So I've been talking with my father for a long time about politics.
Tonight, afterthe whole Indian guy thing, he says, "user, I'm ready to learn more about this whole Jewish thing, with the media and everything. Something is not right, and some of the stuff you've been saying is coming together. Feed me."
He specifically asked for me to send him stuff for him to read. Great chance to redpill him with images.
Anyway, what do you guys think? What images should I send an old boomer who has opened themselves up to learn more about the JQ?
inb4 “you a jew” protestant blood flows through me.
Brandon Sullivan
Thats a good idea, but I think right now a few good image files to get his neurons firing are best while the fire is starting. Kinda like blowing on a fire before putting the big pieces of wood on it.
Jace Kelly
show him Jordan Maxwell >doesnt know who Jordan Maxwell is
Mason Phillips
>nothing has ever been done This is the only time a jew has ever told the truth.
The only solution is to redpill the whole world on them so people stop falling for their satanic bullshit schemes. With technology now we may have the means to do it.
It's not cringy and off putting "Hilter was right" crap. It's a snarky and funny look at empirical data about how far to the left Jews push the West away from the average non-Jewish political opinion and how they accomplish this via control of the media.
Zachary Cox
I love the JE WISH people.
Some among them are imposters with any church.
>”hold on dad, let me just ask my anonymous internet friends”
Fucking idiot
Parker Nguyen
>most religions
Which ones besides christianity? Christians were not allowed to because Jesus said not to lend at interest
Christian Martinez
Look up "Culture of Critique for Normies" on YouTube. I think the original is down but there are of course reuploads. It's somewhat long but it breaks down the main points.
The Alt Hyp video linked before is OK but the delivery might be a little off-putting to Boomers. I'd hold off unless you know he's previously responded well to Faulk's autism.
Lincoln Young
Tell us more about you feeding him your cummies
Juan Perry
>nothing has ever been done.
HA, 109 countries kicked them out. Countless attempts at extermination. Cockroaches are hard to take out.
Against Our Better Judgment: The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel by Alison Weir
Brody Sullivan
Christianity and Islam both forbid usury as a sin. Take away meme philosophical religions like Shinto and Buddhism, and that alone is the great majority of all non-secular peoples.
Jose Cox
Refer him to National Vanguard. Lots of well thought out articles
Add in some transmutation of male sexual energy. There is a reason the Jews push porn and hedonistic lifestyles so much. (samael aun weor the perfect matrimony, mantak chia, etc)
>nothing has ever been done on the contrary, the amount that has been done against the jews is redpill material, and we're not finished with the expulsions and genocides until every last one is dead.
Jackson Rivera
>christians aren't cuc--
Liam Rivera
A good aproach for him would by THE INTERNATIONAL JEW by Henry Ford, so the redpill would be easier to swallow.
Be progressive you got to start very slowly or it will backfire, its like fishing