The USA will invade Venezuela. Now it's official

The USA will invade Venezuela. Now it's official

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Fortunately, we'd probably only need like 50 troops. Maybe 100 and a tank just for overkill.

Venezuela got around 500k active personnel, even if 50% desert or join the opposition it will be a mess.

Well, shit, do I at least have time to try out my new mini-planes before Russia nukes us?

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Hello? I'm the interim president of the US, don't mind the flag. Anyway, I'm actually ending the shutdown. We obviously won't get the wall BUT V-bucks are now totally free, awesome! Also, I will raise minimum wage for women by 69%.

Better build them fast

We'll airdrop one pallet of food and let the country implode

That's the attitude that saw you do so well in Afghanistan

Jeb? Did you finally took over?

>build them fast
No, I build with the planes. I'm not making mini aircraft.

don't forget that they have a lot of jungle too. It will be Vietnam v2.0

I dont see it ending up how everyone here and the MSM thinks it will. There wont be a war over oil.

This. And let's not forget Brazil is also an ally

Nah, it's about to pop off there, but we won't invade

We aren't talking about oil. We are talking about a shit load of oil

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My bad

Not with the Permian basin in texas pumping out more oil than the US has ever produced. We have a lot of leeway to get out of oil wars now.

If it kicks off it's just because Trump wants political points. It's proven that when a president starts a war their polling points tick up.

One can only wish...

You've never once won a war against guerrillas. This will be another Vietnam and Afghanistan shitshow.

In the very least we have a fair amount of glow niggers there already.

>sharts getting btfo'd
about time

Finally a fucking war on this side of the hemisphere.

We already own it, we're just cleaning house.

Yeah, what was the last one in this Hemi? That Suriname-Guyana conflict in the 90s?

If USA invades I'm switching sides instantly to the anti MAGA.

There's no need to invade. All of South America has come out in support of the opposition and there are massive protests which can no longer be contained. Maduro has no choice but to step down. He stands no chance of resisting this.

The USA will use Venezuela as the new Arabia, and they ll use it as such as soon as they end their shale.

Do you have any idea how fast the US can kill people.

I wonder how many Venezuelans even want Maduro.

Also refugees incoming! By the hundreds of thousands

Not a problem. Please suspend any roe.

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Their crude is the worst on the market

Didn't work out particularly well in Afghanistan or Iraq for you

Neocon Don ladies and gentlemen.

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Do you have any idea how long it took you just to eventually lose to a bunch of sandniggers?

Yeah because their technology sucks.

>Thinking we're doing anything other than having fun dumping agent orange on savages.
user... please... Just leave your bullshit in Canada.


But the military industrial complex will make less money if its a fast war. That isn't the American way.

More tax dollars for haliburton and union carbide!

Those are oil RESERVES, not deposits. US produces more than the entire Venezuelan reserve every month.

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Worked just fine in Iraq. As for Afghanistan the poppies are growing just fine and that's all were there to protect now. If you're play the us and them card then drop the memeflag so I can know who's trashing my country. No need to be a coward unless you feel your ideas are weak.

When did that happen?

Canada actually knows how to win wars. In fact, we've never lost one in our entire history.

wow youre stupid

>We already own it, we're just cleaning house.
putin and ping would like to have a talk with you

they're spics tho
barely a step above african warlords

Slow wars are for the middle east. The US has a long history of cleaning shit up quick when its close to home.

support maduro
for a better
south america tomorrow

Congrats. You're existence still ends on a whim of America.

Congrats. Your existence still ends on a whim of America.

No shit, they got the oils.

America only picks fights with literal savages, and they still always lose.

The strategy has always been to hit the enemy hard but keep them afloat as long as possible to draw out continued increases in military spending for the MIC. It barely makes money off a 1 week war.

There won’t be an invasion. There will be a bloody civil war. That’s why nonessential personnel are leaving.

Nah, this would be different from Vietnam for a variety of reasons. US can bring up the Monroe Doctrine as a caucus belli and justify the conflict and unlike Vietnam, the countries bordering Venezuela will probably help the US instead of having porous borders. Brazil especially wouldn’t mind adding some more logging land.

I guess we can fight Canada in about 10 - 15 years if that is the case.

The US is now a net exporter of oil thanks to fracking. We don't need the oil, if anything this is to bring the oil under control to stop it from being exported to China/Russia.

