America is installing their guy in Venezuela

Attached: (((Murica))).png (788x635, 344K)

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.. and it's a good thing

Attached: American (((democracy))).png (1148x565, 305K)

Israel and the USA stand with this fine gentleman.

It just means more Mossad ops.


Why doe the UK not recognise Maduro as the president?

Attached: (((BOE))).png (971x660, 280K)

Sorry, not Trumps doing. The Lima Group countries endorsed the new president, who asserts the constitution gives him the interim presidency.

Attached: C8D0884B-9970-4725-AD0D-503D251769D2.png (500x522, 94K)

Are we *colluding* with Guaido?

Interesting. So this piece falls into the puzzle that is getting Europe out of the financial hole it's in right now... Interesting indeed.