Oldfag Q&A Part 10: Political Theater

Politics is a show of personality, a public clash of will. We have all heard the term Political Theater, but this concept is not as benign as we might think. If it is a Political Theater, then who are the actors "truly" and what do they stand to gain by being in this play? What is its' penultimate purpose?

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Welcome new and old fags, shills kikes. Get it while it's hot, my threads get snipped like American baby dicks.

Old threads to peruse:


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>who are the actors "truly" and what do they stand to gain by being in this play

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama. Who are these people, what do they mean to you? Did Barack Obama change the way the world sees American Black men? What about American White men? Do Hillary and Trump do the same? What are the implications of having a figure that can impact your mental association with an archetype that encompasses millions of individuals?

Keep it political please.

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i am a orginial fag

They are materialists at the end of the day, yes, but there is more to it than what they have to gain. It is "how" they gain. Their ability to manipulate with thousands of years of skin in the game is next to none. Do you want to peek behind the curtain?

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Welcome, brother!

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Summoning my all time favorite posters: Puritan Fag, I know you were in the last one right before it got Shoah'd. Welcome back, friend. Also, Dark Occult Wizard and Kennedy Grandson. Thanks to the Wizard for rightly pointing out the need for practicing non dominant hand artistry to help build your very own Temple of Solomon. Kennedy Grandson; the bantz were fun.

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What are you getting at? Jews run the world. It's not a secret.


Must watch for all Jow Forumstards.

No. That is a Jesuit armband. Those are the Roman Numerals for 911, and IXXI also represents the temple of Solomon and Jachin and Boaz. Jews are useful idiots, false flagged by their own masters for their own divide and conquer purposes.

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Dumbass. I'm a mason.

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What degree/rite? If you are a 3rd degree blue lodge then KYS if you are seriously going to try and argue a single thing about Masonry with me.

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Then what are you?

I'm not a deviant moral relativist who fucks little kids and corrupts police precincts in pursuit of the (((great work))). I'm no saint but I know for sure that you fuckers are all evil, stupid, or both. KYS, set your Blue Lodge on fire and KYS and all of your "Brothers" who swap wives, children, and spit on the uninitiated while glad handing and sodomizing each other through life. Maybe you could redeem your soul a tiny bit.

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>I'm not a deviant moral relativist who fucks little kids and corrupts police precincts
...but enough about Jews.
>"Brothers" who swap wives, children, and spit on the uninitiated while glad handing and sodomizing each other through life
Not, what we do.

Yeah, You guys aren't up to anything at all. Nothing to see her folks. This brings me to my next point. "Actors" and Political Theater.

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If you want real masonic supplies, go to

The elite are, and have been acting, or employing actors for as long as the sun has shown. False flags are as old as time and the mystery schools of antiquity learned long ago what makes a man truly tick.

Our reality reflects this understanding. Much, if not all of what we engage with in daily life is this theater, or a direct result of it. There few respites from it, and those that exist are being whittled away at day and night. These are family, nation, race, tradition, religion. Make no mistake, they are coming for you all. Whites might be the first on the list, but that's only because you take our your most dangerous and wily opponent first, lest he gets wind of your intent. No one will be spared.

Thanks, going to give you guys my personal info right now. Time to shop!

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Sadly, much of what we see as political theater is not truth, but a facade, with deeper, intricate, and sinister gears turning beneath. The stories we have been told are just that, stories. They are stories meant to influence our beliefs about the most fundamental aspects of the world around us, so that we work, unknowingly, to create the world that (((they))) want us to.

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Ebil Nahtsees :
>Holocausted 6,000,000 Jews
>Helped Jews resettle in Palestine and returned their money to them
Which is it?

When Jow Forums first started we had raids from newgrounds. We called them newfags. Nobody that’s been here for a long time uses that word to describe a new person.

The 6 Million is a fabricated number that is required in their own scripture for them to even be allowed to return to Israel. That is why the number was pushed and inflated long before the war. The Askhe(((Nazis))) were taking of Judaism once and for all. Zionism was born of WW2, and is headed by the Kazars. This a major schism in Judaism, as many Hacidics do not agree with Zionism or the state of Israel.

