Time to settle this, which is the most based state in this bloc
Time to settle this, which is the most based state in this bloc
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Probably Detroit.
Definitely not Ohio. That much I can assure you.
t. Ohioan
Ohio. Pretty much decides every election. "As Ohio goes, so goes the nation." That's pretty based, and you can't say that about any of those other backwater asscrack states.
now stay the fuck out
Wisconsin is pretty nice, at least in the unincorporated townships.
whats wrong with ohio besides the shitty rural parts?
All of them except Illinois and Minnesota
The Liberal urban parts.
Indiana for sure. Now squarely a red state.
Wisconsin for shore
Michigan. We have legal weed, the best beer, and literally 1/3rd of the PLANET'S fresh water supply bordering our entire state. We also have extremely lacks firearm laws, everyone can open carry without a permit. My dad's buddy does contracting work in Detroit and requires everyone buy a gun and open carry.
Because of Trump?
I imagine that both MN, MI, and IL are all out due to their superior numbers of somali shitskins and niggers.
I just learned that location of kansas lol
Bro Detroit is tiny now, only Minnesota actually has Somali niggers now
It's all shit. Stop coming here faggots.
Upper Michigan. Stay the fuck out, we're full.
Are the cities done for?
Wisconsin master race, fuck Madison and Milwaukee though
Whichever is most non Hispanic white in 50 years.
Wisconsin. Madison, for its liberal reputation, is practically a white ethnostate. Niggers creep in, but the lefties are happy to kick their government housing to the curb.
Illinois - fucked beyond belief.
Minnesota - right behind Illinois.
Iowa - nothing there except corn.
Michigan - too many Mudslimes.
Ohio - LMFAO enjoy Cincinatti/Cleveland.
Indiana - not bad but Wisconsin is prettier and has less meth users.
As a native Lake Genevan, Wi expat living in Arizona..You are based.
Michigan! We rule. Open carry. Shall issue. Recreational weed is legal. Governor cannot pass a tax unlesd the voters approve. 3500 miles of shoreline. Hunt. Fish. Snowmobile.
My grandparents live in Yuma for the winter, I always have fun down there and I dont even see that many beans.
that's a bunch of shit right there
but if i had to guess, probably indiana
for real though, if that whole region were to be wiped off the map, no body would notice or care
>Recreational weed
Ah, so if I move there and my neighborhood smells like shit I can blame that?
I’m moving to Missouri in a month. What am I in for?
Lol ur life LACKS education
>thinks ohio is shitty in only the rural parts
AHAHA you reddit faggot, Ohio's cities are absolute nigger filled shitholes.
i wonder if you guys have actually been to ohio or if you're just reacting to my negative comment towards a rural part of america.
All cities are m8
Nobody is taking the bait. Everyone knows rural Ohio is the absolute best place to live.
t.Natti trash
Geneva sucked ever since Gameland closed.
UofM is a top ranked college on planet Earth and MSU is Big 10. Youre a fucking idiot lol
yeah i fucking love basedbeans and walmart supercenters as far as the eye can see.
Wisconsin outside of the major liberal hubs and Iowa (Des Moines is actually pretty based for a bigger city)
You've never been, have you? And I'm talking east OH, Amish country is unironically based af.
West Virginia...a little corner of it on photo....based state.
I wouldn't call Minnesota based, but I made it to 20 without seeing more than 6 niggers ever. 4 of them were imports to the community college. The downside is I was woefully unprepared for what the rest of the country looked like until I traveled to Louisiana for a job. We don't have to pre-pay for fuel and I had never seen bulletproof glass before.
Those are clues that niggers are near in the area
Indiana, Wisconsin, and MI's Upper Peninsula easy
Isle Royale is literally Eden
Upper Peninsula was aryan af precolonisation, ancient phoenecians ran copper mines for hundreds of years and btfo'd natives
I'm well aware now but I've been traveling for work for 9 years. Every time I finish a job I'm so thankful to go back to the great white north
from best to worst:
yeah, Milwaukee is overrun, so is Madison in next 10 years. but overall it's based and /comfy/
Somalis are breeding faster than regular nigs, but 70% of newborns are white, and people appreciate hockey there which is as we all know white men's sport
Whitest among all these, but not as comfy as TOP2 and Michigan
Detroilet is bad like any other big medium-sized city, but nature-wise it's the best state
poor, full of junkies, but still 71% of newborns are white and Columbus is still somehow majority white
meh, just meh
All of this is false. It's dark as night up here. The midwest sucks. Stay away.
I lived in Ohio for 5 years, all the cities are shitholes.
Nah, there are at least 3 decent cities in Michigan. Ohio it's all niggersville.
Michigan is the best hands down. Anything south of 8 mile is trash though.
Many thanks
>1 million
>3 years
Yeah the slimes are all concentrated in Dearborn and the UP has zero niggers that aren’t in prison, (or at school which about half are tolerable).
Although I did go to Tahquamenon Falls last year and it was walk to wall bitch lasagna
Kansas has the best gun laws
GTFO and go welcome those refugees faggot cuck
Clearly Indiana
How is the state of Kansas and the Kansas city area
There are tiny bits of North and South Dakota in that pic. So one of them for sure. I prefer SD, but that's mainly because I have family there.
what part, im in the weed city
or pajeettown, whatever youd like to call it
-- Hamilton
Which part? Do you like the outdoors? If so the bottom half is based. The top half is an extension of Kansas.
Minnesota will vote Trump next year.
Wtf Poland
Michigan is the Chad of states.
Prove me wrong.
Tip: you can't
I doubt it. We were close in 2016 but I'm pretty sure it just made the twin shitties more reactionary because of it
>one neighbor are niggers
>they have 2 giant rottweilers
>they are outside constantly, barking at 2am
>2 houses down, more niggers with 6 kids
>the father is constantly grilling
>kids always in the street
>some crazy lady comes over to my house and puts her trash in my trash can
>she dresses like a flasher
>she even keeps her fucking bag and just dumps the rest in my can
>another crazy lady who is actually notorious and nicknamed crazy mary
>doesnt have a car and rides her bike everywhere
>constantly screams and swears at people
stay out of ohio everyone