>American Education
Oil reserves denote the amount of crude oil that can be technically recovered at a cost that is financially feasible at the present price of oil.

You making a violin or something? What is that?

I'm looking forward to us beating your asses again.

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You weren't alive in 1812.

>Monroe Doctrine
thats not even a thing outside usa, dumbass

fucking, just feed the natives and set them loose on their own gov

Arent those called planers, mini-planers?

with a very high extraction cost...

Sure thing bud, support Maduro so your shitty little island gets overrun by refugees, next thing you know, theyre raping your whole village and using your own coconuts as storage space for their organs. Filthy commie scum

Prove it.

Various organic living material on Earth has great value on a galactic scale to others.
Things like gold or diamonds, not so much.
Remember that.

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Correction: We lost the one against Trudeau, fellow faggot.

just in the last century there had been around 29 wars for resources.
but dont take my word for it, im just an uneducated american white guy.

Wow you're stupid. Oil reserves are not total oil deposits. The US has more oil deposits than anyone in the world and it's becoming cheaper by the day to get to it. We don't need Venezuela's tiny reserves. We would burn through it in no time flat. Venezuela is meaningless to us. The shale oil boom has made Venezuela worthless.

We produce more for cheaper we don’t need it.

This is about eliminating Russia and Chinese access to oil and military influence in the Western Hemisphere

Nothing ever happens, user

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Well, it goes without saying that Maduro is going to have to do the die. Maybe we'll see the US Marines help him do it. Who knows, should be a lit 2019 thats for sure.

Nah. I think it is a safe enough assumption that the Canadian armed forces have lagged behind since the 1800s when comparing them to modern super powers. Hell I'd bet on Brazil over Canada. That would probably even be more fun than actually dumping the agent orange on you ourselves'. Pit fights to see who gets to be America's BFF this year.

Could very well happen. The CIA has funded tons of civil wars especially in south america. No one in power in south america is in power of their own accord. The CIA owns all the dictators down there.

You, mean Britain?

1812 leaf...oh wait, you were still taking it up the ass from Britain.

Also you suck at reading diagrams. The USA produces 10 million barrels a day.

Venezuela got oil reserves of 300,878 MMbbl barrels which means if you apply the 10 million barrels a day you have enough oil for about 30000 days

It's an exact replica mold (in dimensions, not clamp spaces) of the Stradivari 1716 Messiah violin.

The first one is going to be an American Fiddle, made of poplar and spruce. If it comes out halfway decent, I have some lovely tiger maple that's been aged 5+ years and will make a proper maple/spruce violin.

This is just a rainy day project for me because I've always wanted to make a violin. Probably take me all Spring and Summer to complete.

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You can’t afford to grill burgers onions

No need to invade. Drop some crates of toilet paper and food and watch them murder each other for it, then pick off the survivors with a drone.

Hahaha good one

Sometimes you silly burgers aren't that bad

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End yourself, nigger

Kek, I would by a ticket to see that.

Socialism will win.

Die capitalist pigs.

Why are you so concerned about our friendship?

Different name, same people. We never went back.

>you guys are retarded becuase im wrong about America’s motivations in Venezuela


checked, godspeed user

You're less retarded than the other mutt but I still disagree with you statement.

We have more oil than Venezuela will ever produce. We don't need their oil.

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in ten years they'll say wasn't real socialism cuz burgers interfered and do it all again ..the burger commies will say the same thing..there's no way governments can't know this..america is obviously the true evil in this world

I think we should send 0 troops, 0 tanks, and 0 dollars.

Please no war!
The last thing I need is more venezuelan refugees in this shit country.

I have a one way helicopter ticket for you
Go back where you belong >>>>>>>>/leftypol/

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You’d be wrong to disagree because it’s factually true

It's not about America needing oil, it's about China needing oil.
China is dependent on foreign oil, the more control America has over oil sources, the more leverage it has over China.

The blue bar is not important right now and must be proven to be correct. Also if you apply those technologies to the other countries their reserves will also drastically increase or do you think countries like russis aren't capable to do the same thing kek

I hope you get Sandy Hook'd

now that's a kek

If we let Maduro have his way, then the refugees will never stop coming.
Also, not sure if you realize, but if the US invades, you can be 100% that Brazil will invade too.