Thank you for that history lesson professor pedant.

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>many Hacidics do not agree with Zionism or the state of Israel
>Not all Jews

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Jews and Goyim are like the Scorpion and the Frog. I have made no claims that Jews of any color going to get along with Gentile society, I am simply saying that they are not a unified front as you might imagine, though they do work with one another and the "clan" in mind. Thank you for your charitable contribution.

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They seem pretty fokin unified to me. Enough to take over the entire world, except for Iran and Venezuela, possibly North Korea

...and Syria

When I saw the picture of our Lady Bird Johnson in the making, I seriously considered joining, but then I saw that you all let in pic related and was horrified. I just couldn't after what he did to Blink.

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Okay, yeah, right, Jews run the show, blah blah blah. Thank you.

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It depends what lodge you join. If your local lodge/city is white, then it'd probably be all white men.

Why did you join?

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I like the esoteric and Gnostic teachings. Most are Christians. What's that picture? Stephen Colbert seems like a Jesuit, and is playing his role.

Just two satanic pedophiles palling around. Do you not realize that organized schools for these teachings are corrupted from the top down? You can learn these things on your own without losing your soul.

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Just a couple of dudes, duding around.

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John Podesta, Colbert, Obama, and Jarod lol, aren't masons though are any of them?
Colbert is definitely a Jesuit
Obama is a CIAnigger
Jarod is a Jew pedo

And Masons are different... how?

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You're just a little petal on the tree of black occultism. Why do you think that you are different from the Kabalists, The Suffis, the Knights Templar, The Rosicrutions, the CIA, Knights Malta, Jesuits, Wahabbi'ists? What makes your bullshit special?

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All the worlds a stage and,
we are merely players
performers and portrayals
each another's audience beyond the gilded cage

keep it up, some OC for you

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Masonry is actually about morality. And the symbols which aren't secret teach us that. Show me some actual masons that are into evil shit.

It all stems from the same poison root. Human Slavery and Sacrifice. Save yourself friend, not for Jesus, or an afterlife, not even in the Church. GTFO of the Masons ASAP. I have had first hand experience with a number of high ranking Masons, confronting them on these things directly. I have also had first hand experience with their victims. Find yourself a high ranking Scottish/Yorkish Rite, if you really want the dirty low down find yourself a Jester. Those disgusting shriner fucks entertain (corrupt) the police using their childrens hospitals as fuck fuel to blackmail them into the satanic NWO.

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Is that Korean bitch throwing up the 666?

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Digits confirm

Did you not see ?

You are about "shaping" morality, or "moral relativity" rather. You are like the frog in the boiling water, with the heat turning up around you all the time, until you become another corrupted useful idiot engaging in black tantra, doing your part for the great work. You are worse than a Jew, at least they recognize one another and that they are working for a common goal. You are just a useful idiot. Your high ranking members have told me as truth, in fact I recall asking a 32nd degree Scottish Rite and a 14th degree Yorkish Rite what the biggest impediment is for the average man in terms of becoming "enlightened". He had two words: "Moral Flexibility".

Nicely said, friend.

Yeah, I feel bad for SK. Their leaders publicly outed occultists and the population is so head fucked that they just don't care. Sacrificing ferried of children to Canaanite gods.

By what means?

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I guess the way I see it is, some people become enlightened and choose to serve God
And others become enlightened and believe they ARE god and nothing matters

Also this apparently is some kind of art piece.
>Matthew Barney: The Cremaster Cycle
It's not a legit thing.

Are you suggesting that you are serving god, and that I think that I am god? Or are you suggesting that you can navigate the moral waters of an organization where most people use this knowlege to become personal gods where as you, complicit with their behaviors and the organizations goals as a whole, separately work for something pure and profound? I'm sorry, I have met "those" masons, and I'm not buying it. I have talked to them about the misdeeds of their brothers, and how they couldn't rat them out and if they did no one would listen/they would be hurt. The complicit man is just as guilty as the ring leader. Your actions perpetuate this system, even if you think you are a good example of it.

