

principle of mentalism

Simulation hypothesis

Jow Forums dummy

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Love. Simply, love.

God speaks through digits.

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Personal revelation. Everything else is unnecessary/

>God is so far beyond reason and thought and understanding

yeah, nobody can find any truth to any of the stories from the bible so the reason to believe is because its unbelievable

Sexualization of children, porn and promotion of mental illness as an aspiration seem a good start

Love how you list "porn and promotion of mental illness" before things like rape and murder but ok

Donald 23:34 and god said fill the pockets of priests so they may rape your children and buy private jets

You assume god values morality above all else.
Could be an artist/aesthete who values beauty over "good vs. evil"

A TL:DR version is that after being raised religious and taught of the importance of conscience, i, just like a bunch of other young retards, became a total "atheist fag" in college and turned to complete hedonism. From there my life took a series of misfortune events that were completely mitigated by the fact that I was pursuing some ridiculous and arbitrary lifestyle of easy success and pleasure along with total leisure drug use. Most people would say I was living the "chad dream," but I started having weird reactions like random rashes, panic attacks, and symptoms of PTSD/stress disorder. Through a series of random events, dreams, and interesting passages of read or watched, I've slowly been building back my faith and I can already feel the demonstration of change happening. This could all be some gigantic fantasy that happened by a ratio of numbers, or this plane of reality is not all its cracked up to be. There's a purpose to all this shit.

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those two are covered in his first point.

>rape and murder but ok
Are animals degenerate?

>Could be an artist/aesthete who values beauty
There's a lot of baby rapists in jail who thought THAT was a beautiful thing.

>God is against degeneracy, it is our choice to do these things
>creates millions of different, lesser creatures without any soul or mental capacity to "choose"
>all of them do all of these things with zero consequences

You're still making a moral argument. I didn't say anything about morality.

People watch movies about horrible things all the time, yet they have aesthetic merit. Imagine an art project with no bounds. That could be the universe. The creator would be God.

Also, there's no need to assume a creator God would be omnipotent or omniscient. Scale up any well intentioned sims game programmer/player.

That God would still be unimaginably powerful and benevolent as long as:
good-evil = positive quantity

That I can accept; but it is entirely incompatible with the all too common belief that God has benevolence, and punishes "evil". Which is the part that irks the shit out of me whenever I hear it.

>Scale up any well intentioned sims game programmer/player
We were pretty much reading from the same chapter already; but now we're on the same page & should probably be getting drinks & thinking about fucking.

God is based and redpilled, and pol is his voice

My mind is unironically blow by pic related. He is risen


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How pathetic does God think of us, knowing he'd unironically convert many of us with a fucking some fucking Jow Forums posts. He's right, but still.

>What is the best argument for the existence of God?
the absurdity of the argument against the existence of God (or a first cause)


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The best argument for the existence of God is that the observable universe (from what we can tell so far, anyways) has logical order, such that we are able to analyze it.

The scientific principle of entropy, in simple terms, states that all things tend to progress, at varying speeds, from ordered to disordered systems.

Not only is it remarkable, given this fact, that subatomic particles can form ever more complex forms of matter, but life itself, as evolution is it's vector of advancement, completely defies entropy.

Does that necessarily mean that God exists? No.

But it does mean that either...
> a) Our fundamental understanding of natural law is wrong
> b) God exists, and may defy natural law as he sees fit (as their likely author)

And in the case of option a), Occam's Razor would suggest that God probably exists, anyways.

there is an energy that makes everything we can consider it as one. a being that senses time as one and sees it all at once consider it the next dimension. many religions have word for this. God, Nu, Ein Sof, Vishnu so on. tjhis energy is always expanding and contracting like matter and dark matter. so one can suggest when the human body fails the energy returns to its original source

Best evidence for God? Hmm...
probably the human mind because the smartest of them can tell the difference between science and fairy tales about sky daddies

The Holocaust, Slavery, and Savage genocide

I kept waiting for a swastika that never came

>shitty answer
>think it's good enough

come on

what do you expect from religious wingnuts?

>the universe we live in is a science experiment running in a machine
>experiment only took a couple of seconds to run in their world and then ended
>the engineer who was in charge of this experiment is god to us

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Woke af. Glad there's some other fellow intellectuals here, and not simply these plebian theists; hahahahahahahahaha, it's a great feeling knowing we're smarter than them, isn't it?

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>probably the human mind

Good answer. Atheist idiot.

You think that develeoped on its own.

the universe has always existed, it didn't come from anywhere it's always been a singularity or an expanded universe. checkmate christfag

I sense sarcasm.

I don't expect wingnuts to know evolution...

This one is my favorite.

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Maybe, but there is an obvious investment in consciousness here in the universe. When the first life form came to be, it had the will to survive, reproduce, and evolve. WTF? HOW? I don't believe in an intervening God figure that answers prayers, but you can easily conclude that something going on..... something spiritual.


Also the fact that we seem to be the only sentient life in the entire universe so far as we know. Also Earth is the only observed planet that has even the remote potential for a vibrant eco-system.

God is the Absolute that exists separate from the Universe

The Cosmological Argument