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You are right. Masons have no interest in trannies. This is just art.

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saville funeral

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looks like it

Nice pic, thank you. Very fitting.

Yes it does, though I don't know how (((Korean))) he looks.

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No, I wasn't talking about you. Just people in general who after "enlightenment" think they are God and become moral relativists. Also do you have anything on actual masons who did fucked up shit?

Ooof, loving those diggis. Self pat on the back for those.

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Are Michelle and Barack masons?


#Greatwork #Gettingthat33rd

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No this one.
With the Korean lady.
See if you can find any legitimate masons throwing up the 666

Jesus, dude. The Masons are a "part" of the global structure. Barack was taught the Mysteries and thought himself to be Osiris (because the Knights Malta/CIA filled his head with that bullshit). He was made a Mason after his election, but never understood how to wield "Masons" effectively (A 32nd degree Mason told me this verbatim).

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Which one is Beyonce's butt hole?

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Tom Delonge was trying to push "Disclosure" with Podesta. He is a Mason, pushing Disinfo for the global pedo elite, Bad Mason.

If your mind is powerful enough, literally anything can be Beyonces b-hole.

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Shakespeare was a great playwright.

Is there anything "official" that proves Obama is a mason?
George Washington was a mason
and my favorite James Monroe of the Virginia Militia was too

All these people are pieces of shit, but I'm not seeing any real evidence of them being masons, or belonging to any lodge.

>that image
Hello 8/tg/. Missed you.

Francis Bacon was a definite mememaster.

Yes. This man gave me a picture signed in Obamas Blood swearing that he was a Mason. Goddamn you are lame, be a Mason if you want, I don't give a fuck, but your desire to preserve the sanctity of this organization in your mind is going to be challenged daily on the /chinz/. I will go against my better judgement and assume that you are not a shill and tell you simply this: Good Luck. I hope there are Pharmacies on your journey Eastward, you are going to need some Preparation H.

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>Sadly, much of what we see as political theater is not truth
It is a "Nobel Lie"...

anything is anything

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Was Justin tired?

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>When Jow Forums first started we had raids from newgrounds. We called them newfags. Nobody that’s been here for a long time uses that word to describe a new person.
I've been here a loooong time and I've never heard that one before.

It is the biggest fraternity in the world. And I can't be held responsible for what every mason does. You're grand fathers or great grand fathers may have been masons too. It was a lot bigger in the old days.

Interesting take, I have considered this before. Care to elaborate what your thoughts on this are?

Yes it is.

Fidel Castro is his father. Look up his mothers History with him. You poor, blind leafs...

They were. I am not. Because I recognize evil and avoid it. Have fun.

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Palindrome digits confirm, Masons get fucked.

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Leafs aren't blind.
Optics are good.
Who posted the picture?

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I recognize that bitch she lived by my Grandmother in Saratoga NY when I was a kid...

Whoa OP, you mad rich, yo.


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>Democracy is mankind's most powerful ritual against the strongest of its demons.

>Those who seek to pervert it have been touched by the devil and must be excised.

Working on my new religion, how do these two verses sound to y'all.

Woefully misguided. (((Democracy))) is a terrible mistake.

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defend your claim

axiom for argumentation: I don't consider the western popularity contest sham governments democracies.

Simply put, people do not know what is best for them, and no one is teaching them. Democracy will never work with the world the way it is today. The human psyche is too flawed to produce anything beyond the tyranny of the masses. Programmed by and for the benefit of the ruling class, democracy can only be a gilded cage.

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To elaborate further: A functioning democracy would require philosopher kings that teach the population what is best for *them* and not the kings. Interjecting Democracy into the situation would only act as a test for the Philosopher Kings teachings (at best) at worst it would be a wedge in their undoing. Philosopher Kings (which, admittedly we will never have) are the only useful form of "government". The only *realistic* form of government that promotes true freedom and equality is Anarchy.

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>Interesting take, I have considered this before. Care to elaborate what your thoughts on this are?
It was a Platonic concept whereby the "elite" (usurpers) feel they have an absolute right to lie to the unwashed heathen masses, because in their esteemed opinion (of themselves or their capabilities), it serves some utilitarian purpose...

That is what I imagined. I thought you might have some perspective from someone who truly sympathizes with this view. I have met a few, talking to them about it and hearing their rational is always interesting.

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1) citizens have a duty to inform themselves, but may elect a representative
1.1) if they elect a representative, they must consume an evening meal with them at least once a month.
2) Argumentation is allowed, but demagoguery is high treason
4) False representation is high treason
3) Traitors shall be excised.

Things we must sacrifice:

I agree, I've given up on the philosopher king, other than myself. And I'd call anyone who'd accept me as their philosopher king an idiot.

In the absence of ideals we have to find tools to deal with reality.

I don't meant to disparage your contribution, I am looking to learn more about the mindset of those involved. I don't have anyone else to argue with anymore.

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Donald Trump is a reality TV star with the highest ratings. That's why he is President. He is owned and controlled 100% by the Jews, just like every other candidate that ever runs.

Nope, I don't believe in the concept of "elite" the reality of that bullshit can be traced through European "elite" incest and hemophilia.

The only freedom anyone would have is the freedom to GTFO and not come back.

>(((Democracy))) is a terrible mistake.
Just ask Socrates...

...which is why nearly every major British author is also affiliated with the secret service. From Philip Sidney to Marlowe to Crowley to Dahl to Le Carre. The Globe theater was an espionage school.

Well, based on your second statement then you must understand that the first set of conditions is folly. We already have perfect psycopaths leading us, we don't need them to employ additional theatrics to placate us. We need less of *them* all together.

Sadly... Likely... Very true.

El-ite, el-ect. El-lohim. They think they are descended from gods.

I think that would be a mistake. It is time to be the change you want to see.

I'm not familiar with his thoughts on the subject but in understanding him a bit as a thinker I don't imagine them to be in favor of it.

And American Rockers are army brats and CIA sparrows.

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Oldfags what advice do you have for 20-somethings who just don’t want to see the world burn?

Besides having and raising children...

Don't wanna hear about it
Every single ones got a story to tell
Everyone knows about it
From the Queen of England to the Hounds of Hell

- Jack White, "Seven Nation Army"

Tell me something about yourself. Not glownigger stuff, but give me a little more to go on if you really want me to give you some useful advice. What do *you* think you want?

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kino picture... but why does a wizard have a sword?

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Yeah. Most musicians are satanists. Most of our ruling and entertainment elite seem to be Thelemites.


No Wizard would ever ask this.

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>No Wizard would ever ask this.
Don't No True Scotsman my question - you draw more attention to it now - why would a wizard carry a sword he doesn't have the physique to wield properly?

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what about the masonic congress of wilhelmsbad and the "unknown superiors"? what of the continental freemasonry, the carbonari and the alta vendita? what of John Robisons work "proofs of a conspiracy"? i could go on. masonry was the seed which spread through the revolutions in france, america, italy, turkey, russia, mexico and central/south america. behind it were those fully aware of the luciferian plots and devices.

Wizards are imbued with otherwordly power, harnessing energies that go unnoticed by most men. Would you engage this man in a sword fight? I would not. Gandalf slay the Balrog deep in the earth, and that was as a lowly Grey Wizard.

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Political dogma has supplanted religious dogma to disastrous effects that are yet to be fully realized. You cannot politick your way out of moral problems. Sodomy is not something that can be ((((voted))) on. These are immoralities who's reponsibilities and consequences cannot be outsourced to the mob via ((((democracy))) aka demoncrazy
Pic is an interesting story regarding the pinkton farm as it served as a hub for high society deviancy in canada but that part is always neglected in reporting

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Well said. Please do go on. I love to learn. Yes, they had to knock down the traditional families to make way for the NWO. The seeds were sewn long ago and our understanding of the French and Russian revolutions is just fabricated lies. The global financiers funded the insurrection and used agitprop to get the population on board. There is nothing new under the sun.

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